Seven years ago, the tragic events of 09/11 occurred. Today we still live in a dangerous world. If 09/11 had happened before the base closure rounds of the 1990s, many military bases like El Toro would still have military personnel today. There is no way in hell "Congressman" Chris Cox could justify getting it shut down to benefit the developers. We are lucky he also did not get Camp Pendleton shut down as well.
When The United States Marine Corps occupied El Toro, I felt much better about our nation's security. The Los Angeles metropolitan area is a major target. Don't forget Orange County has the world famous Disneyland. We are still potentially vulnerable, and the military was kicked out of the area!
California has had way too many strategic bases shut down, in light of the fact that there are hostile communist regimes like North Korea and China that sit across our ocean. El Toro International Airport not only needs to be re-opened to serve as an economic catalyst for Orange County, it also must be retained for our country's national security needs. Those who would oppose the return of The United States Marine Corps to Orange County are nothing more than America hating leftists that incessantly protest against The War on Terror and undermine our troops. We are on the verge of victory in Iraq. If the Angry Left had their way, we would be cheese eating surrender monkeys and now be forced to wear veils, worship "Allah", and learn Arabic right now.
The NIMBYs will never admit it publicly, but the tragic events of seven years ago was an absolute Godsend for them. They had to have been slapping each other high five while the Palestinians were out dancing in the streets.
September 11, 2001 occurred just six months before the last election on El Toro. So the airport never had a fair chance after that.
This dark day in history absolutely scared the American public from using airports. I travel all over the country and observed that many of the airports were ghost towns at the time!
Orange County residents were also incredibly terrified to fly. The LAST place in the world they wanted to be at the time was an airport. This had to have cost us at least 100,000 votes in favor of an airport.
By comparison a park seemed so much safer at the time. What is the worst one will find at a park? Some illegals playing soccer or vagrants passed out. As an added bonus most of the NIMBYs would certainly enjoy having a park to cruise for gay bathroom sex just like George Michael does.
Seven years later air traffic levels have recovered and that is why we now need El Toro more than ever!
Although a park seemed safe to voters back then, now, on this sacred day 7 years later, we know El Toro is badly polluted and can never be pristine land. The airport is there and can be used as is. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Teach the NIMBYs what strategic bases are all about.
And yet another pile of stinking shit from Vern's diaper. It just keeps getting better and better.
Just how do you come up with this crap?
"As an added bonus most of the NIMBYs would certainly enjoy having a park to cruise for gay bathroom sex just like George Michael does."
Or we could have built an International airport so you, Larry Craig, and the rest of your republican cronies can hang out in the stalls waiting for gay sex!
Turn on the lights, Vernon. These bathroom stalls are way too dark to get the job done!
How dare you oppose the return of United States Marines to re-take El Toro and open the planned El Toro International Airport for the people and the planet. Welcome to the world, NIMBYs.
The Marines moved south. Why, in your twisted thinking, would you EVER think they will return to El Toro? One more time, THEY WANTED TO MOVE TO MIRAMAR! They aren't coming back...EVER!
I am not opposed to them coming back. Hell, I wish they never left, but it's a done deal.
Welcome to the REAL world, NIMBY!
Sounds just like Baghdad Bob speaking to the world while U.S. tanks were rolling down the street behind him. Support your local El Toro International Airport, NIMBY. Next time maybe you'll think twice before evicting the United States Marines.
Hey NIMBY 12:45. Pull your head out of that deep cavity in your body and breath the fresh, clean air. THE MARINES WANTED TO MOVE! Put down your leftist Kool Aid and do some homework, then you will find the truth. Of course then you'll find the truth is different that what you want to believe.
My God, the lies on this site are bigger than the ones on the Great Park site! Pathetic!
The Marines want it back. They did not want to move. That is broken brac propaganda you've been reading. El Toro International Airport is the only way to save Lennar, South County, Irvine, and the Great Park. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
You are a liar! I had a sit down with the commanding general at El Toro when it was first decided to close the base. In fact I had the opportunity to have a couple of sit downs with two of the commanding generals. The Marines were glad to be moving to Miramar and combining the two bases and saving tons of money. If the Marines truly wanted to come back to El Toro, show me the facts. Where is it written, other than in your head? That's bullshit and you know it.
Now quit your whimpering, the base is closed, the Marines love Miramar and are never coming back and El Toro will never be an airport again.
Say good night, Vern.
The airport never had a change once the TRUTH about the impacts of a 38 MAP, 24/7 airport monstrosity were understood by the majority of OC voters. The truth killed your dream of foisting off your poor choice of address onto your neighbors.
Is anyone in NIMBY Beach capable bale of understanding facts, or are you just the southern extension of is it Fantasyland??
09/11 is what turned the tide against an airport at El Toro. Orange County citizens had already vote for it TWICE.
The slaughter of 3,000 of our own citizens was a small price to pay for the defeat of the airport. The NIMBYs will never admit it, but 09/11 was a great day for their cause.
Today a vote on an airport would win easily as air travel demand has recovered. Not to mention gas prices have tripled while housing prices have plummeted. Therefore, it makes no sense to keep building homes and export passengers on long commutes to other counties. Besides, The Great Park ain't exactly great! 3 years later and all they have is 27 whole acres. HA!
"Today a vote on an airport would win easily as air travel demand has recovered."
More NIMBY Beach fantasy. A fast check of the JWA web site usage statistics reveals that passengers are DOWN 9% vs. 2007, general aviation DOWN 14.5% (tough times even for the chosen few??), air cargo DOWN 14.9%, and air taxi operations DOWN 14.5%. As an aside, American Airlines has just announced PERMANENT capacity cuts.
Once again, a NIMBY Beach whiner post uncluttered by FACTS.
Turn out the lights Vern, the dream is over.
Hey 132. Liar, liar, pants on fire. No General at El Toro ever wanted to close that base. The Marines were evicted by a bad brac decision, pure and simple. They want back in. The only Generals you ever sat down with were the light bulbs you changed in the bathroom when you fell off the chair and broke your arm. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Hey 12:07, you idiot, you think I'm a liar, prove me wrong. I met with the two last commanding generals at El Toro. True, the officers loved El Toro, but the costs to keep El Toro and Tustin open were too great. The bases were closed for purly economic reasons. The Marines certainly DO NOT want it back.
Now, perhaps a few Marines that live nearby want it back, but the vast majority of the Marine Corps do not want to come back, AND they are never coming back.
The reasons for closing El Toro and Tustin were sound.
Now have some more Kool Aid and shut up!
Please stop mixing apples with oranges. The generals wanted to leave Tustin NOT El Toro. Miramar has a mere 400 units of housing. In contrast, El Toro has SIX TIMES the housing capacity with 2400 units!
Today Marines are forced to use their meager salary to live on The Orange County or San Diego County economy. The Generals do NOT get a vote on what bases get closed. That part is left entirely up to (sometimes unscrupulous) politicians like Chris Cox for example who screw the military and the taxpayers.
Hey Kool Aid drinker, the majority of grunts at El Toro were living in Riverside and Corona. They complained non stop about the horrible commute. The Marines were tired of fighting Irvine over noise and were glad to get a bigger base with less complaints.
You have no clue what the Marines wanted. However, if you had joined me in talking to the Generals...........
Poor NIMBY, can't get his way.
Please name the "generals" you talked to. Imaginary friends don't count.
How does going to base with 2000 LESS housing units constitute an "improvement"?
Also Irvine had no right to complain about noise. El Toro was opened in 1943. Irvine was established #) YEARS LATER in 1973. Therefore, Irvine is full of more crap than a Christmas Goose!
I meant to write 30 YEARS LATER!
Well, at least you got a few fact correct. El Toro was commissioned on March 17, 1943.
The commanding generals I met with were:
Maj. Gen. Drax Williams, Commanding General Third Marine Aircraft Wing
He was followed by;
Maj. Gen. Paul Fratarangelo, Commanding General Third Marine Aircraft Wing
No imaginary friends here. How about you? How are those friends that claim an airport at El Toro will still open?
I'd gladly welcome the Marines back to El Toro. As they are on record as opposing any joint civilian/military use of the base, that leaves clean, convenient, crowd-free John Wayne as the county's only airpoart. If the Marines were back this stupid arguemnet would never happen.
Turn on the light Vern, the Marines saw the candle in the window.
Personally, I don't understand why anyone wants to live in Orange County. It's got all the character of Stepford or a glass of fat-free milk.
With the recent home mortgage debacle, I expect that in 20 years or so, most of the OC will be Spanish-speaking latinos, and part of northern Mexico. Have at it, illegals. I hate OC. I wouldn't live there if someone gave me a mansion on the water. Ugh.
And anyone who moves next to an airport or military base and then whines about the noise is just as smart as the geniuses who refused to evacuate Hurricane Ike and then called 911 for help during the hurricane because they didn't know it would be "that bad."
And stupid people like this vote.
Anti-El Toro International Airport scum come to the very newest and the very oldest articles to post their hate. You sure know how to turn a phrase, Vernon. Keep up the good work and turn on the lights at El Toro International Airport.
1031 I am glad that you support your local Marine Corps. Since their fighter jets are so much louder than civilian jets there is no reason why you people in South County could not handle a joint use airport. It is interest of national AND economic security that we soon re-open the planned El Toro International Airport.
More flights = cheaper fares and shorter commutes.
4:43 Yes. Yes.
10:00 Imaginary friends don't count.
10:31 Anti-El Toro International people are paranoid with fear of the airport opening. Even those who live in Irvine have that fear. They know that we are a republic, not a democracy. They vent their rage on this website. These irrational people used to post their filth on an anti-airport website. Now they're stuck with a pro-airport website. Keep those good articles coming, Vernon.
11:41 I liked your reference to fat-free milk.
Pro-airport website, Donald? Is this why the AWG PAC site never opened their message board to the public.? Truth too much to handle? I ahve yet to hear or read an intelligent, fact-based rebuttal to any of the anti-airport arguments on this board.
Turn on the lights, Vern, Donald is lost again.
There are no anti-airport arguments. Extra chromosome person is back trying to pick a fight. That's inconsistent from what I hear. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
It's quite obvious you can't hear anything due the location of your head in that place where the light never shines.
Anti-El Toro International Airport people haven't learned a thing from the lessons of 9/11. But then putting their heads in the sand is what ostriches and isolationists do.
Poor, poor NIMBY's, just cannot accept the fact that El Toro is closed and an airport will never be built there. But then again, NIMBY's have always had a hard time with facts and acceptance.
Oh, and we have learned plenty from 9-11, not that it has one single thing to do with El Toro. But the fact that there have been no more attacks on American soil shows clearly how much we have learned.
Go back to sleep now, little NIMBY. Reality won't hurt a bit.
South County bananas and nimbys have their heads in the sand like an ostrich or isolationist. Turn on the lights, Vernon, the El Toro International Airport already is built. Keep up the good work. We've got them on the run. They're all lathered up.
Dream on Donald, dream on. Convenient, crowd-free John Wayne is and will always be the sole commercial airport in the OC.
I live in Santa Ana Heights and should be able to retire in the next 5 years or so. Then I can finally say good riddance to this cesspool otherwise known as Orange County.
I would have like to seen El Toro converted to a civilian airport, but I don't quite share Vern's/Don's optimism for it.
The South County people are incredibly mean spirited and nasty. They truly do not know what noise is. They would not even feel 10% of what I now feel with John Wayne.
The idea was to share the load and have an equitable distribution of flights. But South County people are so full of hate and vitriol, that unlimited John Wayne expansion is the ONLY acceptable answer to them. They have no sympathy for others. Fine! Have it your way!
I now hope that John Wayne is greatly expanded. I was planning on moving anyways. It will be nice to have the county buy my home and pay for my moving expenses. This whole area can be rezoned for noxious industrial uses for all I care.
In the meantime, I am cheering on The Irvine Company and Lennar to keep on paving every f#cking remaining acre left in Orange County and cram in thousands upon thousands of disgusting cookie cutter homes. 30 acres is about as big as the Great Park is ever going to get. Lennar will need to recoup billions of dollars in lost revenue.
I am also in 100% support of the toll road to San Clemente. This will guarantee even more sprawl. The South County assholes can choke on traffic and their own hatred. It will be nice to someday leave them in the dust and laugh at them.
Now there is a fine example of anger, only to be outdone by the Newport NIMBY's that created it.
I hope that anger keeps you warm at night.
Dear SAH,
Sorry about your anger. When my parents moved to Orange County in the 1950's (my dad was a fighter pilot at
El Toro) my mom really wanted to move to Santa Ana Heights. My dad said no way. He felt that either Orange County airport or Fullerton airport would one day be a major airport for the area. And here we are today.
I lived very briefly in South County. The residents there truly understood that El Toro was there first and the noise generated from there was just something that went with the territory. After all, there were only about 20 flights a day and that was on a really busy day.
What South OC never bargained for was for El Toro to become an international airport. And to make matters worse was the NIMBY's in Newport Beach trying to force it down their throats, come hell or high water.
I should point out that I have never had much sympathy for the idiots in Irvine that bought houses they knew were right next to one of the largest Marine bases in the world, then complained about the noise. That makes about as much sense as the Newport NIMBY's that moved in and now complain about SNA, except when they need to travel somewhere, then all of a sudden, it's very convenient.
Southern California as a region has transportation needs, that we can all agree on, but you don't put what was designed to be the 5th largest, busiest airport in the country right in the middle of suburbia. That is just poor planning.
Our whole region needs a new, large airport, away from homes. It is unfortunate that our urban planners are so inept at working together to provide one.
I truly hope that when you retire you find a nice quiet, peaceful place to seek serenity.
In reading all these pro El Toro posts there is one constant, the contaminated ground water and how it's poisoning the residents, etc.
This site claims to be a site of facts, however one fact that has constantly been left out is that the Navy is, and has been, filtering the ground water to make it safe.
Once again those pesky facts get in the way of "your facts".
7:06 worries that the fact that the Navy is filtering the water at El Toro to remove the poison in the water has been left out of this website. Well, as the Navy filtered the water it stirred up the plume and pushed it farther into Woodbidge. So much for the Navy cleanup. They'll have to stop that stuff and let nature do the job. This is all covered in newsoc, Salem News, and Financial Times. The Register reported on the start of filtering, but it has failed to report the failure of the filtering. Then you anti-El Toro International Airport people don't want to see any facts that disagree with your template. So turn on the lights, Vernon. Full speed ahead.
Your Salem News is a sham, as for the Financial Times, well...........
Show me one reputable news organization that says the filtering is a failure. Your two fake ones don't count. Cmon, Registerk, L.A. Times, Wall Street Journal, where is it? You can't because it doesn't exist. Just more of your alarmist garbage.
Why don't you ask your reputable news organizations to write about the filtering failure. Well, you won't, because you don't want to hear anything that disagrees with your silly park template. Who wrote the book on alarmist garbage against El Toro International Airport. You? Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got an airport to open.
Denial is not a river in Egypt. But there is an underground river in Irvine full of TCE, and the NIMBYs turn a blind eye to it. That Great Park is sure coming along real nicely ain't it?!
Your conspiracy theory sounds just like your hero, Al Gore's little Inconvenient Truth that the sky is falling. You probably believe that global warming is man made, too. No matter what gets done to that toxic plume you'll still think the sky is going to fall.
Denial is not accepting that an airport will never be built at El Toro.
Denial and Delights sound related to me. I read that 30,000 scientists say global warming is not caused by man, but then, like the anti-El Toro International Airport crowd, facts don't matter. That's why they are such sore winners and will be losers, although the airport will help them in the long run. The toxic plume is being pushed farther and farther into Woodbridge, so Irvine had better wake up and smell the TCE. Open the airport now, Irvine, before the plume gets to Newport Beach. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
I should know better than to ask, Donald, but please explain how opening an airport will do one single thing to correct the TCE issue. You are the master of the non sequitur.
He is also a master of deception and lies, just like the rest of the pro airport goons.
Well, you see, 348, as soon as you open the airport the money will come rolling in from the airlines that pay to land each jumbo jet on El Toro's runways. Then you can use the money to hire people to remove that TCE without pushing it farther into Irvine. The Navy tried, but they re-injected it into the wrong place. That's a riparian corridor you're dealing with there. Just because the stream is covered up doesn't mean it isn't a stream with all the rights and responsibilities that go with it. You can't dam up a stream and you can't remove the water either. Your housing plan is a white elephant. Your airport is the only way to go. 432 hasn't a clue about anything except the anti-airport alarmist stuff he learned from you.(downwind,up hill, into mountains,crossed runways don't need it nonsense, whence the FAA declared it safe and needed.) Turn on the lights, Vernon.
720, it is no wonder the NIMBYs have not yet used the global warming excuse for not keeping El Toro open.
This will of course be used by those who drive guzzlers like Expeditions, Hummers, and Tahoes.
Donald, your answer is essentially "sweep it under the rug and no on will notice". By law, airport revenues can only be used for airport improvements. Does cleaning up the TCE count as airport improvement? Maybe, maybe not but I'd bet my last dollar that even if they had the money it would be spent elsewhere other than cleaning up the TCE. Not to mention that airports are hardly the most environmentally friendly places on the planet. So the reality is that the TCE would be covered up, plus absorb all the other toxic crap generated by the airport.
Sorry, much like El Toro, this doesn’t fly.
934: Sweeping the TCE under the rug is what you're doing now, by pushing it farther into Woodbridge. At a private airport you can use the profits any way you wish. You'll be all right cleaning up the airport with money from the airline carriers. They love your green airport and want to see it opened. I'm glad you're worried about TCE and all the other poisons left there by the Navy. The Navy will never clean it up to pristine park-like standards. Get used to the airport, Larry. Vernon will help you turn on the lights.
Almost as much as you love convenient, crowd-free John Wayne, the only airport the OC will ever know.
This is a pro-El Toro International Airport site, dummy. Quit trying to change the subject. You don't even know if John Wayne Airport will be available when you need it. Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon.
OK Donald, for one you're half correct, a PRIVATE airport can spend their money as they see fit. Please explain to me who or what organization is going to make El Toro a PRIVATE airport? King George going to empty his penny jar for you?
Private is good, but government may be better for El Toro International Airport. Mayor Riordan raided Lawa's money to hire more police officers and put them on the streets. Then a rhubarb ensued over whether LAWA should have its own police force as they did. He got away with it by claiming that they were not going to the faa for money right now, although clearly they did in the past. Turn on the lights at El Toro International Airport. We'll clean up El Toro, Irvine, and Orange County too.
I just love the pro airport NIMBY, hate south county rhetoric on this site. It's so, so, hmmm, what the term, childish! Like a kid that didn't get the toys he wanted at Christmas so now he's going to cry for eternity. Poor NIMBY's, can't have their toy airport.
Hey! Dummy 2:42, just when hasn't SNA been available when I needed it. I fly out of there regularly and have never had a flight canceled. I love SNA, it's only five minutes from home and work. It's nice and clean and the runways are pointed in the direction that the planes need to go. It's perfect! Lets expand it!
If you are only five minutes from SNA as you claim, then you are closer to it than El Toro. Obviously El Toro would not impact you.
Donald, once again you're spinning like a top. FEDERALLY OBLIGATED AIRPORTS, of which LAX is one, and a position you are now advocating for the fantasy El Toro airport, are limited by Federal law to using airport generated revenues ONLY for airport projects. Thus your oft-repeated claim that an airport will generate gazillions of dollars for Irvine is patently untrue and, and founded in the steaming pile of shit in the above picture. Just one more case of NIMBY Beach ignoring the law, the logic, and the realities of El Toro in your hopeless quest to rid your self of a noxious neighbor by spinning a web of lies and distortions that put Casey Anthony to shame.
Turn out the lights Donald, the El Toro train left the station a long time ago.
Double dummy 641: This is a pro El Toro International Airport website. Why are you trying to change the subject? John Wayne Airport is closed every day of the year from 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. Let's hope you never have an emergency requiring a "redeye" until El Toro International Airport opens. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This person may need to catch a flight in the middle of the night or after John Wayne Airport is closed for good. See the Irvine Company's ownership upon closure of John Wayne Airport. After all, the land came from them and they gave navigation easements all over Irvine as a Delaware Corporation.
Donald, you should learn to keep your lights off. Much like all other El Toro FACTS, the BOS rescinded all the avigation easements previously granted for El Toro on July 1, 2003. That means that to build your fantasy airport would require regaining thousand of those easements, at a cost of billions in compensation and years of litigation. The only thing flying out of El Too are the sparrows.
Turn out the lights Vern, the dream ended years ago.
6:59, you are brilliant at deductive reasoning, aren't you.
So, just because an airport at El Toro won't affect me I should be for it? Now that is classic NIMBYism if ever there were any.
Dumb shit 641, just how bad of an emergency would it be that I can't take a red eye out of LAX. What do you think the people of down town Denver do? From Newport Beach to LAX is roughly 40 miles. For the good people of downtown Denver, Denver International is 35 miles outside of town.
How about New York City. It's an hour from the City to JFK, at least! Dallas is the same.
Or, Marin County in Northen California? SFO is at least an hour away. Likewise Oakland.
Your stupid logic for opening El Toro just for a lame reason of catching a red eye is, well stupid and lame, just like you.
600, you seem to have forgotten that traffic from Orange County to the Inland Empire and Los Angeles is really bad. Yet you NIMBYs think we should go use LAX and Ontario. El Toro is close to home, crowd free, and ready for action.
Hey 552 if El Toro does not impact you and you are closer to John Wayne, waht do you think of JWA 24/7?
552 brilliant: Forget about NIMBY deductive reasoning. Use inductive reasoning. El Toro International Airport is there, it is big, it is noiseless, and it is ready to go. Now prove that we must open it, even though you're against it. Stop trying to prove that somebody not in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport should be aginst it. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Teach them the rules of logic.
839, as I have said before, I am against any more expansion at SNA, including operating 24/7. I do, however, open up that option when the Newport NIMBY's try to shove an unwanted airport down south county's throat.
1153, you're an idiot. There is no such thing as a noiseless airport and there are plenty of people that will be affected by an airport at El Toro.
It may, however, be semi noiseless where you head is lodged.
635, You're brainwashed! Six of the ten measurement sites at El Toro had noisier ambient noise than the airplanes. Clearly El Toro International Airport is a noiseless airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Show those NIMBYs how quiet El Toro International Airport is.
Yes, until it was pointed out that the planes were flying EMPTY and using much lower power settings than real world settings. Suddenly things got louder.
More fact bending by the Newport NIMBY's.
Yes Donald, your fantasy airport is completely noiseless, and will remain so for all eternity, as no airplane will ever fly out of El Toro again.
Turn on the radio Vern, Donald likes his noise.
209 simply mouths the lies that were spread around when the planes were flying full. They had refugees, troops, ballast, and fuel. A lie repeated over and over as the anti-El Toro International Airport protesters do, give it no credibility except to discredit the liars. Get the facts. This is a website of facts about El Toro International Airport. Liar, Liar, pants on fire.
448 will be shocked, I say shocked, to see the planes flying again at El Toro. 448 doesn't own the airport, nor should he. Turn on the lights, Vernon, the same old reactionaries are posting on this fine website.
Donald, I've heard more facts and truths from Casey Anthony this week than from you in the last decade.
Turn out the lights Vern, Dorothy and Toto aren't coming home.
I'm shocked, Larry. Shocked that you see truth as lies and lies as truth. But then what else is new for you. There will be plenty of work for you at El Toro International Airport.
1257, on this site there is little more than lies from the pro El Toro crowd. They think their lies are the truth and everyone else's truth are lies. The pro airport crowd bends the truth better than Obama does.
I'm shocked. I'm shocked. Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs continue to lie and deny. How can they hope to survive on this website which is a pro-El Toro International Airport website?
We just log on here to see how dementia affects old NIMBY's. It's kind of amusing.
I just love NIMBY Beach. Lots of money. Lots of airport fantasies. Lots of whining. Most miserable city in America. Proving money does not buy happiness (or intelligence).
You're brainwashed, Nimbys. El Toro International Airport will fix everything that's wrong with you. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Show them re-programming will remove their hate.
You're getting loopier by the minute Donald. Better get back on those meds.
Returning the heavy jets to El Toro International Airport will fix everything that is wrong with the NIMBYs. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Reactionaries can be saved by re-programming.
1025 you just have lots of ENVY!
Replace envy with repulsion.
I'm repulsed. I'm repulsed. That anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs are repulsed. I'm from Newport Beach and I want to help.
You can help by buying Vern a new flashlight, it's dark where his head is and he can't find his way out. And it's the only light he'll ever turn on cause El Toro is dead.
I'm from Newport Beach, and I want to help. Just think. More destinations and lower fairs. El Toro International Airport is the way to go.
I'm from Newport Beach and I want to help. Just think, when the caps come off at SNA, more destinations and lower fares. SNA International is the way to go.
I'm from Newport Beach and I want to help open El Toro International Airport. Only El Toro has all the answers to all of our airport problems. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
I'm from CDM and I just love the Duke. JWA forever! Keep that light shinning at SNA, Vern, they need the light for the night landings.
I'm from Orange County and I'm for El Toro International Airport. The park is toast. The houses are white elephants. The airport is big and ready to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
I'm from Orange County and I'm against El Toro International Airport. The airport is toast. The houses are going to sell like crazy. The park is big and ready to go. Turn on the lights at SNA, Vernon, 1150 needs to fly out of here to someplace where airplanes need to go.
I'm from Newport Beach and I'm for El Toro International Airport. Irvine is polluted. The park is toast. The airport is built and ready to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Irvine wants to save its airport while it loses its central city to TCE.
534, park is big and ready to go.
You call 27 acres and an oft grounded balloon big and ready to go. You suffer from too much TCE in your bong water!
And just what are you shooting up, 947?
El Toro International Airport is big, the runways are long, and the airport is safe, green, wanted and needed. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs are full of drugs, decadence, deviance and depravity. That's bad for this sacred site in memory of those who died on September 11, 2001.
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