These are some pictures from the mean streets of Minnesota showing a typical day for the Angry Left. Aren't these protesters such civilized peaceful human beings? The same kind who typically protest against keeping El Toro Airport open for business.
It is not surprising to see liberals and socialists possessed with such hatred and envy. Unfortunately many so called Republicans in South County are afflicted with the very same problem. You see folks this is due to the millions of dollars of ceaseless propaganda funded by The People's Republic of Irvine to convince them that Newport Beach is rich and evil. They also have been brainwashed into believing that keeping El Toro Airport open for business will somehow "harm" them. When the United States Marine Corps occupied El Toro Airport nobody was harmed. Therefore, El Toro Airport being "harmful" is a completely bogus assertion. Repeat a lie often enough and it eventually becomes believable. The Terrorists hate America for our freedom, and the denizens of South County have been taught to hate Newport Beach for our success.
On to the convention. Did anyone see that speech Sarah Palin made! Wow! She hit it out of the park! Plus that young lady is a major league babe! (Only a non-hetero male would not most definitely concur!) With Sarah Palin on the ticket, the Republican party will dominate the next election! America is ready for a woman in the White House, just not a liberal woman like Hillary Clinton.
Someone who obviously did not make the cut for VP was former Congressman Chris Cox, rumored to be on John McCain's short list. Good thing he was not selected, or the MSM would have vetted him and saw he really accomplished nothing significant while in office; except for being an anti-business obstructionist who simply got in the way of having El Toro Airport, (a 10 billion dollar taxpayer funded asset) stay open to serve the flying public. Besides, a few South County cities would have nowhere near enough voters to help put California in the McCain column. Today Cox could not even get elected to serve as dogcatcher of Newport Beach!
Additionally, Cox would have been a liability to the Republican ticket on a nationwide basis. What if the voters of our great nation discovered that Chris Cox's wife Rebecca Cox had served on a base closure commission and voted to unceremoniously evict the United States Marine Corps from El Toro? Logic dictated that a war hero like John McCain could not possibly have someone on his ticket who is outrageously unpatriotic. Those who would like to surrender in Iraq and undercut our military will be voting for Obama anyways.
John McCain's first major decision as our next president to select Sarah Palin as his running mate was a stroke of pure brilliance!
Vote McCain Palin in 2008!
There is no airport in El Toro. The possibility of an airport is just a myth perpetuated by the angry left. The park is there it's just a bit dark. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
"Repeat a lie often enough and it eventually becomes believable." Exactly the tactics of NIMBY Beach during the great El Toro war. At least you were a good student of NPB politics.
Turn out the lights Vern, the El Toro party is over.
Don/Vern, I am truly surprised that you support Sarah Palin for VP on our Republican ticket. You see, Sarah and her loving husband are working class people. In other words, if they lived in Orange County they would probably live in South County, the land that you hate with every fiber of your being. Also, she said she will go to Washington to work for the people. That would mean, if the majority of the people twice voted down an airport, she would support that decision, hence "working for the people."
I've said it before and I'll say it again, reading your steaming pile of ---it is like driving by a really bad car accident, you hate to look but you just can't help it. Afterwords you really hate yourself for looking.
Funny you posted those pictures of the protesters at the convention, I was thinking one of those idiots must have been you, crying because the good people of Orange County have spoken about an airport at El Toro and crybaby Don/Vern can't get his way.
Oh, and one more of your little lies, the United States Marine Corps was not "evicted" from El Toro, the Marines wanted to close El Toro and Tustin. Perhaps if you did some homework you would know that, but then you wouldn't have time to write this crap, now would you?
Yes, Chris Cox would not have been a good choice for vice president. His obstruction to the opening of the planned El Toro International Airport is well known. His campaign contributions from attorney to the developers, Latham and Watkins is suspicious. He is doing a good job at the SEC, and should stay there. Meanwhile, opponents of the planned El Toro International Airport have special needs because of their exceptional intellect. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's non-stop for the jumbo jets.
"Meanwhile, opponents of the planned El Toro International Airport have special needs because of their exceptional intellect."
Now the opponents have exceptional intellect?!?! Thank you Donald, have you at last come over from the dark side?
Hey Vern/Don, why is it that on your blog site there is no mention of the very best El Toro site there is? All the REAL information is at:
Sarah Palin Speech:
Good Evening Fellow Republicans and Children of God!
I’m here to fight the forces of evil, the liberal media, Democrats and other tools of Satan, just like I fought the forces of teen pregnancy and sex education. Many people say what’s this hockey mom with no experience in foreign policy doing here as a Vice President candidate? Let me tell you something - Alaska is right next to Russia so I got lots of foreign experience. And my 5 years in the PTA dealing with teachers and administrators make me a lot more qualified than Barook Obama. Vladimir Putin and Hu Jintao better watch out - they’ve never dealt with a gun totin’, Bible thumpin’ Alaska reformer like me. I’ll shoot down those Russkies and Chinese like my husband’s oil company shoots down the polar bears.
I warn ya, critics better not take any shots at me cuz I’m a woman. And we all know how Republicans treat women so well, just like we did Hillary Clinton when she was still in the race. So whether I’m in Juneau, Russia, Czechloslvakia or the border of Iraq and Pakistan, I’m ready to lead this country when John McCain takes one of his frequent naps or just passes out for good. GOD BLESS YOU!
Once upon a time, was indeed a fantastic site. But it got rather boring when Leonard cut off the message board.
Even though this blog is full of right wing drivel and Newportcentric crap, at least we can come on here and laugh at them.
Just think only 6 more years and 4 more months until the caps at JWA are gone! Then we can have cheap fares at last!
Next time you and your lover have a romantic outing in the orange balloon, why don't you look around outside instead of giving your buttbuddy a reach around. You will then see runways galore. That makes El Toro an airport, not a park!
You mean the runways they are about to tear up and make gravel out of?
Vernon's a butt pirate? Vernon's gay? Who would have guessed? No wonder he likes to turn on the lights, or is he getting lit up?
I like 4:47. Yes, there are runways galore at the planned El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
11:27AM, dummy, don't you know special needs means disabled and exceptional intellect means low IQ? Turn on the lights Vernon
Donald; Then I can safely say all of NPB is og exceptional intellect. And I put you in the MENSA class of NPB exceptional intellect.
Turn off the lights Vern, Donald's brain hurts.
I just love coming to this site for my daily dose of El Toro airport bullshit! Laughing at the pro El Toro idiots over my morning coffee is just a great way to start my day.
Don/Vern, I don't think you realize what an idiot people think/know you are, but thanks for the daily laugh. I'm with 4:26, when the caps expire, then we can all REALLY laugh. Keep up the crap, Vernon!
We must use all the weapons at our disposal to open the planned El Toro International Airport, including letting anti-El Toro International Airport fighters disgrace themselves by opposing it.
I feel no disgrace except that I share my city with you. You are a fool and the majority of voters already know that. There are no tools, El Toro is closed and will stay that way.
Say bye-bye.
Yes, anti-El Toro International Airport fighters a small minority of voters in Orange County, really disgrace themselves on this web site. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Donald, I know you have absolutely no room for facts in your non-stop "Turn on the lights" fantasy blather, but in case you've forgotten Measure W passed 57.8 percent to 42.2 percent in 2002. That's hardly a "small minority" of OC voters.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald's dreaming again.
There is an airport at El Toro, and it can be opened by Irvine. The small minority of angry anti-El Toro International Airport writers disgrace themselves by failing to remember that the first anti-airport measure on the ballot lost by a bigger percentage than Measure W won. Measure W resulted in Irvine gaining complete control. You were snookered by Irvine. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Teach the sore winners a lesson.
We weren't snookered by anything, we won, fair and square. Once the voters got the facts about El Toro they voted against it. Now that all the facts are in and the caps expire in a few years, the rest of Orange County will teach the NIMBY sore losers in Newport a lesson when we expand John Wayne. I can't wait to see Vernon flip the switch at the greatly expanded John Wayne and listen to the losers cry.
You promised them a park dummy. When the planned El Toro International Airport opens, you'll get both a park and a 24/7 international airport. Nobody is in the noise zone. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Question to 1:32. Will John Wayne Airport still be open when the caps expire?
"Measure W passed 57.8 percent to 42.2 percent"
That is not even 60% or a "narrow 3-2 majority" as the NIMBYs said so often about the BOS. Now less than 60% is suddenly a whopping landslide. LOL!
The previous poster also failed to mention that only 13 of 34 Orange County cities even voted for the so called park. So there is by no means countywide support for the Great Bait and Switch!
HA! More crying from the Newport NIMBYs. I see a river of tears forming.
News flash Donald. It doesn't mkae a bit of difference if 13 of 34 cities or 1 out of 47 cities voted for the Great Park. A majority of voters said a resounding "NO AIRPORT" to NIMBY Beach and their bought and paid for stooges calling themselves the Board of Supervisors. That's how a democray works, Donald. Ironic that with all this Republian cheer leading from NIMBY Beach Vern you fail to comprehend how the system works.
Turn off the lights Vern, Donald needs a civic lesson.
Dear 125 if I wanted to have a link for a website full of distortions, half truths, class envy, skewed statistics, fear, and hysteria, I would have made a link to Michael Moore's website.
In addition, the message board on that site has been silenced. Apparently the website owner does not want to hear any dissenting opinions. Considering the park has been an utter failure, he or anyone else would be very hard pressed to defend the lack of progress and massive cost overruns.
Dear 937, it is quite presumptuous on your part to think that if the Palins were to live in Orange County, they would automatically live in South County. Did you forget there are 22 cities in North Orange County? And to think that South County denizens have the gall to accuse us Newport Beach residents of thinking we are the center of the universe. We are not. We are simply calling them out for being class warfare activists and RINOs.
I agree the Palins are indeed WORKING people. Work is how wealth is created in the first place. I respect people who WORK, not class warfare activists who scream for wealth redistribution and punishing those who are successful.
Finally, I doubt the Palins would like the Great Park since the city of Irvine is full of liberals who hate guns. The Palins would want a real park where they could go hunting.
The Palins live in South County??? HAHA That's a good one!LOL!!!
This is THE Governor of the largest state in the union we are talking about. They are paid quite well. The Palins would live somewhere that is nice and classy, not some dumpy condo in Laguna Niguel or a place with an ugly brick wall in El Toro....I mean Lake Forest.
Beware, the RINOs are back from the mean streets of St. Paul. It's time to get ready to turn on the lights, Vernon.
Ha! Vern/Don, in reference to your 9:59 drivel, that is exactly what you have created here! Only with your NIMBY Beach spin on it. You have your own distortions, half truths, class envy, skewed statistics, fear, and hysteria on it. You think it's you/Newport vs. the class envy world, don't you? Once again I come to the train wreck for my daily laugh!
Fear, hysteria, skewed statistics sounds just like protesters against the planned El Toro International Airport where nobody is in the noise zone and the airlines love the fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where they have to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Would somebody please explain to me how converging runways (which are no longer designed into new airports) save fuel?
Check out the brand new Dallas/Fort Worth Airport and the newer Denver International with half a dozen runways each, oriented at right angles to each other pointing to where airplanes need to go. Check out Vernon's new article comparing dinky St. Paul Airport to dinky John Wayne Airport and Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport to the planned El Toro International Airport. But then anti-El Toro International Airport people never state the truth. They just go on spreading lies. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
You mean like the lies on this very site? Oh, wait, these lies are MUCH better ones. You can see the steam rising off of them and smell them a mile away.
Some airport designers may not wish to design airports with right angle runways, but that's the way the new ones are. See 7:12 PM. The Navy sure knew how to design an airport way back then. It took advantage of a calm valley with mountains all around. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Airport designers decide runway direction based on the prevailing winds and any obstacles that may be in the way, such as mountains. You are wrong to say that new ones are always designed that way, they are not. There are many factors involved in runway configuration. Also of consideration is how close the parallel runways are to each other. Since El Toro was primarily a fighter base with narrow wing span fighters, the runways are rather close together. In fact in order to make El Toro a commercial airport the runways would need to be moved further apart. As they are now planes would touch wing tips.
Now I'm sure none of this truth matters to you. You are like a rabid dog, devoid of want of the facts. You just want your airport so the jets won't fly over your precious house anymore. You couldn't care less about anyone else's.
Poor angry NIMBY, can't get his way.
Nobody ever proposed using both runways at the same time. It was approved by the FAA for 4 million annual passengers using one runway at a time. We can even squeeze in 16 MAP using only one runway at a time. Now of course none of this information is of interest to you. You are like a rabid dog. You just want to keep your airport closed. Turn on the lights Vernon. It's nice to have a spare runway in each direction.
Lots of passenger jets for Marines and refugees have used El Toro International Airport.....
That is absolutely correct. And it was those chartered Continental Airlines Boeing 707's and 747's that convinced South Orange County that they never wanted El Toro to be a commercial airport. Hell, they didn't even want it as a joint use airport. More FACTS that you NIMBY's will refuse to accept.
After six years the people have seen they are not getting a great park. Lets vote again........
Nothing to vote on, it's privately owned property.
How about this, we vote on expanding SNA? Now that would be an interesting vote.
Fine lets vote on BOTH SNA and OCX!
My money is on OCX winning. It is bigger and better!
Again, nothing to vote on. It's a done deal. You really should learn not to be such a sore loser, you life will be much less painful then.
Yes, my money is on El Toro International Airport too. More destinations and lower fairs. Just what the NIMBYs want.
What the NIMBY's want is to close SNA so they don't have to admit to themselves and others that they were stupid enough to buy a house under a major airport flight path.
Poor loser NIMBY's can't get their airport opened........and never will.
Look how lathered up they are, and it isn't from soap.
Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs are the biggest sore winners in the world. My money is on great big El Toro. It has a huge crash zone which doubles, they say, as a noise zone. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Wrong again, loser NIMBY. We aren't sore winners at all. In fact we are generally very happy people. We have pretty mountain views, fresh, clean air, gentle ocean breezes. Many of us have ocean views. And, WE DON'T HAVE ANY AIRPLANE NOISE!
Poor, angry NIMBY losers, crying themselves to sleep at night because they can't get an airport built at El Toro.
I wouldn't put too much of your money on an airport, NIMBY!
Please expand John Wayne greatly and give me a buyout! The Irvine Company and Lennar will have every last remaining acre in this county paved. South County can choke on traffic and their own hatred. They will have L.A. Southern extension in a matter of time.
When El Toro International Airport opens, it will be quieter for 2:41 than it is now. John Wayne Airport Airplanes will stop flying over 2:41 then. It's noisy there now, but it will be quiet with El Toro. Turn on the lights, Vernon. P.S. I'm for the toll road extension too. Gets traffic off 5 in south county. Dumps it into Camp Pendleton where it belongs.
Lets have another vote. This time none of the park bullshit as a distraction. Everyone knows there will not be a major park. Even the biggest anti El Toro NIMBY can admit the park was a ruse to get votes from North OC to stop the airport. Not to mention that measure F has prisons and dumps thrown in as a distraction.
Let's put all the chips on the table and play for broke. Its all about an airport vote. John Wayne OR El Toro gets the jets. May the best side win.
The best side already won. Now take a nap.
Sore winners are on this website daily preaching hate and class warfare. Vernon had it right with the crying baby. Turn on the lights, Vernon, before another vote puts these reactionaries in their place. And may the big airport win.
We're not sore winners, we're gracious winners. Also the only one preaching class warfare are the pro airport socialists. They want to pawn off their noise on those they feel are less than they are.
To have class warfare you have to have class and the NIMBY's in Newport have none.
Gracious, my foot. You want to go on using John Wayne Airport, even though you know it harms people. El Toro International Airport, by contrast, has nobody in the noise zone, the park is toast, and houses are white elephants. Irvine needs to open the airport, so next you'll accuse them of being un-classy too. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Gracious "winners" do not clamor for John Wayne 24/7 or have the likes of Lenny Kranser penning op eds proposing additional seats and flights. Especially in light of the fact that these same people claim the airport war is officially "over".
The South County thugs will never truly be happy until Newport Mesa resembles Playa Del Rey! They seriously need some therapy and Prozac.
But gracious losers clamor for an airport at El Toro that would operate 24/7 and wreak havoc on South OC. But you don't care about those people, do you?
Why are the gracious winners clamoring for John Wayne 24/7 when it would impact places OTHER than Newport Beach. Why punish the innocent? Or is that a small price to pay to get revenge on Newport Beach?
605, The clamor for El Toro International Airport will grow until it is opened. Turn on the lights, Vernon. No havoc wreaked on anybody.
How can you idiots say an airport at El Toro will not wreak havoc on anybody? Admit it, you just don't care at all about your neighbors in south county. El Toro certainly will wreak havoc, but you don't give a big rats ass, do you?
We care. We care. That's why El Toro International Airport shall be opened. Nobody is in the noise zone. No havoc wreaked on anybody. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Show them no havoc.
South County will not suffer from noise from El Toro International Airport. They only suffer from FEAR of an airport.
Why is Agran and the gang not trying to shut down John Wayne? It is very close to many Irvine residents.
South county will not suffer from an airport at El Toro because there will never be one. Don't you read, idiot? There aren't any Irvine residents in the noise zone for SNA.
Irvine is closer to John Wayne than it is to El Toro. When the John Wayne planes start taking off over Turtle Rock it will opt to open El Toro International Airport and close John Wayne which then will revert to the Irvine Company. Turn on the lights, Vernon
And just when are SNA planes going to take off over Turtle Rock? Oh yeah, that's just another lie from NIMBY Beach. More bull####
333, look at a map and talk to the FAA and the airlines. It all depends on how quickly you reopen El Toro International Airport which has nobody in its noise zone. The longer you stall on El Toro, the sooner you'll get sna planes over Turtle Rock. If you owned an airline would you want your pilots to fly fifteen extra miles in the wrong direction? It's patriotic to take off over Turtle Rock.
Perhaps, but we all know El Toro will never reopen so it's a moot issue.
Long live SNA!!!
We all know El Toro is a prime candidate for reopening as El Toro International Airport. So that makes your question about John Wayne takeoffs over Turtle Rock a moot point. Any more questions?
Just one, how's the NIMBY Kool Aid today? From your ranting I assume it's pretty strong.
737: You must be suffering from TCE poisoning. Do you live in Irvine?
No, I live in CDM, what's your excuse?
I'm in favor of El Toro International Airport. I would like to live in elite Irvine. What's your excuse?
So move to Irvine, idiot! What's stopping you? I think you're stuck on stupid and that's your excuse.
But I also would like to live in the industrial town of Aliso Viejo. Which do you recommend, elite Irvine or Aliso Viejo? Which has better climate, schools, and water? I'm very much in favor of El Toro International Airport.
I know you're in favor of El Toro. That's because you're stuck on stupid. Most pro El Toro people are, they can't accept defeat.
It's been 20 years since I lived in Irvine so I can't give you much advise on your stupid question. Also, I think I need to tell all my friends that live in Aliso Viejo that there are really no homes there, it's just industry as you say. What an idiot!
Thanks for your comments on Irvine and Aliso Viejo. Yes, Aliso Viejo is an industrial town and I am pro-business. Proponents of El Toro International Airport will prevail because they see a good thing. Pro-business never gives up and it always wins.
And you are full of shit.
With you thinking we should dredge Newport Harbor, clear off all the surrounding houses and build a world class shipping harbor to compete with the Port of Long Beach. After, as you said, business always prevails.
Still stuck on stupid, I see.
Oh, and by the way, Aliso Viejo has a population of over 40,000 residents so I would hardly call that a business city only. But then you are stuck on stupid.
Yes, business prevails. Remember, business is bigger than housing developers, which, with the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, got us into a bailout mess. Employees of the industrial town of Aliso Viejo need El Toro International Airport and so does the rest of Southern California.
More delusions and lies from the NIMBY's on the left.
No delusions here. You don't know the difference between left and right, right and wrong, and who will open El Toro International Airport.
I know no one will open El Toro because it's a done deal. Keep crying, NIMBY.
No deal is ever done until the airport is opened. The airport has jumbo jet ready runways and it was approved by the FAA for four million annual passengers. If that's a done deal so be it.
The key word here is "was" approved. The FAA has since dropped El Toro like the white elephant that it is. It would take years to re-certify it now and by then the runways will be nothing but gravel and paper weights. So be it.
Aha, you admit that the FAA certified El Toro for 4 million annual passengers. True then. True now. True tomorrow. That's the beauty of El Toro International Airport. It's a perfect airport on a perfect site, and the runways can not be removed. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Actually El Toro will be able to handle far more than 4 MAP! The F.A.A. made the assumption that El Toro flights would be competing for airspace with flights bound for John Wayne and Long Beach.
Operations at these airports will shrink as El Toro will attract flights and aircraft away from these facilities.
Jets do not belong at John Wayne anyways since the runway is only 5700 feet. They will go to El Toro where there are large 10,000 feet runways. Then the airspace competition issue will be negated due to a relocation of previously competing aircraft.
Great comments, Vernon. It's a real delight to see a posting from Vernon Delights. Yes, shrink John Wayne towards general aviation and return Long Beach to manufacturing. Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon.
Actually, none of this will happen as El Toro was buried at the ballot box. Long live SNA and Long Beach!
Hey Vern, I think the battery is dead in your flash light.
Buried at the ballot box? Public opinion is more important than that. Re-education will open El Toro International Airport, so everybody can be elite. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs are living in the past.
Yes, 1206, you are living in the past. Haven't you heard, the airport got voted down, it's toast. Even the board of supes have given up on it. Long live the Duke.
Living in the past is you, 536. Voting is obsolete for El Toro International Airport. Irvine can open it without a vote from the rest of Orange County. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
No, Irvine can't just open it as you wish they would. They'd get their asses sued off so fast they wouldn't know what hit them.
Go back to sleep now, NIMBY!
Good luck with your lawsuit. Irvine can open the airport any time it wants to open it, and you can't do a thing about it. Remember, that silly Measure W no longer applies to El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
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