The continued implosion of the Great Pork
We endorsed the Agranista slate last November to insure the continued self destruction of the Great Pork and we are please to report that it is indeed happening. Two Great Pork directors who were not allowed to review documents related to a hiring search. Then they turned around and successfully sued the board majority in court and now The Great Pork is on the hook for $75,000 in lawyer fees. Let the infighting and lawsuits continue. This is like a snake eating its own tail.
Irvine PD to strike?
Another consequence of Irvine not keeping El Toro International Airport in operation is they do not have enough money to pay their police officers. Apparently, Irvine signed a contract their officers that they can no longer honor without dipping into reserve funds. However, they would not be in that position if they were to simply put that golden goose called El Toro back to work. Los Angeles has offered them TWO BILLION DOLLARS just to merely lease the property!
If Irvine came to their sense, their coffers would surge with revenue from all that job creation and economic activity. Paying their police would not be an issue. In fact, they could easily afford to enlarge their department. But instead the Agranistas cannot admit they were wrong about the Great Pork and hold their hands out for a few slivers of federal porkulus. The Great Pork Board fiddles while Irvine burns. Especially when unemployment for O.C. hovers around 10%
Your latest Great Post is great, Vernon. It's almost a newspaper with Boss Irvine, Darth Norby, park implosion and not enough money in Irvine to pay the police. All this can change when Irvine makes the call to LAWA to lease out El Toro International Airport for $ billions. LAWA even will clean up the park-killing and house stopping pollution at El Toro as the Navy is failing to do. Turn on the lights, LAWA. Vernon knows all about it.
Vernon, your newspaper is doing yeoman's work. Things are getting better in the rest of the media. TV, radio and all the daily fishwrappers now agree, the Great Park is a joke. It is a scam, a sham and a front for the housing industry, which still has not faced up to pollution at El Toro that prevents park, strip malls and houses from being built. The need for El Toro International Airport is entering media's consciousness. It knows, along with everybody else, that El Toro International Airport is a well crafted aviation site with already built jumbo jet runways, nobody in the noise zone and a proven need, want and safety. It is ready for turning on the lights. Keep up the good work, Vernon. The rest of the media is coming around. Lone NIMBY can see the light.
El Toro International Airport is a well crafted aviation site, built by God and the United States Marines. It has jumbo jet runways, nobody is in the noise zone, and already there is proven need, want, efficiency and safety. Boss Irvine's affordable houses will not stop re-opening El Toro International Airport. Never in the past and never for El Toro. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Boss Irvine knows what he is doing. Lone NIMBY lives in a dream world.
Donald, you are one funny sicko. I see you're the only one posting here, says a lot about what people think of your silly blog, don't you think?
nice rebuttal. NOT! I see you had nothing to say about the Great Pork (which doesn't exist) or the ethically challenged Norbit.
This newspaper post of Vernon's reveals the travail of Irvine, which can't pay its police, spent time with the ethically challenged Norby, and dreams about building things on a polluted city. Boss Irvine should call LAWA to open the airport which already is built.
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