Friday, October 24, 2008

No on Proposition 10

This is a rare occasion where I would oppose T Boone Pickens, who is bankrolling this initiative. Otherwise, he is a fine American businessman who has helped keep America great. Brother Pickens is to be saluted for bankrolling the Swiftboat ads that saved America from a Kerry Edwards presidency back in 2004.

Like many wealthy businessmen, he is overtaxed and deserves to get something from the government for a change instead of having his hard work punished and his wealth redistributed. What some whiney liberals will dismiss as corporate welfare, I call sensible economic policy. It is tax breaks for corporations that fuel economic growth and create jobs. That is the RIGHT way to "share the wealth"!

In most instances, I would fully favor bond money supporting T Boone Pickens business empire. But where proposition 10 loses me is, 25 million dollars from prop 10 would be earmarked for the city of Irvine. Would you actually trust Larry Agran with a blank check? We all know if it is earmarked for the "Great Park", the money will just continue to find its way into "advertising" and "planning" the park, or anything but actually building the park itself.

T Boone Pickens could take 25 million dollars and create hundreds, if not thousands of jobs, while Larry Agran would waste it away on his cronies. These two men are polar opposites on the economic intelligence spectrum. Because Larry Agran would be a recipient of bond money, I recommend a NO on 10 vote. Besides, didn't the Great Park promise no government assistance would be necessary? Why throw good money after bad on the Great Pork?


Anonymous said...

Count me in against Proposition 10, another bond initiative for corporate welfare of T. Boone Pickens and, dare I say, lecherous Larry Agran. Pickens tried to capture Union Oil Company years ago, but he was defeated by strong resistance. Recently Pickens has planned to place wind mills all over the great planes to generate electricity. If he put up enough of these things, the drag could slow down the earth, cause a wobble, and spiral it into the sun. Nobody has looked into this threat yet. Vote no on Proposition 10 before a new renewable calamity happens. By the way, Larry Agran, open El Toro International Airport which harms no one, makes money, and provides a useful service.

Anonymous said...

139, you loon, if you're so afraid of those wind mills why aren't you afraid of all the jets taking off from El Toro slowing down the earth.

Such an idiot.

Anonymous said...

The earth spun into the sun by windmills???? Donald, you have watched WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to many 1950's sci-fi movies. Whyu don't you put your nergy to better use looking for Communists under your bed?

Turn off the windmills, Vern, it's too hot in here.

Anonymous said...

Jets from John Wayne might stop the earth from spinning. So we better keep it closed along with El Toro just to be safe. Besides you never never know!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you never never know. Vote no on bond measure Proposition 10. Consider the danger of the Coriolis effect twisting the plates from those trains zooming north and south. The last thing we need is a mgnitude 10 quake in Orange County or Los Angeles. Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon, that airport is earth friendly and green.

Anonymous said...

Come on Donald, El Toro airport will cure AIDS, acne, teenage pregnancy, end world hunger, global warming, add 20,000 points to the Dow, stop earth form spinning into the sun because of too many windmills, make everyone a lottery winner, make Osama Bin Laden a Republican, George W. Bush a genius, stop dogs from shitting in the park, give you a brain, bring Jews, Christians and Muslims together singing Kum Ba Ah, and have Jesus coming back and buying a condo In Bayonne NJ. What did I miss????

NIMBY Beach losers lost he battle, you are not elite, get used to JWA 24/7. You may be insane, but you are not elite. Have a good and long life under the flight path. And get some help, you REALLY need it.

Anonymous said...

Muslims and Christians will love each other when El Toro International Airport opens and we have nonstop flights to Dubai, UAE. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I'm voting no on propositions 10 and 1A, and I'm watching for more of your recommendations.

Anonymous said...

131 you're a joke. Nobody takes your babble seriously. Please, do us all a favor and go back to your nap.

Anonymous said...

219, there are Muslims and Christians and Jews in Orange County. Don't you want them to love each other? Turn on the lights, Vernon. Tell the babbler to sign up for re-education.

Anonymous said...


do you have a recommendation on how we should vote on proposition 8?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Donald, we have non stop flights to Dubai from LAX today,but little improvement on the Muslim/Jew/Christian front. Keep dreaming, and make sure those windmills don't spin us off into the sun.

Turn off the lights Vern, Obama is anti-El Toro.

Anonymous said...

856, the new plan is top-down regulation. Muslims, Jews, and Christians live in Orange County too. We need to open El Toro International to make them love each other again. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Vote NO on those silly windmillls.

Anonymous said...

1207, the only new plan is in your silly head. SNA is the only way to fly, past, present and future. Long live the Duke!

Anonymous said...

143, it's top down regulation. You can kiss that park zoning good bye. Turn on the El Toro lights, Vernon.

Anonymous said...

Oh really? Show me, or is this just more if your imaginary bullshit?

Shine that flashlight over here, Vern, NIMBY 710 can't tell his ass from a hole in the ground.

Anonymous said...

Here's a hint for you, NIMBY. The Irvine Company fought hammer and tong against building El Toro International Airport on its farm, but under the wartime powers act the feds just moved right in and did it. You can kiss that local zoning good bye, unless Irvine sees the light first. Turn on the lights, Vernon, at the natural and needed El Toro International Airport.

Anonymous said...

Here's a hint for you, NIMBY. James Irvine did indeed fight against the taking of his two parcels of land for the Navy and Marines. He even offered other parcels free of charge if they would leave his prized lima bean field alone. In the end he was paid fair market value for his property, which he turned around and purchased a large ranch near Bozeman, Montana.

There is no El Toro International Airport, as you keep blathering about. That's just your alternate universe which doesn't really exist. The City of Irvine now controls El Toro, and no matter how hard you try to take over that city, the voters there will never approve an airport there.

Now isn't it time for your meds to stop those hallucinations?

Anonymous said...

Yes, the city of Irvine controls El Toro International airport and 854 believes that city will not open it. There's a simple truth here. If citizens can be brainwashed against a noiseless airport, they easily can be converted to supporting it, especially when promised abolition of taxes, no more controls, unlimited prosperity and old fashioned patriotism. Turn on the lights, Vernon.

Anonymous said...

Hey, if you believe in noiseless airports then the NIMBY's in Newport should have no complaints when the caps come off SNA. Long live the Duke!

Anonymous said...

El Toro International Airport is noisless because nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone. John Wayne Airport is too small and there are people in its noise zone, so you can forget about it. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The elite want to fly at El Toro.

Anonymous said...

El Toro is noiseless because there are no airplanes there anymore, and it will stay that way. What a nice quiet closed airport it is and will be.

And just who are the elite you keep speaking about? Oh, I know, it's the voices in your head.

Anonymous said...

342, the elite are the citizens of Newport Beach whom anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs hate. It has been said the only reason NIMBYs oppose opening El Toro is because they hate Newport Beach and practice class warfare against it. This website re-educates NIMBYs so they support opening El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon, so other cities can become elite. Vote NO on 10, defeating T. Boone Pickens and his dangerous wind mills.

Anonymous said...

The only people on this site preaching class warfare of the NIMBY's of Newport. Show me where is is said that the only reason others oppose the airport is because that hate Newport. You can't because it doesn't exist. Time for your meds.

Anonymous said...

It's right here. The only reason there are opponents of El Toro International Airport is because they hate elite Newport Beach and practice class warfare against it. Support El Toro and you too can be elite, 801. It's all in the archives, 801, the hate speech of ringleaders of opposition to the airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Anti-El Toro International Airport fools wouldn't recognize class warfare because they practice it. NO on 10.

Anonymous said...

You really are an idiot. Opposing the airport has nothing to do with hating Newport Beach. Where do you dream this stuff up? I'm telling you, you need to stop drinking that bay water, fish fornicate in it.

Anonymous said...

It shouldn't have anything to do with it, but that's the only reason you oppose El Toro International Airport. You hate elite Newport Beach, and you hate Newport Bay which was clean until the runoff from your towns contaminated it. Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon. It's re-education for the NIMBYs and their fantasy about quality of life. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport.

Anonymous said...

I live in Newport, you dumb shit, so how can I have class warfare against it.

Yes, yes, every body else contaminated Newport Harbor. No one from NIMBY Beach had anything to do with it. Well, except when the old Ruben E. Lee was dumping raw sewage into the bay for a few decades. And lets not forget that that fine river boat restaurant was owned by one of Newports own. You really do need to pull your head out of your ass once and a while and get some fresh air, or did everybody poison the air due to class war fare, too. What an idiot you are. Just a crusty old idiot.

Anonymous said...

Turn on the El Toro lights, Vernon. Re-education is important to class warfare NIMBYs where ever they may be.