If you are a trial lawyer, The Great Pork is the gift that keeps on giving. First, there is Forrest Lawn suing the park board for a flawed EIR. And now we have the family of a late ice skater suing the park board for unsafe ice skating conditions.
Typically, I absolutely loathe trial lawyers. But in this case, I hope they do prevail and Irvine does get soaked for the $40 million verdict. Assuming Irvine has a population of 200K, this means every man, woman, and child could be on the hook for $200 each. That is not counting whatever fees Irvine incurs in trial costs and spin doctoring from this tragedy.
Irvine taxpayers got hoodwinked into getting saddled with this albatross park around their necks. Instead, they could have a job creating, money making airport that would add revenue to the community rather than the current fiscal liability that is The Great Pork.
Then there was a Register article showing how ONLY 19 PEOPLE are employed by the park. That's right, ONLY 19 PEOPLE! (Virtually all of them Agranistas that got to ride on the gravy train.) About a quarter billion dollars has spent to date and ONLY 19 PEOPLE are employed by this boondoggle. Even Obama and his porkulus projects don't have THAT bad of a money spent/jobs created ration! Only the Agranistas could make the Obama administration and the Democrats look like economic experts by comparison. On the other hand, it was projected the airport would create 100,000 jobs.
Next, almost 300 people attended some Great Pork fundraiser says the Register. Almost 300 people are all that is left in Orange County that are gullible enough to believe they will actually see the park completed within their lifetime. One large jet or two average size jets could carry almost 300 people. Almost 300 people would use El Toro International Airport in a matter of mere minutes.
Finally, Garden Grove is being overwhelmed with applications for low income housing. Wait until word hits the street that Irvine has plenty of room for the low income masses as they are mandated per SCAG to build 35,000 low income housing units. That was due to a self inflicted wound made possible by silencing the airport and freeing up 14,000 acres in the buffer zone for residential development. Keep it an airport, and the surrounding environs are only permitted for industrial uses.
Irvine residents either wise up and re-open the airport or enjoy the low income housing, 99 cent stores, lowered property values, endless lawsuits, and 19 whole jobs the Great Pork has cursed your city with. As an added bonus, you don't even have a functional golf course at El Toro anymore.
You did it again Vernon with a picture of an ice skater crashing through a rickety railing at the great park and reminding us of the lawsuits and low income housing mandates against Irvine, unless it opens El Toro International Airport post haste.
Time is of the essence when it comes to damages and legal fees which the great park can not pay. When Irvine opens that airport the junky housing mandates will go away and the lawsuits will stop.
It's time to turn on the lights at El Toro International Airport.
you are so mean-spirited and full of hate. Do you love anybody besides yourself? People cannot just have a vote to take away other people's rights like gay marriage. But the people sure can vote to add rights such as the right to have quite skies over South Orange County. Thank you very much! =)
Maybe the park development has been slow, but that only builds up the excitement and anticipation. I think Larry Agran, Beth Krom, and Sukhee Kang are wonderful council members. They saved us from an unwanted, unneeded airport.
My lover and I enjoy going to The Great Park on a regular basis. Have you ever tried the balloon ride? It is an awesome ride with breathtaking views. We will be getting married at the park someday too.
Make Love, Not Noise!
1052, your big noise is embarrassing to like-minded spirits. If only you knew how silly you sound, coming onto this pro-El Toro International Airport site with such lies. Stay away from the balloon. It's already contaminated. Love means never having to say you're sorry. It's good to hear about the lawsuits. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport.
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