Next Monday The Republicans will stage their convention in St. Paul, Minnesota. One can bet that some of these class warfare NIMBYs from South County will be flying out there to protest - against the very things we In Newport Beach hold dear, such as wealth accumulation, and corporate dominance.
For their convenience I checked around to see how much flights would cost to go from various airports in Southern California.
Naturally, their first choice airport would be John Wayne. As they takeoff over Newport Beach, they will press their face and middle finger against the window and flip off the people down below, and curse under their breath.
However, the cheapest flight to Minneapolis/St. Paul airport will cost $515 total and will take 8.5 hours to complete. The other option is 6.5 hour flight which will cost $536.
Next we have Long Beach Airport which is approximately 30 miles past El Toro, and a flight out of there will cost $515 and take 6.75 hours. The faster option is to pay $598 to travel there in 5.75 hours.
Now we check out Ontario Airport which would be 42 miles past El Toro, plus toll road fees. The cheapest flight out there is $523 and would take 5.5 hours.
Next, The NIMBYs have often said we should use March Air Force Base which is 52 miles beyond El Toro, plus toll road fees of course. The problem is there is NO air service available.
Since it is a military base wouldn't that really make it an "air station" instead of an AIRPORT? Well, the NIMBYs like to play semantics and make the dubious claim that El Toro is merely an "air station" as opposed to an (idle) AIRPORT.
Finally, we check out LAX which is 50 miles past El Toro. Hands down, it is the best deal and travel time all around. One can get a flight from LAX for $358 and arrive NON-STOP in 3.5 hours. Ironically and with no sense of shame these class warfare NIMBYs from South County will fly over poor people near LAX to go protest in St. Paul against "economic inequality".
By opposing El Toro, the class warfare NIMBYs only cut off their nose to spite their face. El Toro is tan, rested, and ready. Not to mention, crowd free, convenient, and close to home.
Were they to use El Toro, they would not have to pay $4 a gallon to travel out of county, or use any toll roads along the way. In the meantime, if they do want to fly locally and use John Wayne it will cost them almost $200 more than LAX! (Ouch! That has got to hurt!)
However, El Toro with its massive amount of space and runways sitting idle could attract a lot of airlines and due to the economies of scale, the costs would be very reasonable.
Instead, out of bitter spite for Newport Beach, the NIMBYs continue to resist El Toro, but they really only hurt themselves by paying for it with increased air fares and additional travel time.
Those of us from Newport Beach who are attending the RNC will be there as delegates or at least attending some great corporate parties, while the class warfare NIMBYs from South County will be out in the streets protesting.
Vern, you are seriously in need of professional help.
Planned El Toro International Airport will have more destinations and lower fairs. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Stop the hate and jealousy. Give us our airport now. Nobody is in the noise zone.
Wow, another gem of a post! Like clock work "turn on the lights" guy shows up to suck Vern off in the comments section too! I stumbled upon this blog and as one poster mentioned, reading it is like the morbid curiousity you expreience passinge a bad wreck. There will never be a passenger airport at EL Toro, we all know that, but the few that don't sure do provide some entertainment. I'm praying for you Vern, honestly concerned about your mental well being. Your an old guy, let it go, and just enjoy your "golden" years doing something positive instead of playing on the internet.
So tell us all, Vern, which of the aforementioned airports are YOU flying out of? If you're flying out of John Wayne you're the biggest hypocrite around. Even if you're flying a chartered private jet as they make more noise than the airlines. So which airport is it, Vern? We all want to know.
Now you have fun at that worthless convention, but then again I guess any excuse to party and drink is a good one, right?
Anti-planned El Toro International Airport goons are up and at em. Nothing new from them. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
And speaking of goons.............
Hey 1032, at least we can AFFORD private jets! You are stuck flying cattle class on Southwest. LOL!
One more thing 1032, there is NEVER a bad excuse to drink and party. Too bad you rarely, if ever get invited to these top tier parties.
balboa fratdaddy,
you know so little about me and where I get invited..............
Keep drinking, bud, AA's there when you need them, Al-Anon for your wife and kids, too. I'm sure it's just a matter of time.
Anti-El Toro International Airport protesters should be packing their bags to leave for St. Paul tomorrow, so we will have some peace and serenity on this fine positive web site. Enjoy your protests NIMBYs. Good comments, fratdaddy.
Don't you mean this NIMBY one sided blog site?
Why would I want to pack my bags? Everything I have to protest is right here on this site.
Yes, good news there is a truthful pro-El Toro International Airport web site. Your protests simply reinforce the need for opening El Toro. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
There is no Vernon!
Big discovery. Turn on the lights,
To paraphrase Groucho Marx, I wouldn't want to join a club that would have you as a member.
I love Groucho Marx. I would never want to know a person that opposed the planned El Toro International Airport. You should be in St. Paul now promoting class warfare indicated by the presence of the closed El Toro International Airport in your sphere of hate. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
So let me get this right, since I oppose an airport at El Toro I support class warfare? I've heard it all now!
To know me is to love me, at least that's what they tell me at my church in Newport.
Why aren't you in St. Paul marching against the planned El Toro International Airport that Irvine can open? So you went to a church in Newport. That doesn't excuse you for opposing the planned El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Don't get too attached to your church in Newport Beach. It will be condemned when the caps expire in 2015.
The difference is El Toro has a massive buffer zone while homes, schools, and churches in Newport Mesa serve as the "buffer zone" for John Wayne. South County would not have it any other way.
I feel sorry for all you idiot South County people. It is truly sad to have so little compassion for others.
First off I feel sorry for all you idiot Newport Beach NIMBYs that are hoping against hope for an airport at El Toro so you poor saps don't have to listen to the jets anymore. Second, the buffer zone around El Toro was there for safety reasons, such as ordinance loaded crippled aircraft returning to base. It's a crash zone, not a noise zone, but that's a nice try.
Vernon, or whatever his real name is as there is no such person as Vernon Delights in California, can go and have fun at some "exclusive" party at the convention and play big shot. Sad but true, he doesn't empress the rest of us Newport Beach locals.
Ask the Airport Land Use Commission if the buffer zone is a crash zone. Why are you here? You should be marching with the riff raff in St. Paul protesting the planned El Toro International Airport. Isn't the Saddleback Church in the buffer zone?
The wonderful great park is ready for it's lights. Thank God, well thanks the voters that there will never be an airport at the old base. Come on, Turn on the lights, Vernon.
The airport is there. That's all that will ever be there. Cry babies still crying on this web site. Too poor to protest in St. Paul. Cry babies will go to sleep when the planned El Toro International Airport opens. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
This is no airport at El Toro. This is just a lie being spread by the angry left. The park will be seen as the best decision in OC history, it's just a little dark over there right now. Turn on the lights, Vernon
The airport is there, and soon it will be opened. There is no park. There are no houses. Turn on the lights, Vernon
Airport? I don't see an airport. Do you see an airport? Must be an illusion from drinking the NIMBY Kool Aid.
I don't see much of a park. But I do see 39,000 feet combined worth of runways........
That would be privately owned runways. Never to see anything larger than an RC plane again.
Privately owned runways can be bought by L.A.
I love L.A. and I love Irvine. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
I love SNA! Thanks for keeping the lights on, Vernon. Thanks to the light we can all see clearly the beautiful airport at John Wayne.
John Wayne Airport is too small, dummy. It is only a general aviation airport. The answer is El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. My money is on you and El Toro.
It's only general aviation? Hmmm, someone better tell Alaska Airlines, American, American Eagle, Continental, Delta, Frontier, Northwest, Sky West, Southwest, United Express and US Airways. All these years they've been flying into a general aviation airport. I wonder if they know?
As someone said on this site, a fool and his money are soon parted. If you're putting your money on El Toro I guess that makes you a fool. Dummy!
Yes, it's only a general aviation airport. That's why we need to open El Toro International Airport, so those airlines will have a place to go. Yes, a fool and his money are soon parted. You invested in anti-airport elections and lost the airport to Irvine. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Those airlines already have a place to go and it's called John Wayne. That's the only place they can go because El Toro got sold.
They're already there, dummy, that's why they need a place to go. El Toro got sold? Navy held back 800 acres of the most polluted. Feds retain 1,000 acres for FAA, FBI, and Dept. of Interior. Got sold eh? Turn on the lights, Vernon. These anti-El Toro people, seriously, are in need of professional help.
Better do your home work, NIMBY. The land that the runways are on is now privately owned. But since when did you ever let a little thing like facts get in the way of your bullshit.
Public works projects always have priority over private property. If Los Angeles World Airports buys the runways from Lennar or from a dummy buyer, that solves your problem, doesn't it. El Toro International Airport is ready to go and all we have to do is turn on the lights. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
One little detail........IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!
Turn on a flash light, Vern, the NOMBY's have lost their way.
Sad. Sick. Sad. Only the brainwashed can stick to a story that is so based on untruths, unrealities, and outright lies. El Toro International Airport can and will open, NIMBY.
Yes, it is sad and sick that the NIMBY's are brainwashed into thinking there will ever be an airport at El Toro. No matter how many lies you tell it will never be built.
Only the brainwashed can look at an airport and say that's not an airport; say we don't need an airport when we do; believe Irvine won't open the airport when it will. The runways are two miles long. It's just what we need for the 21st century.
But Irvine doesn't want the noise and that seals that deal. No airport now, no airport EVER! Cry me a river, NIMBY!
Speaking for Irvine when you don't run Irvine is a dangerous plan. Irvine can change its mind, you know. Where does that leave you?
A majority of voters in Irvine are going to change their minds? No very likely, buy in your little NIMBY mind I suppose anything is possible. Reality really sucks, doesn't it?
Yes, a majority of voters in Irvine are going to change their minds and support El Toro International Airport. Maybe you should move there to try to head off your loss.
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