The Great Pork is so disfunctional that it is suing itself into self destruction. This is a funny to watch so long as one is not an Irvine taxpayer. It is not terribly surprising that a radical socialist like Larry Agran has been exposed for the corrupt politician he is. He has no intention of delivering a park. He is just looking to shakedown developers and taxpayers for money. Does any other park in Irvine have such a multi layered secretive park board? Heritage Park? William Mason Park? No.
As one can see the Great Pork is not really about a park but about fooling the gullable voters about supporting a land grab of a national asset called El Toro International Airport. If Agran really truly wanted a park he would call Los Angeles and lease them the land for $2 billion for an airport.
The problem is he would have to backtrack and admit to the South County denizens that he grossly exaggerated the impacts of an airport in order to terrify South County into handing him the base. If the county controlled the airport like the original plans called for, Agran would not get a cut of the action like he has with the Great Pork.
If airports were so bad, why does Irvine allow zoning to build condos within half a mile of John Wayne? Why do property values for Santa Ana Heights greatly exceeed those near El Toro which have "jet free skies"? One can only conclude they were snookered by the Agranista into voting for the ultimate failure of a park. Even a 3rd world country can do a better job than Irvine in developing a park.
Vern: It's Gullible, not gullable.
Donald: It's Dying, not dieing.
One would think the NIMBY Beach "Elite" would know the English language and how to spell,and if they did we might take their posts semi-seriously. But from what I've seen here Vern and Donald can strap a leaf-blower to their backs and come mow my lawn anytime. South County has no time for pro-airport, illiterate NIMBYS. If you can't speak English then shut the f**k up.
Maybe Jerry Springer is looking for some new idiots for his show. Donald and Vern should be first in line. IQ under 50 is all that’s required
Great article, Vernon. Yeah I was wondering who sued who for what and lost, but obviously Great Park lost and has to pay attorney's fees of $80,000. More of Lennar's money down the drain. But the death of the park where some would want houses and responsible people want an international airport is an issue all stake-holders take seriously. Now that the Great Park is toast and pollution and the economy denies builders houses the viable alternative is to open El Toro International Airport. Irvine can do it by calling up LAWA to start the flights, and telling its old ETRPA allies it made a mistake. The airport is quiet and they want to build hotels in the buffer zone. El Toro International Airport is just what the doctor ordered to save hotels, jobs, bankruptcies and foreclosures. The airport is there and will bring peace and prosperity to South County. Monarch Beach's Mononimbyosis will dry up and blow away. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
927, I laughed and laughed when Lone NIMBY took the bait with spell-checking of gullible and dying. Proof positive that anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs simply can not ignore this website. The time to open the airport is when NIMBYs are confused, gullible and dying off. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need peace and prosperity and no more Mononimbyosis.
Look out! Spelling Nazi is back! She can't refute anything posted by Donald or Vern. She can only nitpick spelling errors.
She is just a whiny professional victim who got brainwashed by Larry Agran that there would be a Great Pork.
Wow Donald, you got the entire pro-airport cheer leading team out for that one. Are you idiots having a NIMBY Convention?
BTW 12:51, I am not female. I suspect you may be spending too much time in the closet with Donald and Vern. And I am sorry that I'm obviously much smarter and better educated than any one of you, and have a superior command of English and how to spell. Spend a little less time in the closet and a little more time with lexicon and make your mama proud.
927, Lone NIMBY, aka Spelling Nazi, sounds a wee bit racist with incessant reference to gardening, leaf blowers, and the lot. Of course we always knew NIMBYs were racists, the way they treated LAX neighbors who only demand environmental justice. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need El Toro International Airport for 30 million annual passengers, starting now.
736 is a pointy headed liberal who is obsessed with spelling errors. She is yet to say why keeping El Toro open would be bad or give a sound defense on the lack of progress at the Great Pork.
I await eagerly for an answer. Instead she will find some obscure grammatical error to pick apart and then gloat how much "smarter" she is than everyone else.
1042, yes, Lone NIMBY must be a pointy headed liberal obsessed with an inferiority complex that denies the overwhelming need for El Toro International Airport because it is the only airport close by with runways for nonstop flights to Dubai, Frankfort and Tokyo. Give us our airport, Lone NIMBY, and you will be glad you did. Stop shilling for residential housing which can not happen. There is much more money in commercial property supporting El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Everyone will like you, especially the 30 million annual passengers waiting in the wings.
Donald, you are just a pin head.
1129, Lone NIMBY, a pointy headed liberal opposed to El Toro International Airport, knows only how to insult people, and that is why the whole anti-El Toro International Airport teaching staff is losing the war. After a particularly eloquent posting in favor of opening El Toro International Airport, all Lone NIMBY had to say was, "You're a pin head." That's an insult, and I demand an apology. The pointy headed liberal must apologize for an insult. Stop shilling for the housing builders that can not build and the NIMBYs that have no brains. Open the airport, already built, where all you have to do is turn on the lights for 30 million annual passengers waiting in the wings.
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