Friday, November 28, 2008
Irvine Panhandling for Great Pork Dollars
Out of desperation The City of Irvine is now paying some firm to do research on how to get grants for The Great Pork. The kind of "grants" they have in mind include how much they can steal from the taxpayers. It will only be a matter of time before Irvine gets in line for federal bailout money.
Here is some FREE advice for park funding. (No need to pay my firm half a million.) Irvine should simply contact the folks at Los Angeles World Airport Authority and offer to lease 2300 acres of El Toro for $2 billion. That is exactly what LAWA offered the Navy for El Toro back in 2003. This mutually beneficial arrangement would help pay for the park without soaking the taxpayers. Airport revenues would provide park financing, not to mention low fares, and thousands of jobs.
Besides Irvine begging for park money, the County Supes also find they do not have enough revenue to finance their own parks. Most especially agitated over this was RINO and union lackey Bill Campbell.
Mr. Campbell here are some suggestions. First, lay off all those donuts and pass on the cost savings on to your district. Next, change your myopic stance on El Toro and vote to re-open it so that the county can have low fares, jobs, and convenience.
What's stopping the possibility of re-opening El Toro? For some NIMBYs and politicians they just cannot bring themselves to admitting they were wrong about the airport. That is OK, they were ignorant and did not know any better. That is why we are here to enlighten people and show them the truth about El Toro. Once they know the truth, it will set them free.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
El Toro would relieve overcrowding!
Thanksgiving Break is upon us and with falling air fares and lower fuel prices, demand for air travel is surging. That is why we need El Toro International Airport re-opened more than ever.
For those with lots of time on their hands and looking to save a buck, they will make the trecherous trip to LAX for lower fares and greater choices. Ironically, those in South County making the trek will at least have the silly Great Pork balloon to stare at while they idle in traffic on interstate 5.
But this would not be necessary if we simply re-opened El Toro International Airport for business. Sitting on 4700 acres and twice the size of LAX or ten times the size of dinky John Wayne, it has served the U.S. government quite nicely for nearly 60 years, and it could serve Orange County quite nicely for eternity. The airport infrastructure is already there as we the taxpayers paid for it!
South County NIMBYs who already got deeply discounted housing due to being near the airbase to begin with, are now likely freeloading off the generous unemployment extension the federal government just handed out last week. They do not have a job, nor any incentive to go get one, but they sure do have lots of spare time to go travel frivolously. It sure must be nice to live on the Dole!
The freeloading NIMBYs whose time is not really all that valuable clearly have no issue with fighting traffic to LAX and waiting in long lines. But for those of us who do create wealth and pay taxes, our time is quite valuable indeed! A loss of our valuable time cuts into production of goods and services.
The Orange County business community deserves a world class international airport that is convenient to our needs. We are the ones that hire people, and pay taxes, and ironically the high unemployment insurance rates, which enables the freeloading NIMBYs of South County to have lots of free time and free money to goof off and travel.
Airports are not just for leisurely travel, they are also important economic engines that serve the business community, which drives the economy. NIMBYism and socialism will surely kill the golden goose! You see folks we are now starting to get a taste of what it will be like to have Democrats in charge with unrestrained power!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Leftist Protestors Invade Newport Beach!
These left winged protesters are soiling my fine city with their incessant carping for some imaginary slight. The gays already have civil unions. So that is plenty of rights.
Gayness belongs in places like Irvine and Laguna which embrace that lifestyle thanks to Larry Agran pushing the gay rights agenda. Go have a gay pride parade in those deviant cities for all I care. But please keep your protests out of my fine conservative city where we have traditional values. When the gay activists throw their lifestyle in people's faces like this protest for example, that only causes resentment and that is why Prop 8 passed.
I would have loved to have seen turncoat Libby Cowan's face after it passed! Payback is sweet!
If one looks at the map, they will see that the exception of Costa Mesa, the cities in Orange County that opposed proposition 8 are home to some of the most rabid NIMBYs of South County. This is the result of unmitigated Larry Agran led brainwashing over the past 20 years. It will only spread to the rest of South County in a matter of time.
So let me get this straight; the South County denizens think an airport which would provide low fares and plentiful jobs is somehow very bad. Yet, having a park where they can put their alternative lifestyle on display is a fine idea. Not only is our country headed in the wrong direction, so is our once fine county.
Chances are the California Supreme Court judges will overturn proposition 8 on grounds of it being "unconstitutional." Fine, just keep the gay agenda out of my conservative city and in Irvine and Laguna where it belongs.
While the judges are at it, they should overturn Measure W, which is truly misleading and deceptive. The gullible voters were promised a large tax free park at El Toro. Instead all we have after 6 1/2 years is a mere 27 acres with a price tag of 1.6 billion dollars, some of which is expected to come from the public trough. The park has failed miserably and should be scrapped.
El Toro = Orange County's 911
It is mid-November and we have fires in Orange County that are out of control. I dread to imagine what summer will be like. In the center of Orange County sits the idle El Toro International Airport or that incredibly sorry excuse for an attempt at a park by Larry Agran.
El Toro International Airport is a 10 billion dollar asset that OUR tax dollars paid for! El Toro has TWO 10,000 foot runways and TWO 8,000 foot runways that easily handle the largest firefighting aircraft around. Sorry Newport Haters but this cannot be said about John Wayne Airport with its mere 5700 foot runway.
In addition, El Toro provides close proximity to the ocean where aerial tankers would have an infinite supply of water. Instead, the NIMBY brain trust of South County would likely recommend we use March Air Force Base and suck Lake Elsinore and Lake Matthews dry. Oh yeah, like dried up lakes would not add to the drought and create a future fire hazard. Please!
In the meantime, to allow El Toro sit idle during an emergency like wildfires is absolutely unacceptable. Most NIMBYs in South County could probably care less that their neighbors in North County like Yorba Linda and Anaheim Hills are getting the brunt of the wildfire damage and the dirty air. However, I got news for them. The fire is now in their backyard! It is just east of San Juan Capistrano in Ortega Highway. Let's see if their NIMBYism trumps their sense of self preservation on this one.
There are no good excuses not to use El Toro to fight fires. Someday the home you save from a fire may be your own!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Irvine World News Readers Are Horrified!
Oh boy is this GREAT!!!!!
Here is the opinion page of Saturday's edition of the Irvine World News.
Sukhee Kang on Tuesday was elected the city’s first Korean-American mayor. Kang’s mayoral win reflects the growing political power of the city’s Asian-American population, four years after he and Steven Choi became the first Korean-Americans elected to the council. Choi, the third-place finisher, will serve the two years left on Kang’s council seat.
Readers said:
TAXPAYER1 WROTE: Is his race really that important? Shouldn’t this story focus on his policies and plans for the future of all citizens of Irvine? This is why race remains such a divisive issue, because people won’t stop obsessing over it. In today’s world, a person’s race should not be any more important than their height, their weight, their hair color or their eye color. Can you imaging how stupid the headline would sound if it read “first tall mayor” or “first obese mayor” or “first brownhaired mayor.” Think about it.
BEACHLOVER WROTE: Choi said, “Luckily the citizens were not fooled.” Ha! The citizens were either fooled or are fools. Why would anyone with half a brain elect the Agran gang? Stupid is as stupid does. Irvine gets what they deserve. With the Agran gang in charge, Irvine may have to open up El Toro as an airport to keep from going bankrupt.
BTINIRVINE WROTE: I grew up back east in a neighborhood where people came to America from Italy, Germany, China, Poland, Africa, Armenia and Russia. We were all Americans, not “hyphenated Americans”. I guess this is what diversity and political correctness gets us. Sure wish we’d cling more to common sense and unity, but I guess those days are gone.
Voters on Tuesday backed park leaders’ decisions to keep the Great Park directly under the city’s control, despite criticism from some current and former park leaders that the board has spent too much money on temporary facilities, glossy mailers and no bid-contracts and not enough on key infrastructure. Instead, the voters backed the park vision set forth by Great Park Chairman Larry Agran and the majority of the current park board, who contend that the project is on time and on budget.
The measure’s approval also dealt a setback to council and Great Park board members Christina Shea and Steven Choi, who are pushing for an independent Great Park Corporation that they claim would create a firewall between park and city finances.
Readers said:
BEACHLOVER WROTE: The pro El Toro airport crowd is cheering the voters of Irvine, apathetic and ignorant, all. Larry and his gang will bankrupt the city and Irvine will be forced to open the airport to pay it’s bills. Irvine is a ship of fools.
STEPHANIES WROTE: Measure R = blank check from the general fund and Irvine residents’ taxes to Larry Agran. Measure S = the way to hide the money taken by Larry Agran. Irvine residents who clearly do not care about their city = any election in the past 10 years. I am sure the Newport Beach residents are loving this!
(Editors note: We are indeed loving this! Keep it up Irvine Voters!)
IRVINETAXPAYER WROTE: Hey thanks to the Agran crew, after four years, we got a “beautiful” balloon to be proud of. So, do we call it a “Great” Balloon too? As for the park’s progress, I like how the conceptual drawings are purely conceptual. How many millions have been spent so far? Way to go fellow Irvine residents. Maybe next year, they’ll add “Great” pony rides.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Thank You Irvine Voters!
I am in stitches with laughter. I was seriously very worried with such an anti-incumbent environment that Larry Agran's political career was doomed. I figured Irvine voters would finally wise up to the corruption with the Great Pork and vote in some new blood. But that did not happen. The city council will retain the same Agran slate 3-2 majority and the same infighting will continue, much to our amusement! It appears our endorsements are indeed influential and carried some weight.
As long as Agran remains in power, the Great Pork will continue to be over budget and have problem after problem. Also, with the passage of Measure R, The Irvine general fund can and will be raided to attempt to pay for this $1.6 billion dollar boondoggle.
I cannot think of any other instance where some city spent this kind of money on a park, especially during an economic recession. The exception for financing multi billion dollar playing fields would be for professional sports stadiums, which typically bring in revenue and tourism dollars.
Just give it some time and Irvine will be declaring bankruptcy. We can hardly wait! Then L.A. or some private airport investors can buy the El Toro property for next to nothing and re-open El Toro International Airport.
Last but not least, Proposition 10 was soundly defeated and there will not be $25 million coming into Irvine from the state. Without that anticipated revenue stream, funding the Great Pork has become all the more difficult.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Help us Irvine Voters.
You are our only hope!
You are our only hope!
Please Re-elect Darth Agran's slate and Vote Yes on Measure R.
Now my Conservative Republican friends will think I must have been poisoned from drinking TCE water in Irvine for this rather uncharacteristic endorsement on my part. Remember folks, I am endorsing Agran for IRVINE, no where else.
On the other hand, I would NEVER think of supporting a socialist deviant like Larry Agran as my representative in a million years. Were he to take office in Newport Beach, he would surely kill the business community with over taxation and over regulation!
Besides inflicting his economically challenged thinking upon us, he would probably try to ram though a gay boat parade in Newport Harbor. After all he has promoted the gay agenda in Irvine. He was defeated in the 1990s for this when Irvine was actually a respectable conservative community.
Since Agran's political comeback from the dead, Irvine has devolved into a bunch of nihilistic NIMBY class warfare socialists. Agran's left winged agenda has successfully been spread throughout South County as some kids were recently demonstrating in the streets of Mission Viejo for gay marriage!
The upside of having Larry Agran in power is the Great Pork has been an utter failure! The runways are 99% intact. The Great Park has blown through millions of dollars and all they have are lots of pretty brochures, and an impotent balloon that cannot rise half the time due to safety issues. There is not even any running water or electricity. Even shanties in third world countries have higher standards than the Great Pork.
Thanks to the Agran's slate mismanagement of the Great Pork, this has given us airport backers great optimism that El Toro International Airport will be revived. The more Agran's Great Pork fails, the more the airport looks good to the public, and gives them buyers remorse about the park. Were there to be another vote on El Toro, an airport would easily win.
By Keeping Agran and his slate in power, it keeps The Great Pork in a negative spotlight with its perpetual failures and missteps. I laugh every time I hear about some gullible park supporter laments how they feel they have been betrayed and ripped off by Larry Agran. The Irvine Tattler is a perfect example of this mindset.
The voters screwed up. They TRUSTED him.
And they will continue to do so much to my amusement.
On the other hand, were Christina Shea's slate to get a majority on the council, they would likely ditch the boondoggle Great Pork and go with the more economically viable Millennium Plan. But of course the airport is the best overall economic catalyst for El Toro. In addition, Shea is my kind of woman, pretty and right wing!
However, I have no interest in endorsing someone like Shea who might actually right the wayward ship in Irvine. I am endorsing Agran who will continuously captain that mighty ship of fools called the Great Pork Board. His continuous gross mismanagement of the Great Pork is the best thing to happen to us airport backers.
Also Irvine voters would you please pass Measure R. This will make sure that the Irvine general fund can be raided for the Great Pork. Once Irvine bankrupts themselves by attempting to finance the $1.6 billion Great Pork, they will be ripe for a takeover.
America defeated the Evil Empire communists by forcing them to spend themselves into economic ruin. And The People's Republic of Irvine will suffer the same fate as previously defeated communist empires.
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