Thursday, August 21, 2008

El Toro Airport was built BEFORE the NIMBYs moved next door!

The picture above is El Toro and surroundings circa World War II. As one can see the airport was there before the houses were constructed where NIMBYs would move next door to it only to incessantly whine about it.

In Real Estate the general rule is "Let the Buyer Beware". Irvine and South County residents got their homes DISCOUNTED because they live in a flight zone with noisy military jets. They are living on the cheap. Otherwise, many of these same people could not afford to live in Orange County. If anything, they should be grateful for the presence of El Toro Airport.

El Toro is a 10 billion dollar taxpayer asset that is sitting idle. The so called "Great Park" after three years and 60 million dollars has a mere 27 acres to show for it. The taxpayers of America deserve a return on their investment. The citizens of Orange County need improved airport access that is not a 2 hour drive to another county. "Far away from Orange County" is not the answer as some posters have suggested. The whole idea of an airport is to have convenience and create jobs. If you do not like El Toro Airport, then move! It was here first!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely, positively, excellent. Turn the lights back on at this $10 billion planned El Toro International Airport. Teach the whiny NIMBYs a lesson. Fortunately, the most brain-washed of the NIMBYs no longer have any say. Irvine can do it alone.

Anonymous said...

OK, this is the stupidest piece of trash EVER written about El Toro. I lived under the El Toro flight pattern. Big deal, 20 flights a day, MAX! With a curfew to boot. The ill proposed airport will operate 24/7, not exactly what the home owners agreed to.

I can show the same type of pictures of Orange County Airport before the NIMBYs moved in and complained about the noise. If they don't like it, MOVE!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! A crusty old NIMBY Beach sore loser whining about other NIMBYs. Sorry guy, you lost the battle of the NIMBYs, letting this go will be good for your blood pressure.

Anonymous said...

Whiners beware. The airport was there before the houses. Nobody is in the noise zone of the 30 million annual passengers planned El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs don't count anymore.

Anonymous said...

Once again revisionist history from NIMBY Beach. Clean, cionvenient, crowd-free John Wayne Airport was has been in operation since the 1920, well before the arrival of the first Mercedes or Starbucks appeared in NIMBY Beach. Yes all those supposed "smart" people insisted on building and buying houses next to the airport, so they could spend the rest of their pathetic, shallow lives whining about how miserable they.

Forrest Gump was right. "Stupid is as stupid does".

Anonymous said...

Wow, that picture is revealing. Bargain hunters rushed to buy houses right next to the planned El Toro International Airport in waiting. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Forest Gump, the philosopher? Get a job NIMBY.

Anonymous said...

When my father was transferred to El Toro in 1950 before being shipped to Korea, my family rented a small house in Corona del Mar, as base housing was full. In 1953 when his squadron returned my mom wanted to buy a house in Santa Ana Heights. My father, a Marine Corps fighter pilot refused. He said of the two airports in Orange County then (Orange County and Fullerton) and one of them, probably Orange County, would some day be a major airport and he didn't want to live under it. Funny how my father knew this in 1953 but none of the other NIMBYs in Newport figured that out until years after they moved in.

As for the airport being there since 1920, well, thats kind of true. It was Eddie Martin field back then and was in a slightly different location, but not by far. The current location for Orange County Airport opened in September, 1941. Funny how ole Vern doesn't want to show any old photos of Orange County Airport, Newport Beach and surrounding areas from that time, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

El Toro has the long runways and nobody is in the noise zone of the planned El Toro International Airport. Marines are dieing and Woodbridge is exposed to the water. Park is toast. Houses are white elephants. Open the airport Vernon.

Anonymous said...

No Marines are dying and the water contamination is being taken care of by IRWD, if you don't believe me, just call them. The former air base will be cleaned up, the runways torn up and we'll all be happy. Well, except for a few old, grumpy NIMBYs in Newport Beach that are smoking a little too much so something strange.

Anonymous said...

Nobody is in the noise zone of the planned El Toro International Airport. Opponents have no legal leg to stand on. Marines are getting sick and have died. IRWD, Irvine Ranch Water District, is part of the problem. Cleanup is making things worse. The plume is getting bigger under Woodbridge and is heading towards Newport Bay. They have to stop their so-called cleanup. If you don't believe me just read the main stream media and web sites uncovering the coverup. Great Park is toast. Houses are white elephants. Turn on the airport lights, Vernon.

Anonymous said...

If the clean up is making it worse (your opinion) then I guess the best thing to do is just leave it.

What do you mean opponents have no legal leg to stand on, the good citizens of Orange County voted it down, TWICE! That sounds pretty legal to me.

And quit telling Vernon to turn on the lights, there is no Vernon, it's a fake name. There is no Vernon Delights registered with the DMV in the state of California. Nice try, though.

Anonymous said...

Cleanup may take 1,000 years. The airport is frozen in place but can be opened by Irvine. Opponents outside of Irvine of Irvine's airport have no legal leg to stand on. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's a delight to post on your pro-El Toro International Airport web site.

Anonymous said...

More B.S. from the idiot NIMBY's. Are you so stupid that you still think Irvine will open an airport? Not going to happen, not in a 1,000 years. Wanna bet on it?

Anonymous said...

Turn on the lights, Vernon. I love Irvine.

Anonymous said...

Vernon already turned on the lights. You can see them at SNA. Way to go Butt Pirate Vern!

Anonymous said...

We love Irvine because it has El Toro International Airport which is ready to go. Nobody is in the noise zone and it is the most green airport in the United States. But then you anti-El Toro International Airport birds don't care about green. Turn on the lights, Vernon.

Anonymous said...

There is no El Toro International Airport. That silly idea was killed once and for all by the good, informed voters of Orange County. True, there are a few crusty NIMBY's still floating around drinking Kool Aid and thinking that an airport still exists there, but they are just a bunch of old, demented tea baggers. They'll die off soon and we won't hear any more of their silly rhetoric.

Anonymous said...

There is an El Toro International Airport. It is just sitting idle at the moment because Irvine is too impotent to build a Great Park. It is time to have another vote on El Toro.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing to vote on, the land is privately owned, bought and paid for.

Cry me a river.

Anonymous said...

All we have to do is circulate some petitions......

Anonymous said...

Then I guess you better get busy......

Let me know how it goes in South County.

Anonymous said...

The petitiona are for Irvine, dummy. Not for the brainwashed cities that no longer matter. Turn on the lights, Vernon.

Anonymous said...

Why bother with South County? There are 21 cities in North County that have already voted THREE times for an airport!

Anonymous said...

They didn't vote for an airport on W now did they? Don't you just hate it when facts get in the way?

Anonymous said...

Yes, 21 cities on W voted for the airport. Don't you just hate it when anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs try to rewrite history. Facts to them are irrelevant. They are brainwashed.