It is class envy of Newport Beach that fuels much of the hysterical extremist opposition to El Toro Airport. Whether it would be a letter to the editor or a post on a message board, the haters simply cannot resist taking a cheap shot at Newport Beach in the process.
Orange County, including South County is clearly a Republican stronghold. But one would never know that from reading the average letter or posting from South County. Their messages often read like that of redistribute-the-wealth Berkeley socialists. What we have here folks is the U.S.S.R.- The Union of Soviet Socialist Republicans, or a bunch of whiny RINOs.
The success haters should simply work harder, invest smarter, and be more innovative if they wish to acquire more wealth. A poor person does not create jobs or give money to charity. It is wealthy entrepreneurs who open businesses that employ people and donate to various philanthropies. They are the risk takers who make America great.
If it was Fullerton that had the jets instead of John Wayne, many of the residents of South County would not even have an issue with El Toro doing its fair share. But since John Wayne is near Newport Beach, these class warfare NIMBYs will continue to oppose El Toro Airport to the very bitter end. In the meantime, they are only hurting themselves as they must pay higher air fares locally, or drive far away for cheaper flights at $4 a gallon.
OK Vern, I've tried to be nice but this latest piece of garbage from you is the worst. If you actually believe this nonsense then you truly are an idiot.
I really feel sorry for you.
Funny that sour old Vern recomends the so called "success haters" to work harder and smarter? Come on guy, these "success haters" were smart enough not to move to NIMBY Beach under a long established flight path because guess what you if you live under a flight path, planes do fly over. I agree with anon, this post makes me truly feel sorry for Vernon, must be a sad bitter life.
Class envy, huh? Vern is finally showing his true colors.
First Vern, don’t equate having money with having class. While you may have some of the former, the vast majority of Newport denizens are seriously deficient in the latter.
Second, having suffered for over a decade with the never ending barrage of pro-airport drivel, non-sequiturs and flat out lies put forth by Newport, the complete lack of intelligence displayed prove to me that your money was either A.) inherited, or B.) embezzled. I find it difficult to believe that any of you has enough sense to run a lemonade stand, let alone a successful business on your own.
Cry babies don't count unless they live in Irvine and these wil be re-educated. Stop the hate. Irvine will open the planned El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Embezzled or inherited??
Stop the hate, cry babies. You have nothing to fear but fear itself. In real estate it's location, location, location. When Irvine opens the planned El Toro International Airport it will bring untold riches to this county. Even to the cry babies who do not count. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Donald, the only cry babies in this entire debate were all from Newport (Oh the noise is deafening, I can't sell my beautiful home, I can't sit on the patio because of the airplanes, boo hoo boo hoo).
BTW, I have you down as "inherited."
We have no fear, Vernon. We won two ballot measures against an airport. There is no fear in that. We put the final nail in the coffin, the fear is gone. Irvine will never open an airport at El Toro, the rest of Orange County, the ones that already voted TWICE against an airport will never let happen, as if Irvine would. To the good citizens of Irvine and other areas surrounding El Toro, no amount of money is worth the disruption in their quality of life to want an airport.
Vernon, unless you move away you will just continue to grow more bitter against the very people that defeated El Toro, your neighbors.
So sad, so pathetic.
Mr. Delights, with this latest steaming heap of your blathering crap you have proven to the rest of Orange County just exactly how you feel about us. We're just not good enough for you. You seem to think that you are so much better than the rest of us that we should have to suffer with the noise to an airport that you were foolish to move next to and we were smart enough to stay away from, and vote against. Class warfare! The Newport NIMBYS like yourself invented it.
When I first started reading your silly rantings I truly felt sorry for you. I figured you were just a lonely old man that couldn't get his way. Now you have shown yourself to be the truly mean spirited elitist that you are.
You don't care at all about the noise an airport at El Toro would cause to south county, all you care about is your sorry little self.
The rest of Orange County has this to say to you, take your own advise, put up double panes and shut up or move away! No one in Orange County whines more than you, you poor pathetic, mean old man.
Now please, GO AWAY!
By the way, Vern, that picture looks like you, crying because you can't get your way with an airport at El Toro. "Wah, the rest of Orange County won't let me have my way. Wah, they should know that what I say is best. Wah, I have to listen to airplanes flying over my house because I was stupid and bought under John Wayne. Wah, I want my way, wah, wah, wah."
You crybaby, whiny elitist.
Vernon, two times the good, All American voters went to the polls and voted down an airport at El Toro. Just how does that make us socialists? If anybody is a whiny RINO it is YOU! You cannot accept the fact the the vast majority TWICE voted down an airport. YOU are the whiny socialist RINO because you couldn't get your way.
Your're socialists because of your class envy and hate. Whiny RINO cry babies don't count if they don't live in Irvine. Too bad the nastiest ones don't live there. Airlines love the fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Can fly non-stop to Dubai, UAE to get oil money to re-educate Irvine. Nobody is in the noise zone, so whiny RINOs will sleep right through the 24/7 opening. Irvine will sleep through the opening because John Wayne Airport has a curfew and John Wayne is the only threat to Irvine. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Fine call me a socialist. However,
you are the typical arrogant a-hole that needlessly benefited from Bush's tax cuts. Thank God those eight years of terror are almost over.
I hope when Obama gets into office he taxes the living daylights out of greedy bastards like yourself.
Rich people like you think you can just foist your noise problems onto some other unwilling community.
While we are at it, I think we should shut down LAX and shift it all down to John Wayne. It is because of Newport NIMBYs like you that place limits on SNA, that poor folks near LAX are getting screwed.
Well, Kenny, you admit that you are a socialist because of your class envy and hate. Now let's give environmental justice to LAX victims by closing it and raising the plan for El Toro to 100 million annual passengers. That may be difficult to do because I was told 45 MAP was tops, unless we tear down Woodbridge. Well, we can try to squeeze it all in. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Did I touch a raw nerve or what! Truth hurts!
Some have asked why I allow these mean spirited vindictive NIMBYs to post on here. That's simple, they REINFORCE the points I make on here. Thank you for proving my point about class envy!
I called spades spades by labeling them as envious class warfare activists. Rather then attempt to deny it, they CONTINUE to bash Newport Beach! They cannot resist.
Today, I am not sure if I have seen more class envy on here or on my flat screen television watching the Democrap Convention!
Our neighbors in Costa Mesa have been active for El Toro, but we never hear any bashing of that city. However, bashing of Newport Beach plays quite well politically with the socialists, whiny RINOs and democrats within Orange County.
On here we are yet to hear any sound defense on the lack of progress of the Great Park after 3 years and counting, or a cogent argument as to why El Toro would not make a most excellent airport.
So go ahead keep on attacking my city of residence, attacking my age, and claim the debate is "over" while you continue to argue. I won't hold my breath for any serious analysis of the Great Pork or El Toro Airport from the haters.
Vern and the "turn on the lights" guy" need to lay off whatever they are smoking. Talk about delusional and out of touch with reality! Good thing the reality is the conversion of the air station to airport will NEVER happen.
Ahhh, Vern, thanks to you and your rantings I got my daily laugh. All is right with the world.
Did you touch a raw nerve! Irvine will open the airport. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Donald, YOU are stranger than fiction.
Vern you rule!
Its about time somebody called out these assclowns for their non-stop Newport bashing. It reminds of my college days when all the lower tier fraternities and GDI's would hate on us top tier houses on the row. An old saying is "If you can't go Greek, go Teke, and if you can't go Teke, go home!" I may as well add, If you can't go Newport Beach, go South County!
The FACT is Newport Beach is a TOP TIER city and frats harder than anywhere else in The O.C.! We got top of the line Sorostitutes, MILFs, golf courses, harbors, restaurants, and shops other envious cities could only dream about.
The only other city that is close to Newport in terms of price exclusivity is Laguna Beach. But we all know it is inhabited by social deviants and what goes on down there. So they don't really count.
I think John Wayne is a good airport for my firm's corporate jet. But it really should be a private airport. I am sick of all these South County douchebags with their slicked hair and Abercrombie shirts telling us to grow the airport for THEIR convenience.
I agree with you that they should use El Toro. The runways are built and the land is far more plentiful. Do these economic illiterates have any idea how much it would cost to condemn land in NEWPORT BEACH to expand John Wayne???
Cya at THE Lodge!
Some of you on use the word "elitist" like it is somehow a bad thing. Here is what elite means:
e·lite Audio Help /ɪˈlit, eɪˈlit/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[i-leet, ey-leet] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. (often used with a plural verb) the choice or best of anything considered collectively, as of a group or class of persons.
2. (used with a plural verb) persons of the highest class: Only the elite were there.
3. a group of persons exercising the major share of authority or influence within a larger group: the power elite of a major political party.
4. a type, approximately 10-point in printing-type size, widely used in typewriters and having 12 characters to the inch. Compare pica1.
5. representing the most choice or select; best: an elite group of authors.
"The best things and best people rise out of their separateness; I'm against a homogenized society because I want the cream to rise."
-Robert Frost
Well, in that case, Fratdaddy, then I guess I am an elitist. I was born in Newport Beach, grew up in CDM, joined a top tier fraternity (SAE) and still live in NB. I am, however, very against an airport at El Toro. All the old timers with half a brain knew that Orange County Airport would one day be a major airport so why would anyone with any smarts move right under it? And then complain about the noise!!! What a bunch of idiots!
Or, on the other hand, maybe a little jet noise is the price you pay to live in paradise, huh?
Fratdaddy is right and airplane nut is wrong. There's always a few nuts surfacing, so I guess I will claim I live in the industrial town of Aliso Viejo, and I will support the planned El Toro International Airport. El Toro landings are over Aliso Viejo and the Laguna Woods Golf Course. Support your local airport, Aliso Viejo. Thank you Irvine for turning on the lights. Tiny Aliso Viejo doesn't count, but I'll be there promoting the planned El Toro International Airport.
Funny how the last anonymous writes exactly like Vernon, but that can't be as he claims to live in Aliso Viejo. How can that be, unless good old Vern writes some of these blogs and signs them anonymous. Nah, Vern wouldn't do that. We all know the pro airport people would NEVER lie!
"Turn on the lights guy" is Vern talking to himself? his lover? his man-child? or just another anti-SNA NIMBY with too much time on his hands? This blogs cracks me up. The author loves to bitch and moan about NIMBYs from one area while the whole time he is a HUGE NIMBY himself!
Rave on, anti-El Toro International Airport zealots. When the airplanes return to El Toro, zealots will stop complaining because nobody is in the noise zone. Airlines just love the cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Stop the hate, zealot couple. Accept your imaginary medicine.
Stop the hate, Vern. The airport at El Toro will never open, the good and honest voters of Orange County saw to that...........TWICE! And since you obviously don't know, they are called "converging runways" and they are no longer designed into modern airports as they are deemed too dangerous.
Feel the love, Vern. The love of the nice quiet of south county with no airport, EVER!
Class envy zealots will love the 24/7 El Toro International Airport. Nobody is in the noise zone and the fuel-saving cross runways are popular with the airlines. The Navy sure knew how to design an airport. I love the planned El Toro International Airport. Make love, not war, anti-El Toro Airport zealots.
Yes, the Navy did know how to design and AIR BASE! I said airport. Big difference.
There is no class envy here, Vern, you don't have any. If you did you wouldn't try to pawn off YOUR problem on others.
Make love, not war, anti John Wayne NIMBY zealot!
Yes, the Navy designed an airport with fuel-saving cross runways, so it was ahead of its time. Stop the class envy attacks. Make love not war. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Nobody is in the noise zone of the planned El Toro International Airport.
I've seen it all. Now the NIMBYs accuse me of posting under different identities. As if they would NEVER do such a thing themselves.
If I have something to say, I sign in and say it. Perhaps, I should require registration on here to clear up the confusion.
Then we have Airplane Nut who claims to "live" in Newport Beach. If they are not a South County NIMBY/Newport wannabe in drag, then he or she must be a self loathing Newport Beach resident.
The overwhelming vast majority of of Newport Beach denizens strongly support El Toro Airport. Especially in light of the fact that the whole basis of opposition to El Toro is not based on "quality of life" concerns as South County residents claim, but out of their dark heart's deep desires to have unlimited John Wayne expansion and punish Newport Beach.
If these same haters would put the same energy into being successful, perhaps they could afford to live here too. Instead they moved into discounted homes in South County with a sub-prime mortgage to boot and dwell with hatred of Newport Beach in the meantime. So sad.
Vern, you classless idiot! I was born in Hoag Hospital, where my wife is now a doctor. I attended Harbor View Elementary School from K-3, then went to Corona del Mar Elementary for 4th, then back to Harbor View for 5-6. Next it was on to Abraham Lincoln Junior High (as it was called then) for 7-8. After that it was Corona del Mar High School for four years where I played water polo swam. Coaches name was Cliff Hooper. He was also my swim coach at the Balboa Bay Club when I was younger.
I was a lifeguard with the City of Newport Beach, saving fat old guys like yourself that couldn't swim. The chief back then was Robert (Bob) Reed. Now he was a man with class, something you have none of.
I live in Serra Drive in Corona del Mar. There is no reason for me to give you my number, I don't trust you as I think you are a bit deranged. Zip is 92625. Phone prefix is 760. It used to be 675 back in the day. Area code is 949. It used to be 714 until around 91 or 92.
My father was a fighter pilot at El Toro for many years. He was transferred there in 1950 for the Korean War. At that time he flew with the 513, the famous Flying Nightmares.
I have lived in this city one hell of a lot longer than you as I'm sure you are a transplant. I find your rantings stupid yet strangely entertaining, kind of like passing a really bad car wreck with bodies splattered around but you just can't help but look.
I know more aviation history about Orange County that you could ever hope to and it is that knowledge that helps me make my decision to continue to oppose an airport at El Toro. I am also opposed to any expansion at John Wayne (stupid name for an airport, Wayne hated the airport). What I have is something you can only dream about, it's called compassion for my friends and neighbors who's lives would be severally damaged by an international airport at El Toro.
We live in a democracy. In a democracy when someone wants change we vote on it. Twice the voters of Orange County voted against an airport at El Toro. To force one there, that would be the minority wins against the majority, would be communism. And so you see, it is you that is the commie, not the rest of Orange County.
People don't hate Newport Beach, as you suggest. They hate a few mean spirited a--holes that call them names and try to force something on them they don't want. Did you ever stop to think that people live in other places because they like it there? No, that would be too narrow minded for you. You think the world evolves around Newport Beach.
And by the way, the houses in South County weren't discounted because of the Marine Base, they weren't discounted at all. They were sold at fair market value. They also didn't get double paned windows for noise. They got them because that is the building code for heat insulation. If you truly did some homework you would know that.
Oh and one last note, I certainly am not self loathing. There is one person on this pathetic blog that I loath, though..................
Wow, what a long winded set of bona fides to establish Newport Beach residency. Airplane Nut must have worked on that all night. Apparently he lives off his wife, but does not establish credentials as an airplane nut. So much for that. The most distressful point made by Airplane Nut was his compassion for victims of the planned El Toro International Airport. This proves he believes the propaganda put out by opponents of the planned El Toro International Airport, and which current opponents repeat ad nauseum on this web site. There is no objection to opening the planned El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Oh, I'm sorry, did I leave out that I, too, am in the medical field? I am so sorry, you poor simpleton. I work at CHOC. And, you dummy, there was no need to stay up all night to establish my residency, I know where I live, how about you, idiot? Or are you a transplant too, like Vernon. Oh, wait, there is no Vernon Delights, at least according to the DMV. Who could he really be? Hmmmm.
And just what planet are you from to state that there is no objection to opening an airport at El Toro? What's the matter, can't seem to remember two failed attempts at the voter booth? Your memory is as bad as "Vernon's", or what ever his name really is.
Newport Beach is indeed a top tier city inhabited by third tier people. You all need to learn the difference between having money and having class.
Maybe we twice lost the vote on El Toro, (after winning twice). However, Newport Beach is STILL a top tier city and South County remains douchebag central.
Even though the El Toro debate is supposedly "over", many of the "winners" continue to bang the drum for John Wayne growth. They should seriously quit while they are ahead!
Go ahead you tools and try to get John Wayne expanded and see what happens. If a lot of private jets are displaced in the process, that will make some CEO's (that run the biggest companies in this county) relocate and issue a lot of pink slips. Many of the recipients would be South County residents. Poetic Justice if I ever seen it.
Another fascinating insight into the mindset of the Newport NIMBYS. I'll sleep a lot better knowing that our esteemed local CEO's base their business decisions on where they parked the corporate jet. Please give me a list so I can sell my stock now.
You think if the CEOs no longer have airport access, they will STAY in Orange County. You have got to be kidding. Fluor Corporation left Aliso Viejo for Houston because there was a lack of international airport access. Not to mention Texas has no income tax. So how any Aliso Viejans got pink slips for that one. See that's what happens when those tools voted the wrong way on El Toro!
Chances are the previous poster is a government worker who does not have to worry about being overtaxed, over-regulated, or possibly losing an aircraft space. They are usually the ones causing such harm to the private sector.
Funny, Fluor kept their corporate jets at Ontario, or did that one slip past you and your image? Oooops, I did it again.
Fratdaddy is right. Fluor pulled out when ill-advised Measure W passed. But I think Fluor will return when planned El Toro International Airport opens. Fluor will bring its jets to El Toro. There is a large corporate jet region at the planned El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Goodbye, RNC protestors
Fluor didn't "pull out", they damned near went bankrupt. Their big contracts dried up when they were done with Saudi Arabia.
They'll be back when drilling starts off Monarch Bay. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Hey Airplane Nut, we see you care more about your dear "friends" in South County than your own neighbors in Newport Beach. Many of your "friends" want to get John Wayne expanded and are not simply content with having defeated El Toro twice. So whose side will you pick for that one?
Since you live in Corona Del Mar, you probably don't feel like John Wayne expansion will really impact you anyways.
Give it time, maybe 2015 when the caps expire, and better than half of Newport Beach will look like Playa Del Rey near LAX in a few years. That would be razed homes and abandoned streets in case you have never seen PDR.
But who cares, just so long as it doesn't impact Corona Del Mar, and your "friends" in South County still like you, then all is well.
I love "turn on the lights guy!" Whether it's just Vern talking to himself or just another Newport Beach NIMBY, he is comedy! The drilling off Monarch Beach comments seals the deal;he is here for the entertainment as well! Come on Vern, Turn on the friggin lights! Let's have a party and check out all the beautiful planes soaring majestically over the home you "worked" so hard to pay for. Let's celebrate aviation and all it's brought to this great county!
If I recall there was a Vernon Dozier who was known to be clamoring for El Toro. I wonder if he got a new last name. Either way, El Toro is DEAD forever. =) So it hardly matters.
I'm sorry if I didn't make myself clear in prior posts. I am against any further expansion at John Wayne. I have said Southern California needs a new, large regional airport, with high speed rail service to and from. But you do not built it near residential areas. Think Denver or Dallas/Fort Worth. If people move right next to it, like Dover Shores, that's their problem.
I wonder if the people that live in the Fashion Island area, over by the Hyatt would have bought there if L.A. Airways was still flying to the Hyatt?
Any other questions?
Class envy takes the cake with 48 comments from the general public. Some were exclusively class envy and hate. Others were well thought out arguments for opening the planned, already approved, already built El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
And some were brilliant comments against an airport at El Toro by someone that lives in Newport without any class envy.
There is no brilliance in being against an airport. The planned El Toro International Airport already is there. All Vernon has to do is turn on the lights. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
You dope, there is no Vernon. Vernon is your imaginary friend.
Donald, when did Vernon get the key to the light switch at El Toro? Both of you need professional help; seriously.
Vernon is real. He is in charge of this web site and the lights. Turn on the lights, Vernon, and give the anti-El Toro International Airport bears their comeuppance. Bring on the Irvine bulls.
I think there was a crusty old crank named Vernon Dozier in Santa Ana Heights. Oh man he is a real fireball. I remember some anti- airport meeting where he was just going off on Larry Agran and Todd Spitzer. It was hilarious. I felt sorry for the old bugger.
Vernon, you lost dude.Time to move, it's over! John Wayne ain't exactly shrinking anytime soon. The city of Irvine will NEVER open El Toro. No matter how bad your John Wayne problem gets.
The city of Irvine will open the planned El Toro International Airport because El Toro is polluted and pollution is spreading into the rest of Irvine. The airport can not be removed and park and houses can not be built on polluted land. The airport must be opened to get the money to save Irvine. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Such an idiot.
Turn on the lights, Vernon. Dazzle the voters who won twice with your brilliance.
Turn on the lights, Vernon. Dazzle the voters with your nicely lit park.
Park is toast. Houses are white elephants. El Toro is polluted. Irvine is being polluted by El Toro. Save Irvine by turning on the lights. Bring on El Toro International Airport, Vernon.
The pollution excuse is just another excuse by the angry left. There is no airport in El Toro, just a park without lights. Turn on the lights, Vernon
Park is toast. Airport is there. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
I see the light, it's a Great Park! As soon as "Vernon", the imaginary friend turns on the lights we can all use it.
It is class envy of Newport Beach that fuels the hate for the planned El Toro International Airport. These cry babies are unable to open their eyes and look at the airport that already is there, and they dream about some non-existent park that never will be built. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Turn off the class envy, NIMBYs.
We voted twice against El Toro, yada yada yada!
The voters of North County voted not twice, but THREE times to keep El Toro Airport open for business! So why should a tiny minority of South County cities have vote after vote after vote after vote until they finally win a vote during what was a very low turnout primary election. Every dog has its day!
I DARE them to have another vote on El Toro Airport! The voters have obviously seen they are not being delivered the park that was promised to them, at least not without a massive infusion of taxpayer dollars! The Great Park is NOT on time, and NOT under budget! Irvine was given a golden opportunity to deliver a Great Park and they have failed beyond our wildest expectations! It is time to re-open El Toro Airport to serving the American taxpayers! Let's vote again!
Hey Vernon! Why don't you use your REAL name? Are you afraid of us airport haters?
There is no such person as Vernon Delights registered with the DMV in the state of California.
Time to fess up!
Bulldoze The Dozier's. John Wayne needs to expand.
Only a sexual predator would be trying so hard to find Vernon through the DMV.
No, just someone seeking the truth as there is none on this pathetic site. Just more anti John Wayne, pro El Toro lies. The same lies they tried to pass off on the voting public that twice voted down El Toro. Poor sore losers!
Only a sexual predator would try so hard to conceal his true identity! Gay pervert!
Class Envy truth seekers, the planned El Toro International Airport in waiting is ready to have its lights turned on. The anti-El Toro International Airport posters on this website mostly do not live in Irvine. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Save Irvine from her enemies.
YOU, sir, are Irvine's enemy. An airport at El Toro will ruin Irvine, but you pro El Toro idiots have said several times on this site that you don't care about Irvine or any other city except Newport NIMBY Beach.
I am so glad I live in CDM and not close to the Irvine haters.
Long live the park, the airport is DOA.
CDM airplane nut should be at work, or does he live off of his wife? Irvine will prosper with the planned El Toro International Airport, and nobody is in the noise zone. Irvine is closer to John Wayne Airport than it is to El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon
Airplane nut must really be Larry Agran. He has stated that his wife who is a "Dr."
If El Toro would be so baaaaad for Irvine, why do they favor John Wayne growth? Half of Irvine is closer to SNA than OCX.
The reason they are not attempting to shut down SNA like they are OCX is because SNA would revert to The Irvine Co and the Agranistas could not call the shots.
However, the Agrinistas can control the land at El Toro and give out no-bid contracts to their cronies.
All their talk about El Toro being detrimental to Irvine is purely disingenuous. An airport would only be detrimental to Larry Agran's pocketbook as it would be the county or LAWA, not he that would run the show. Perhaps his wife is tired of supporting him after all these years and told him to go out and make some "Money".
2:07, Nice try, but I don't live off of my Dr. wife. If you read my posts you would know that I work at CHOC.
Now, pull your head our of that cavity it's stuck in and pay attention, there is no noise zone around El Toro, it's a crash zone. Get it?
Now pay attention a little more. As I said before, I am against expanding John Wayne also. It just pisses me off that idiots move right up next to an airport then complain about the noise. John Wayne/SNA has been in it's present location for decades. Longer than El Toro has been in a bean field. And it pissed me off when the Irvne NIMBY's used to complain about the noise from the Marine jets, too. That is why I keep saying, large regional airport, AWAY from houses with high speed rail access.
Do you get it now? No El Toro, no John Wayne expansion.
Can we all hug now?
Master Planned Community has it right. The only victim of opening El Toro International Airport wil be Larry Agran. All his talk about El Toro being detrimental to Irvine is purely disingenuous. Every master planned community needs an airport within its city, and Irvine is no exception. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Every master planned community needs an airport? Where did you pull that little B.S. gem from? Our countries first master planned community didn't have an airport, still doesn't. If the Irvine Company wanted an airport in their city they would have put one there. And another little gem, just how would SNA revert to the Irvine Co.? Makes no sense. To put it all right the Marines should have sold both MCAS Tustin and MCAS El Toro back to the original land owners at the price they were paid for them. In this case both would go back to the Irvine Company for the whopping price of $1.00 for each base.
You are an idiot!
922 you are clueless. If SNA were to close, The Irvine Co gets title to the land.
A good master planned community has access to ADEQUATE air transportation. A brutal expensive commute to LAX or the Inland Empire does not count. Orange County must send better than half its passengers and 95% of its cargo to distant airports.
Irvine and The Irvine Co put far too much emphasis on the now collapsed real estate market. Irvine alone has had at least 4 subprime mortgage lenders collapse! It makes no sense to keep adding houses, lest that further floods the market and decreases home values.
What Irvine and O.C. need is a job creating revenue producing airport. Cramming in more houses will further hurt O.C.'s economy.
I believe The Irvine Company, is mainly in the business of making money. Houses are one thing. The planned El Toro International Airport is another. Class envy takes the cake with an all time record of postings on this site, mostly from hateful people who oppose the planned El Toro International Airport and don't live in Irvine. 9:22 hasn't a clue as to how much the Irvine Company was paid by the government when it built the airport at El Toro. Check property ownership in Silicon Valley and you will see valuable Bay Area land was traded to TIC. Turn on the lights Vernon.
Pull your head out, 8:59, and do some home work and you will see that I am right on the amount the government paid James Irivne for his lima bean field and his sugar beet field. Oh wait, for you to do any research you'd have to put down that bottle of Thunderbird first!
The Irvine Company was well paid for Orange County land in the form of land in the Bay Area. TIC used to have their sign posted along side of the freeway up there. But then you wouldn't go up there and see it. You've got it all here in Laguna Beach. Turn on the lights Vernon.
5:19, were you up there visiting your butt buddy? Or just chumming for whatever slime you could drag home and get a reach around from?
Lets set the record straight once and for all. The Irvine family was originally from San Francisco and already owned the land up there. After the 1906 earthquake most of the family moved to the ranch in Southern California.
Although James Irvine did not want to sell his land to the Navy or Marines he was forced to do so. He then offered to give it for free as his contribution to the war effort but due to tax reasons he was forced to take what the government offered him. Mr. Irvine was paid $100,000 for the two pieces of land for El Toro and Tustin. In order to avoid capital gains taxes he used the money to purchase the 82,000 acre Flying D Ranch near Bozeeman, Montana.
Vernon Vernon Vernon,
when you put out putrid shit like this all you do is attract S.C.U.M. or South County Urban Maggots to this site like a bad case of flies. You should know better.
Cry Babies. Cry Babies. Cry Babies. Anti-El Toro International Airport buddies should avoid the temptation to bend over. Turn on the lights Vernon.
That's right, cause Vernon will give them a ream job right up to their tonsils.
And nobody cries louder than the fags in NIMBY Beach. Wah............
Cry Babies. Cry Babies. Cry Babies. Can't get their airport at El Toro opened so they go trolling to the public toilets to get tea bagged.
Time for your nap, cry baby. You'll feel better when you wake up and the planned El Toro International Airport is open for jumbo jets.
The only jumbo jets in this area are at LAX. Time to pull your head out of your ass. NIMBY!
Back to sleep baby. And such filth spoken by a baby is not welcome. Learn some manners or stay asleep.
Show some compassion for your fellow man and quit calling me names and I'll quit calling you names. Well, except NIMBY, because we all know that you are one. NIMBY crybaby.
846 shows plenty of "compassion" for his fellow men. He must really like the new bathrooms at the Gayt Park........
Not as much as you like them at the Newport Pier. Or do you prefer the ones at SNA?
You must be suffering from TCE poisoning. You must have meant to be at the Lagayna Beach Pier.
Oh, Laguna! So you must hang out (so to speak) and the Boom Boom Room! I'll bet you love that place. Tea baggers galore!
Can someone please tell me the address of the Boom Boom Room. I need a place to go when the Great Park is closed.
9:50 I like the TCE poisoning stuff. Always knew there was an explanation for the anti-El Toro International Airport stuff showing up on this fine pro-El Toro International Airport website.
You must mean this fine web site of lies and distortions. No facts here to see, move along.
No lies and distortions here, except from the anti-NIMBYs. Give the cry babies a gift of more destinations and lower fairs, something they've been clamoring for.
Every time I see this picture of Vern crying because he can't get his airport built it makes me laugh. Just like a spoiled baby that can't get his way he thinks that if he cries enough it will come true.
Sorry, Baby Vern, the airport is a dead issue, now take your little nappy.
What a great choice of a baby. Its big mouth is just like an anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBY. He thinks if he cries enough his noiseless airport will disappear.
No Dummy, that's Vern crying because he knows there's no such thing as a noiseless airport and he can't fool the good people of south county.
Poor crybaby, Vern, all that money from gold and oil and he can't buy an airport.
Hey, anti-El Toro International Airport crybaby. You've had a monopoly on crying for so long that you think your airport is not noiseless. Every airport has a noise zone, and at El Toro nobody, absolutely nobody, lives within it. Turn on the El Toro lights, Vernon. Crybabys are almost re-educated.
Hmmm, I keep seeing the term "re-educated" on this site that is supposedly run by right wing conservatives.
I seem to remember that same term being used by the communists in Cambodia when they rounded up all the educated people and put them in re-education camps.
Is that what you want to do, commie NIMBY's? You want to round up all the scary educated people that are against the airport and "re-educate" with your "facts"? That sounds so, so, hmmm, what's the term? Communistic, doesn't it?
Poor pathetic commie NIMBY's can't get their camps open.
No re-education for you. You'll just have to be irrelevant.
Hey NIMBY, if you want to see irrelevant go look in the mirror.
Maybe you do need re-education. You are irrelevant. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Vernon is senile and stuck on stupid. He can't find the light switch.
Open El Toro International Airport, Vernon. The critics have limited intellect, thanks to their brainwashing. But they can be saved.
Expand SNA, the NIMBY's are getting used to the sweet sound of jets in the morning. They know they will never brainwash the anti El Toro majority.
Crybaby, Crybaby, Crybaby. It's re-education for you.
The biggest crybaby of all is 406! Cry me a river, little crybaby, El Toro is dead.
You must be pretty old if you know about Cry Me a River sung by Julie London. You're old enough to support El Toro International Airport.
I'm old enough to know better than to support El Toro. It's dead and if your that old you should be soon, too.
This crybaby never sleeps. We're entering the era of top down regulation. You can kiss your Great Park good bye. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Local control was great until it went against the natural El Toro International Airport.
Natural? Now that's really funny. There is nothing natural about it. Too bad Irvine controls your beloved airport and will never let another plane fly there again.
Keep crying, NIMBY, maybe your tears will help clean up that oil in your back yard.
Yes, natural, with long low straight in approaches over the industrial town of Aliso Viejo and jumbo jet cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go, all in a calm valley that is natural and unique to Southern California. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
SNA is a natural airport with long low straight in approaches over the industrial towns of Santa Ana and Tustin. It has nice runways pointing to where airplanes need to go and nobody is in the noise zone, except some idiots that moved right under the take off path. But what do you expect from idiots?
That baby is an anti-El Toro International Airport crybaby. Can't get his way with El Toro so he vents his rage aginst elite Newport Beach. John Wayne Airport is a terrible airport. The runway points towards Easter Island. Who wants to go there? Turn on the El Toro lights, Vernon. I've got a flight to catch.
Easter Island? Bull! The runways point into the wind, just like the forever closed El Toro. Poor NIMBY's can't get their beloved El Toro opened so they vent at south county. Keep those tears flowing, NIMBY, we can use them during the next fire.
1236, Yes Easter Island, and who wants to go there or into the wind? You must be living in the past. El Toro International Airport is the only way to go, crybaby, because there the runways point to where airplanes want to go. Turn on the lights, Veron.
Yes, and anybody with half a brain knows airplanes NEED to go into the wind during takeoff's and landings. But then we all know the Newport airport NIMBY's don't have half a brain.
813, you're talking about the Wright Flyer biplane airplane. That's pretty old technology. Everybody knows there is no wind at El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs don't know anything.
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