The first picture from 1963 shows John Wayne Airport and the surrounding area. As one can see, it is the Newport Mesa area, NOT Irvine that has the homes. The second picture shows El Toro and environs in 1963 where NO residents exist other than Marines in base housing.
Some will counter that John Wayne has been around for a long time. True. However, jets were NOT added until the late 60s well AFTER homes were established in the area. In contrast, El Toro has had jets there long BEFORE Irvine was even incorporated in 1973! Some as loud as F-18s. South County residents have received housing discounts and double paned windows because of this.
Civilian aircraft replacing fighter jets at El Toro is quite an improvement not to mention convenient, crowd free, and close to home. But wait, there's more! El Toro has a massive buffer zone. Therefore, South County residents really have nothing to legitimately complain about.
Another shortcoming of John Wayne is it has a mere 5700 foot runway and was never meant to have jets in the first place. John Wayne, along with Fullerton are meant to be general aviation airports for Orange County. Nothing more, nothing less.
Since El Toro is now available and the park has failed quite miserably and will never be built, there just happens to be a pair of 10,000 foot and 8,000 foot fallow runways sitting on 4700 acres ready for our utilization. After all, our taxes paid for it.
HA! Jets! Now you're mincing words, jets or props, they still make an awful lot of noise. Nice try but you need to try a little harder!
This is really funny, the buffer zone for El Toro would be the same as where YOU live, Vernon, in comparison to John Wayne. If it's too loud for you, install double paned windows or take your own advise and move.
Planes are planes. The only bad thing about John Wayne is the NIMBY Beach folks complaining about it. If you live under a flight path, guess what planes fly over you. If that's a problem you shouldn't have moved there in the first place. The El Toro Air Station will never be an airport. Nothing to see here folks, move along...
Seeing is NOT believing to the brain-washed NIMBYs against the planned El Toro International Airport. El Toro has the runways and no one is in the noise zone. El Toro is contaminated and can never be a park. They'll stop complaining when the planes start again. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Since Newport Beach lost the NIMBY battle. They get to keep the jets and El Toro can take on the small general aviation planes. So I propose we shorten the El Toro runways significantly and donate the excess runways tarmac to SNA so it can cross the Corona Del Mar Freeway. It is all about safety remember.
That way if we clear out the small aircraft, we can make room for even more jets at John Wayne. Sure sounds win-win to me. Orange County gets more travel options and Newport NIMBYs can feel like El Toro is making a "contribution" so to speak.
Oh Kenny!! Two thumbs up to your brilliant idea. Too bad old Vernon will write a stupid rebuttal in no time!
Nice one, Kenny!
El Toro International Airport in waiting has the long runways, and it is ready for Irvine to open it. Too bad there are so many bad ideas about shortening the runways. That was tried at Santa Monica and got nowhere. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Dear Kenny,
thank you for your **suggestion** on how to improve transportation infrastructure for Orange County.
Can you please get back to us with the following information:
- A cost estimate for shortening the runways at El Toro AND hauling away millions of cubic feet of tarmac?
- A cost estimate for lengthening the runway at John Wayne and condemning the necessary number of homes in S.A.H?
What financing mechanism will pay for your ahem ...**innovative** idea?
Your idea is the equivalent of suggesting Willie Shoemaker play in the NBA as a center, while Wilt Chamberlin becomes a racing jockey.
Dear 842AM;
I may be old compared to you. Considering that you do write like a young punk. The best you can do on here is resort to ageism when you can't utilize facts and logic. Sad.
I bet you were someone who used the incessant NIMBY talking point about the poor "old" people in Leisure World who would purportedly be "harmed" by El Toro. When the truth of the matter is the jets would go over a golf course and not their homes. Even so, Leisure World was built in the 60s, well after El Toro became an airport.
Old Vernon with a stupid rebuttal.
Like I said, Kenny.........
Dumb one, Kenny ....
here is cost estimate for you on my proposal.
1 billion to shorten the runways for small planes at El Toro and haul away the excess to SNA.
1 billion to lengthen the runway at SNA over the Corona Del Mar Runway and to condemn the golf course and Santa Ana Heights.
Total costs 2 billion.
Watching Newport NIMBYs weep and gnash their teeth.....PRICELESS!
Save your money Kenny. The planned El Toro International Airport is ready to go. Runways are long, as needed. Nobody is in the noise zone. Will make tons of money for Irvine which will use it for cleanup of contamination and building a really Great Airpark.
Dear Kenny,
if you could come up with 2 billion, you too would live in Newport Beach.
Don't be such a hater, just become more successful.
Just where exactly is it written that the runway at John Wayne was never meant for jets? I haven't found that little tid bit anywhere in my research. Oh, wait, that's just your silly opinion, I forgot. You get to make things up as you go along.
El Toro International Airport has 10,000 foot runways long enough for nonstop flights to Dubai, UAE. Try that at 5,700 foot John Wayne Airport, NIMBY.
And just how many people on OC need to fly to Dubai on a regular basis? Nice try, NIMBY!
Dubai is where the oil money is to rescue Lennar. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Lennar will be just fine as soon as they build some nice new houses on the land that they BOUGHT!
Lennar has lost over 2 billion in the past year alone. Its only a matter of time before they shrivel up and die. They better sell to L.A. soon.
They may sell, but it will never be to L.A.
L.A. HAS the money and Lennar NEEDS it............
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