An audit was recently done on the greatest bait and switch in Orange County history. Examining the Great Corpse was like opening up a dumpster as the stench of the corruption was pretty strong!
According to the Orange County register, the findings include:
•A possible double billing of about $15,500 from one unnamed consultant. The audit notes that the consultant denied the double-billing when asked about it by the design studio, but provided no records disputing it. City officials did not disclose the name of the contractor.
•Work on contract change orders that was carried out before Great Park staffer's approval.
•Explanations for work performed by the design studio that were "brief, vague and general," making it impossible to tie their descriptions of what had been completed to what they were required to produce.
•A "lack of discernible evidence" that consultants' time cards had been reviewed or approved by supervisors.
Several consultants who didn't meet insurance requirements, with some having expired insurance certificates and some never obtaining them.
•A "number of problems" with travel and reimbursable expenses, although the audit doesn't specify what those problems are or which design team members are involved. The design studio was paid $156,000 for travel and $246,000 in reimbursable expenses during the contract covered by the audit.
Now does this really surprise anybody; except the most gullible out there who actually thought they would be getting a park? Larry Agran and his band of thieves do not care about creating a park; even though they do spend millions in advertising their make believe park.
They certainly did not and do not care about the "quality of life" for South County residents by "protecting" them from that "big bad evil" airport called El Toro. If they "cared" so much about the people, then why do they consistently approve residential development literally across the street from John Wayne? All they care about is getting rich from land that El Toro International Airport sits on.
Now we all know that airports bring in tourism revenue and create jobs. However, since the county or an airport entity like Los Angeles World Airport Authority would run the show, then Agran and his cronies could not get their "gravy", as Agran once told the late former council member Dave Christiensen.
As Rush Limbaugh once said, "I hope Obama fails". Therefore, I say "I hope the Great Pork fails." Ladies and gentlemen that is indeed what is happening in both instances. Obamamism will only make the people revolt and return America to its true conservative values. Agranism continues to turn people off from the park. As a result, more and more people all the time, including his formerly brainwashed victims in South County are seeing they have been scammed.
Look at the Register message boards and more posters are saying all the time, "It should be an airport". It is only a matter of time economically before TWO BILLION DOLLARS from Los Angeles is just too much to turn down. In the meantime, The Agranistas will continue to make the Great Pork self destruct from the weight of its own corruption. That is why we endorsed them for re-election. Keep up the "good work" boys.
Fantastic story about Great Park corruption as determined by an audit and reported on by the Register newspaper. The people are coming around to wanting El Toro International Airport open. No doubt that is due to this sterling website with well-reasoned articles, and raging and ranting of anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs. Vernon Delights said: "I hope the Great Pork fails." He got the idea from Rush Limbaugh who said: "I hope Obama fails." There's two good excuses for failure. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's time for bait and switch to go airport, with a few affordable houses thrown in.
The Great Park audit revealed double billings, work on change orders before staff approval, vague instructions making it impossible to see what had been completed and what was to be produced. Designers got $156,000 for travel and twice that amount on reimburseable expenses. Sounds like corruption to me, and the only way to clean out this dumpster is to open El Toro International Airport, with all expenses above board and clean books that will withstand any audit. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The Great Park is toast and El Toro International Airport is needed, wanted, FAA approved and safe.
Did the thought of double bookings inspire your double mindless posting?
1241, double bookings was the mindless tool of Nimbys to fill up a flight and force its cancellation. It only worked once, because we know who the Nimbys now are. The reality of El Toro demand is that there are 30 million annual passengers waiting in the wings. Hell, we can increase it to 45 million annual passengers, because an EIR was done for that too. NIMBYs grossly underestimate demand. People want to fly, not ride trains, buses or cars. I think we could squeeze 90 million annual passengers into a LAWA run El Toro. That's what Mayor Riordan was all about for LAX. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Double bookings will not save the NIMBYs.
Donald we could squeeze 500 billion of your imaginary passengers into El Toro. The airport doesn't exist, the passengers don't exist, much like your sanity doesn't exist. Plus, you only replies to my post once, double posting seems to be your reason for living this week. You're now down by three. Get typing. Those voices in your head demand an outlet.
852, you can't deny that SCAG came up with 30 million annual passengers for El Toro and it has impeccable credentials. It was adopted by the huge majority of SCAG members. Take a look at those jumbo jet runways. It's a real airport that really exists. Only Lone Nimby can ignore reality and retreat into a dream world of nothing. There's big money on the table for Irvine, and you know what motivates the rulers of Irvine. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I said we could put 45 million annual passengers there or even squeeze in 90 MAP, but I never ever said 500 billion. That's just propaganda.
Donald history has shown that you have better odds picking numbers at a roulette table that SCAG has shown picking MAP numbers. In fact, spinning a roulette wheel is apparently how they come up with them.
Come on Donnie, you're supposed to be double posting to support double billing. You're falling way behind.
1247, there's cutie pie so-called anonymous complaining about SCAG again. I never said 500 billion annual passengers for El Toro and neither did SCAG. That was Lone NIMBY's number, trying to poke fun at my 90 million Mayor Reardon number. I still think LAWA could squeeze in 90 million at El Toro. The first EIR was for 45 million before they did the 30 million. Turn on the lights, Vernon. People want to fly, and El Toro International Airport has efficient jumbo jet cross runways.
When the passengers are all in your imagination you can fit in as many as you want. If you're going to keep living in your El Toro fantasy why not make it a good one? Why not have 500 billion passengers? Maybe Jesus could be a pilot. Maybe Bill Gates could carry your bags. MAye the jets could fly at the speed of light. Of course none of this will happen, and neither will El Toro.
Donald, I have a fabulous idea. Why don't YOU move to Irvine and run for mayor? Then YOU could try to open up your fantasy airport. After all, you keep saying that there isn't a city in the country that won't live up to it's responsibility. Running for mayor in Irvine is YOUR responsibility, it's your calling. And just think, on that glorious day when the first plane load of your 30 million passengers is ready to take off, it could be YOU that flips the switch and "turns on the lights".
Cmon, Donald, it's time to put up or shut up.
What's that? You don't want to live right next door to an airport? That's what I thought!
853, there you go again with your 500 billion annual passengers for El Toro International Airport. I told you, over and over, my biggest number was 90 million annual passengers. This is after SCAG's 30 million and the two EIRs of 30 million and 45 million. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY is living in a dream world.
725, you're up early. Noboby, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. That's why it's so great. LAWA's two billion dollars simply is too good to turn down. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY wants pro-El Toro International Airport candidates for mayor of Irvine.
The Great Park is the Great Corpse, and it is ready for burial. Nothing is built and nothing is demolished. El Toro International Airport is here to stay. Now that Irvine is saturated with flights from John Wayne Airport, even the most rabid of El Toro opponents are re-thinking delaying the re-opening. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is here to stay.
Nothing is demolished? Ahhhhhahahahaha! That's a good one, Donald. Perhaps you need a little drive over to the good city of Irvine to see what's left of El Toro.
ETIA is dead, Donald, long live the Duke!
I see you were in the Daily Pilot again with a letter whining about The Duke. Rather than waste your time beating a dead horse called El Toro which is no longer open for business, why don't you simply sell your house and move to place with quiet skies......like South County for instance.
Surely you could find some gullible person to pay top dollar for your so called "elite" Newport Beach address. There are plenty of snowbirds from the east coast who come out to Cali just for weatha.
They would be so happy to have sunshine that they hardly even notice the jets.
Nothing upsets Lone Nimby more than to hear that Great Park is dead and El Toro International Airport is here to stay. Why do I say it? Because it's the truth and anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs can't handle truth. The city of Irvine should sponsor one sight seeing landing per month so we elite can see how great that re-opened airport will be. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is here to stay.
I just saw your lil gem in the Daily Pilot.
When John Wayne Airport was designed, it was an act of faith that airplanes would take off into prevailing winds over the ocean. What they failed to accept, or did not wish to admit, was that there was a city between their county airport and the ocean. So the torture of residents began.
Over the years, airport apologists focused on Upper Newport Bay, where nobody lives, as a pathway for the airplanes to the sea, but try as they might, pilots could not follow the corkscrew shape of that bay, and they smeared over houses along the way. By the time they got to Balboa Island, their tracks covered the whole of the island, but apologists wrote this off as collateral damage, and besides, the 65 dB CNEL contour was at Anniversary Lane by the airport miles away.
The clamor to stay over the bay was heard by airport management, airlines and the Federal Aviation Administration, which prepared a precision departure procedure, using new technology, to force the airplanes to fly over the exact same path down the bay to the sea.
The FAA plans to adopt this procedure, DUUKE1, without hearings or public comment, and those who live along the bay are worried. They need to know if they will get more noise or less noise with the new procedure. This should be modeled and reported. They really need to know if flying down the bay means less noise, or was it just a straw man argument to foist an airport into the middle of an urban area?
Newport Beach
You make it sound like an airport is a really bad thing to have nearby. I just don't understand. Haven't you and Vernon been saying this whole time that opening El Toro would stimulate the economy?
Well then why don't you lobby to remove the artificial caps in place at John Wayne? After all, there is a daytime capacity of 14MAP and a full time capacity of 20MAP. That would create plenty of jobs and flight destinations. What's not to like?
Until John Wayne is operating at full capacity, there is no reason to consider using El Toro.
1157, ping, ping, ping. There you go again trying to change the subject. But it doesn't work does it? El Toro International Airport is underutilized, will stimulate the economy and nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone. Demand of 30 million annual passengers are waiting in the wings. We forge ahead with planning. We can put 45 MAP into El Toro because an EIR was prepared for that amount. I think we can squeeze 90 MAP in there because of all those fuel-saving flight-ready jumbo jet cross runways made of durable concrete. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby fails on planning, both long and short. Let's get those tourist flights started at El Toro to show what a great airport it is. Everybody wants El Toro except anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs, and they don't count anymore.
500 billion of your imaginary passengers will fit quite nicely into the imaginary El Toro International Airport. You NIMBY's lie about everything else, why don't you try to embrace the imaginary economic stimulus of 500 billion people riding those useless crossed runways going to where no one wants to go? Think big Donald. Or in your case just try to think at all.
Only a very bitter Lone Nimby can post anti-El Toro International Airport lies, insults, hate and jealousy while supporting the toasted white elephant Great Park that is the legacy of one aging politician. Nothing is great about the Great Park, but the airport is great indeed. Made by God and the U.S. Navy, it is located in a calm valley with fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Sixty percent take off to the east and forty percent take off to the north, saving time, fuel, money and green energy in this era where energy is king. Landings are over the industrial town of Aliso Viejo, long planned, built and ready for the airplanes. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone Nimby is a one person think tank of jealousy and hate...
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