Friday, August 15, 2008

The Great Park is not dead, it is just "resting".

This Great Pork ordeal resembles the Monte Python skit about a dead parrot. To sum it up, a customer returns a dead parrot to a shopkeeper for a refund. The shopkeeper strenuously denies that the parrot is dead and insists it is only "resting".

This is the same kind of bullcrap the voters and taxpayers are being fed by the city of Irvine on an almost daily basis. Any impartial observer can see that El Toro has runways, hangars, and aviation facilities and that it is indeed an (idle) AIRPORT. It is NOT a Great Park! Irvine the shopkeeper keeps insisting to the gullible voters that is a "resting" Great Park of the Norwegian Blue variety. Where is the Great Park? A floating orange gasbag and a hangar on 27 acres does not make El Toro a Great Park!

The voters were sold a bill of goods. The Register had an article that this so called park will need ANOTHER $377 million dollars! Lennar will be dead in a matter of time and will not be resting. They clearly cannot afford it. There is no money for Great Pork! It is not resting, IT IS DEAD!


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work, Vernon. We all can see it's an airport. Turn on the lights at the planned El Toro International Airport. Dead parrot becomes a big money maker for Irvine.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh ha ha ha ha ha! Stop it, stop it! You're killing me! Ha ha ha ha......... a commercial airport at El Toro, now that's a good one.

Anonymous said...

The Flight of the Phoenix is the planned El Toro International Airport. Start the commercial international flights soon, Vernon.

Anonymous said...

airport |ˈe(ə)rˌpôrt|
a complex of runways and buildings for the takeoff, landing, and maintenance of civil aircraft, with facilities for passengers.

Since El Toro has no facilities for passengers it is an AIR STATION, not an airport.

Anonymous said...

Turn on the lights at the air station, Vernon. Passengers can use the existing facilities. Park their cars on the huge parking lots.

Anonymous said...

Keep dreaming, Vern. El Toro may become many things, but an airport will not be among them.

Anonymous said...

Keep dreaming, Vernon. The planned El Toro Intenational Airport can not be anything other than the airport which already it is. Turn on the lights, Vernon.

Vernon Delights said...

Nice try with the semantics as to whether it is an AIRPORT or an air station.

Passengers have used El Toro as an airport. For example, President Richard Nixon and thousands of Viet Namese refugees.

El Toro is far closer to being an airport than a park. There are hundreds of acres of runways alone, and only 27 acres of the Great Pork. It is the Great Porkers who are dreaming that they will ever see a park.

Anonymous said...

Now that is one weak comment, Vernon! One President and some refugees does not an airport make. Butt you keep trying.

Anonymous said...

One president, my eye. LBJ's plane rolled off the runway and got stuck. President Nixon used it regularly. The refugees were arriving every 20 minutes in the middle of the night. The Marines left for Desert Storm. It's an international airport in waiting. Turn on the lights Vernon.

Anonymous said...

Spewing nonsense on the internet = good work? Hate to break it to you guy, but you LOST, get over it. Nothing but model airplanes and silly baloon will ever fly at the El Toro Air Station.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's an airport waiting to start flights. Nobody is in the noise zone. Irvine will make a bundle from this airport and her former allies will be gasping for the Truth. Turn on the lights Vernon.

Anonymous said...

You just don't get it, Irvine doesn't want it as an airport, no matter how much money they MAY make. It will destroy the way of life that the people of Irvine moved there for, especially since the base closed. Likewise, the people of the surrounding areas don't want planes flying over their houses 24/7, no matter what your so called noise zone states. Pigs will fly before Irvine ever lets El Toro fly.

Anonymous said...

Watch for the flying pigs. Airlines just love the fuel saving jumbo jet cross runways. Located in a calm valley surrounded by mountains on all sides. El Toro is contaminated and can only be used for a 24/7 international airport which already it is. Turn on the lights, Vernon.