California has a gay friendly, business hostile climate. Irvine is living proof of that. If you saw the Register, it featured photos of a "gay pride" event held in Irvine. While Irvine is celebrating a public display of perversion, businesses are fleeing Orange County; which has the highest rate of desertion in the state! Allowing a high quality international airport like El Toro to sit idle does not help matters.

Your El Toro International Airport newspaper is getting better and better, Vernon. Nice hat on the dancer but not much of an audience. Business departures from Orange County, being the most statewide, shows that we need to open El Toro International Airport before any more jobs are lost. The great park is toast. The airport is ready to go. Quality of life trumps gay pride.
Sit down and take a very deep breath. I need to say something that you might find troublesome. Okay, here goes. El Toro airport will never, ever be built. Yes, I know, tragic. But wait, there's more. Take another deep breath. Gay people are - wait for it - getting married in a number of states. And countries, too. It seems your worst fears have come true. No airport and the moral decay is systemic. But don't give up the fight. You're not tilting at windmills. Really, you're not. Actually you are, but it seems to keep you entertained, so tilt away.
I got news for you. El Toro is already BUILT! It was first BUILT in 1943. Then you and others were foolish enough to move near it after it was BUILT and had the gall to complain about it!
As for gay marriage, it is unnatural and the will of the people on prop 8 has been ignored by an activist judge.
The will of the people also voted for El Toro TWICE! Clearly you and other NIMBYs cannot respect the will of the voters and kept having vote after vote. But never with a straight yes or no on El Toro after losing badly with Measure S.
Please don't even count other measures that followed. They were not a straight yes or no vote on El Toro by itself. Measure F scared people when the prospects of jails and dumps and were BUNDLED with the airport. Every court ruled against F. One cannot have MULTIPLE SUBJECTS on the ballot.
Then Measure W was voted on not even six months after 09/11! A park sounded much more safe than an airport at the time. Let's have a vote today. I DARE YOU!
The park has broken its promise to be TAX FREE. It is not on time and not on budget. FAIL!
You are probably some loony liberal that cheered the day 09/11 happened because you knew the public would be afraid of flying and an airport at El Toro would lose the vote. Today you celebrate 09/11 with the other Obamanistas by cheerleading for the Ground Zero Mosque. I never thought Orange County would become so infested with sedition and un-American activities like embracing gayness and treating the beloved Marine Corps like baby killers and evicting them from El Toro.
Vern, you're on to me. I'm a gay Muslim socialist that abhors airports. I'd write more, but I have a mosque fundraiser I need to get to.
Put your money where your big fat mouth is Vern, start the petition process to put another airport measure on the ballot. The signatures will be yours and Donal's alone (assuming Donald can actually read and write).
And not to pour cold water on your political activism, you'll need to get your measure on the IRVINE ballot as the land is now part of their city and they have the final say about what goes on there. Maybe it's time to sell the plywood mansion in NIMBY Beach and move south to the Peoples Republic of Irvine so your little ballot measure might actually mean something. Hey, Agran may even give you a free balloon ride.
126, Leave it to Vernon's "Letter from the Editor" to show the pathway for El Toro International Airport and the Stay which saved Proposition 8 in California. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
I have a question. Those who oppose El Toro have clamored for the runways to removed. If El Toro is not built, then HOW did the runways ever get there? I am confused.
147, The runways were built for the airport and were used for the civilian flight demonstration which proved that El Toro International Airport was safe, wanted and needed. (Only a few anti-airport people wanted to change them.) The California Association of Governments estimates demand at El Toro to be 30 million annual passengers. Irvine controls El Toro now. No one is in the noise zone, and the civil rights of Aliso Viejo don't count any more. (No more One Nimby one vote. You can sue but what else is new?) You have a great El Toro International Airport newspaper, Vernon. Bring those businesses back to Orange County. Turn on the lights.
Awaiting your new airport petition Vern.
622, yes voting measures the consent of the governed, but you didn't say who should be allowed to vote. 30 million annual passengers or Aliso Viejo Nimbys?
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