Our once fine conservative county is literally rotting with moral decay from its center core. There is a triumvirate of 3 extremist cities that are spreading their poisonous radical agenda to other parts of our county. That would be Irvine, Laguna Beach, and Aliso Viejo. All 3 of them voted for "gay rights", for Obama, and against El Toro International Airport.
If one wants to have a gay wedding in any of those cities, the voters fully condone it as they did vote no on proposition 8, which an activist judge just struck down as somehow being "unconstitutional". But try to keep an EXISTING airport open for business, they are militantly opposed to it. They love gayness, but hate the Marine Corps and aviation. It is God, guns, guts, and glory that made America great, not gays!
The triumvirate of cities think they are so slick in silencing the airport. But they are in for a rude awakening as employers are leaving the area for more business friendly climates. The latest example is Boeing is leaving Irvine and moving to Mesa, Arizona.

Irvine has El Toro Marine Corps Air Station and has CLOSED it for aviation.
Mesa has Williams Air Force Base and kept it OPEN for aviation.
Is it any wonder why Boeing has ditched Irvine to move to Mesa?
Also, on the land of the former Air Force Base is a decent sized satellite campus for Arizona State University. On the other hand, Cal State Fullerton had a couple buildings at El Toro and Lennar gave them the boot. An international airport would provide enough revenue to allow CSU Fullerton to stay put.
Those gullible enough to vote for The Fake Park can enjoy that traffic jam commute to Fullerton and good luck finding parking once they arrive. In contrast, parking at the El Toro satellite was never a problem. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Irvine tried to "fix" El Toro and we all know what happened.
Hey Donnie, is it true you went to San Diego State?
Vernon, your latest double post shows you have a newspaper in the works where everyone will go to get their news. Your "just married" picture on the mentality of Aliso Viejo is outstanding.
The fix is in on El Toro International Airport. The great park is burnt toast but the airport is preserved and all we have to do is turn on the lights. Then companies will move away from energy wasteful places like Mesa, Arizona and come and grow south central orange county into the prosperous place it was meant to be.
Your eltoroairport.blogspot newspaper is a living example of fine advocacy journalism.
Congratulations to Vitriolic Vern on another hate-filled, moronic rant that barely qualifies as nonsense, even within the NIMBY Beach realm of lies and non-sequiturs. The Boeing facility in Irvine is a helicopter facility which, even Dumbbell Donald knows do not need runways or an airport. And continuing to ignore the FACTS, Vern managed to overlook Boeing’s decision to cut 800 jobs in Long Beach, which DOES have a very nice and functioning airport. Sorry Vern, you lose once again. What part of El Toro is dead and buried is so incomprehensible to you NIMBYS?
I drove through the industrial town of Aliso Viejo today, and things are going just fine there, with insurance companies that will invest in the airport, homebuilders that wish to build but can't and United Parcel ready to distribute packages flown into El Toro. Software is present in that industrial town, and none of the buildings interfere with the approach to El Toro International Airport. Industry is ready to return from hostile climates to hire people in this depressed economy poorly planned, but with a killer climate.
I drove through the industrial town of NIMBY Beach today and found that thing are just fine there, with a bunch of posers, egomaniacs, embezzlers, drunks, soccer-mom hookers and assorted phonies who all agreed that El Toro airport is dead and buried. They all wished to move to South County to escape the hypocrisy of the AWG but could not as their Mastercards were maxed out from boob jobs for their stripper girlfriends, penile implants, and alimony payments caused them to admit they had blown grandpa’s trust fund. The remaining pathetic few thought that an airport at El Toro world give them a bigger penis. The Gay Coalition reminded them that stupidity starts at home, only two Newport NIMBYS remain unconvinced. Feel free to mock them for their lies, delusions and class-envy.
158, leave it to Lone Nimby to climb out of the emulation sewer of insults, jealousy, class warfare and hate to fantasize an imaginary reality. Fact is, Aliso Viejo is an industrial town under the approach to the longest runway (34) in Orange County and all we have to do is turn on the lights. El Toro International Airport is run by Irvine now, not the Nimbys of south county who were snookered into giving victorious Measure W away. This snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, They are sorry, sad, angry and frustrated. We've got the demand and you've got the airport. Turn on the lights of progress, Vernon.
You say gay like it is a bad thing. So what's wrong with being gay?
You're a fucking idiot.
Someone told me about this blog the other day. It makes me all the more glad that I moved out of Orange County. I see many years later things have not changed.
I predict that well into the future that the grandchildren and great grandchildren of today's citizens will still be fighting this civil war about airports.
I have seen little in the way of logical debate and discussion about air transportation or The Great Park. It is mostly ad-hominen attacks and partisanship on here. Perhaps, the Marines need to return to El Toro, because there appears to be very few grown ups in Orange County who can be mature about this.
BTW, I now live about a mile from a commercial airport and it does not bother me at all. It is white noise at worse, if I even hear any jets in the first place. Cars on my street make way more noise than any of the jets.
It is YOUR state of mind that determines how much little things like jets will bother you. If your state of mind is healthy, then no problem. But if you have a lot of baggage in your life, then a little jet noise could get under your skin.
I think a lot of people on here are overreacting with emotion rather than engaging in critical thinking.
My two cents.
726, I suppose you moved out of Orange County because there were no jobs, and that is not surprising. My prediction is you'll be the first expatriate to move back when you hear that El Toro International Airport has opened. Millions of annual passengers are waiting in the wings.
This website is loaded with partisanship, logical debate and arguments for El Toro International Airport. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone. It has jumbo jet fuel-saving cross runways pointing to our destinations.
How's that Hope and Change working out for you? The president stalled traffic for 16 hours in Los Angeles last week. He cut the city in two. Almost as bad as the Hollywood haircut at LAX two presidents ago. El Toro International Airport will put an end to that mischief. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
I actually have a very good job that I really enjoy. But thank you for looking out for me. I get to travel all over California. Some areas I have worked in include Big Sur, Santa Cruz, Mammoth Lakes, Truckee, San Francisco, Arcata, and Pebble Beach. :-)
I moved out of Orange County because it is overcrowded, overrated, and overpriced. I live in a much more serene and beautiful area where I get a lot more bang for the buck. I personally see no upside in ever returning to The OC. But if you actually like it, then all the power to you.
How is that Hope and Change working out for me? It is working out just fine. Thanks for asking. As Bill Maher would say, you should ask Sarah Palin how "Hooked on Phonics" is working out for her.
Next thing we know, you will be saying El Toro should open so that President Obama can catch a flight to his "homeland" of Kenya. It just dawned on me that the queen of Birthers, Orly Taitz is from The OC.
My two cents.
1232, You'll be back when El Toro International Airport opens. Yes, Obama can fly out of El Toro in disgrace, just as Nixon flew in in disgrace. El Toro International Airport is a perfect airport because it has fuel-saving jumbo jet cross runways pointing to our destinations. There are some cheap places to live in Orange County, for example the industrial town of Aliso Viejo. The climate is great in Orange County. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Ex Patriate could be ready to return.
please get your lies straight. How can one LIVE in Aliso Viejo, when you claim it is an INDUSTRIAL TOWN? Are you suggesting people there live in warehouses?
With all those jets flying over, then AV would not exactly be a quiet place to live now would it?
If you still think AV would be livable, then please leave Newport Beach and move to Aliso Viejo yourself! If you won't do it, then you have zero credibility as usual!
712, no lies here. Aliso Viejo condos look like warehouses. That's why they're so cheap. The industrial building are on the rim of the valley out of the way of the airplanes which Ex Patriate likes. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
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