Thanksgiving Break is upon us and with falling air fares and lower fuel prices, demand for air travel is surging. That is why we need El Toro International Airport re-opened more than ever.
For those with lots of time on their hands and looking to save a buck, they will make the trecherous trip to LAX for lower fares and greater choices. Ironically, those in South County making the trek will at least have the silly Great Pork balloon to stare at while they idle in traffic on interstate 5.
But this would not be necessary if we simply re-opened El Toro International Airport for business. Sitting on 4700 acres and twice the size of LAX or ten times the size of dinky John Wayne, it has served the U.S. government quite nicely for nearly 60 years, and it could serve Orange County quite nicely for eternity. The airport infrastructure is already there as we the taxpayers paid for it!
South County NIMBYs who already got deeply discounted housing due to being near the airbase to begin with, are now likely freeloading off the generous unemployment extension the federal government just handed out last week. They do not have a job, nor any incentive to go get one, but they sure do have lots of spare time to go travel frivolously. It sure must be nice to live on the Dole!
The freeloading NIMBYs whose time is not really all that valuable clearly have no issue with fighting traffic to LAX and waiting in long lines. But for those of us who do create wealth and pay taxes, our time is quite valuable indeed! A loss of our valuable time cuts into production of goods and services.
The Orange County business community deserves a world class international airport that is convenient to our needs. We are the ones that hire people, and pay taxes, and ironically the high unemployment insurance rates, which enables the freeloading NIMBYs of South County to have lots of free time and free money to goof off and travel.
Airports are not just for leisurely travel, they are also important economic engines that serve the business community, which drives the economy. NIMBYism and socialism will surely kill the golden goose! You see folks we are now starting to get a taste of what it will be like to have Democrats in charge with unrestrained power!
Well, well, well, another home run by world famous website writer, Vernon Delights. We're in that picture and we hate it. When El Toro International Airport opens, long lines and mob milling will be a thing of the past. Of course the unemployed NIMBYs love mob milling especially if it is Not in My Back Yard. They're one step away from BANANA, Build absolutely nothing anywhere near anybody. Their subsidized buccolic lifestyle is a disgrace, especially since nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport.
What a joke! Everybody knows airline travel is down across the board. El Toro is not needed now or in the future. But as we all know, it's a moot point as the base is closed forever.
Happy Thanksgiving, NIMBY's, don't choke on your turkey!
Once again, Donald, you have shown how much you hate everyone that doesn't live in Newport Beach. You are a true embarrassment to those of us that have a brain. I'm sure your picture is in the dictionary next to asshole.
Also, I took the liberty of forwarding your steaming pile of hate to some local newspapers so the rest of OC can see your total lack of class and compassion. Don't worry, you don't need to thank me.
you are a very nasty mean spirited mean. In your previous post were gay bashing with prop 8 support and now you have no sympathy for those who lost their jobs.
I got news for you. Most people do not "choose" to be gay or lose their job.
You are suffering from delusions of unemployed gay couples storming JWA to the point of overwhelming its artificially limited capacity.
Turn on the lights and read a newspaper and get with reality.
Boy, That turkey looked just like a NIMBY or BANANA. I said a silent prayer for all NIMBYs and BANANAs who visit this website. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Unemployed people and prop 8 haters need to fly too. El Toro is needed now. Just look at the crowds in that picture.
805, you are such a whiny liberal. It is a fact that employers create jobs and wealth. The socialists believe in wealth confiscation and redistribution. Unemployment insurance payments discourages people from working.
You NIMBYs have stunted job creation by delaying the re-opening of El Toro International Airport. What do you NIMBYs need jobs for anyways? Especially, when you can just freeload off those of us who do work and do create wealth?
If unemployment insurance was actually limited to those who truly needed it, like who are not able bodied, then the NIMBYs would now be begging for the jobs that El Toro would create.
Please go ahead and forward my words of wisdom to the newspapers. They too are businesses that have a payroll to meet along with paying taxes and unemployment insurance.
1107, people may not choose to lose their jobs, unless they were useless and deserved to be fired anyways.
Those who do lose their jobs can choose to find work. Even if it is low wage work like flipping burgers. They can use that as a stepping stool until they upgrade to a higher position.
I did not get any government assistance to start my business. I worked hard and took some risks. I do not deserve to be punished for my foresight and success.
As for being gay, they can choose not to flaunt it and throw in people's faces. I don't care if people are gay. But I do care when they try to attack traditional values such as marriage and thrust their hedonistic lifestyle into my fine city with their absurd protests.
I see the NIMBY Beach loonies took no time off for the holiday. What pathetic lives you jokes lead.
Flew to Texas for Turkey Day from convenient, crowd free Ontario International. Could have shot a cannon off and no one would notice. OC needs El Toro like NIMBY Beach needs more idiots with inherited money.
Turn out the light Vern, you two are yesterday's news. Better get out of town now before Obama redistributes whats left of Daddy's fortune.
Well, the anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs are back from flying all over the country for Thanksgiving from other people's airports. Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon, we need to teach self reliance to these socialist consumers.
Yes, I flew all over the country from my very own and beloved SNA! It was wonderful, no crowds, easy parking, decent fares, what a way to fly. Hell, I'll fly the Duke forever! No socialism here, just the American way.
Chew on that, NIMBY!
Well, one anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBY flew from Ontario, the other from John Wayne Airport. Both could have used El Toro International Airport if it had been open. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It will eliminate that lingering guilt that goes with using other people's airports.
You idiot, since I live in CDM why in the world would I want to drive all the way to El Toro? The Duke is a five minute drive, no lines, plenty of parking, nice new terminal......it's perfect! Just think, in a few years I can fly a red eye out of there!
And pigs could fly if they had wings, Donald. I was more than happy to fly out of Ontario and help out the Inland Empire economy. As Ontario looked like a ghost town, they certainly seem to need the money. If things keep tanking in NIMBY Beach maybe you could open a shoeshine stand out there to make the rent. It would be a step up for you.
810 & 900 are two of the most unforgiving Thanksgiving anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs around. They could have asked for El Toro without a shred of guilt. Instead they polluted all the way to Ontario and polluted right out of John Wayne Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro is a perfect airport. Nobody is in the noise zone.
Once again, 608, you are very wrong. I am very forgiving. Hell, since I forgive you your stupidity and ignorance I can forgive almost anything.
So tell me, since I live in Newport (CDM) and fly out of John Wayne, how is that polluting but if I flew out of El Toro that wouldn't be? More stupidity from NIMBY land.
I love John Wayne, nice new terminal, easy parking and nobody is in the noise zone.
Keep those lights on at SNA, Vern, soon I'll be flying red eyes out of the Duke!
Donald, you are wrong yet again. I'm not a whiny liberal, as you claim. I'm an honest conservative. You should try honesty sometime, you might like it. You see, when you're honest you don't have to try to remember which lie you told to whom. You pro airport fanatics have told so many lies so many times you actually believe them. You remind me of OJ Simpson.
I did forward your hate filled drivel to the papers, however I doubt they could give a big rats ass. They don't like to print lies and rants.
Ah yes, the brainwashed NIMBYs go on and on. One proud of polluting out of John Wayne Airport, the other proud of polluting all the way to Ontario. The crowds are so great at John Wayne Airport that opening El Toro has reached emergency status. Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon. I want to get away from the crowds, but I don't want to travel more than 5 miles.
I haven't seen crowds at SNA in years so just WTF are you talking about? Emergency status OC's collective asses! And of course you still can't answer my question: How if flying out of SNA polluting and out of El Toro not polluting.
More ranting from the airport Nazi lunatic fringe.
You sound like Obama, "this is the way it's going to be no matter what anybody else wants. My way or the highway."
Donald has no time for facts when he can invent his own along the way. They should change the name of his city from NIMBY Beach to Delusional Beach.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald hurt his brain again.
1014 & 951, I laughed and laughed and could hardly stop laughing to respond to your funny postings. Let's see, I guess 951 is the tiny old house in Corona del Mar with the ocean view, and he wonders what's different about polluting at John Wayne Airport and polluting at El Toro International Airport. No one is in the noise zone at El Toro, that's why. Then there's 1014, the foul mouth Aliso Viejo resident, king of adjectives NIMBY and delusional, who has no facts, only insults. That comes from hiding with guns and religion. Turn on the lights, Vernon, we have no opposition.
No one is in the noise zone at SNA, either, except those fools that were stupid enough to move right next to an airport.
We all laugh at your silly rants, too, 426. You let us all know what a true lack of class looks like.
For once you are almost correct Donald. No one is in the noise zone at El Tor since there is no airport there (and never will be) there is no noise zone to be in. Logic, like facts, are not your strong suit. Stick to gay bashing and your man-love affair with Vernon. It's more your speed.
PS. I don't live in Aliso Viejo. Wrong again, but you're accustomed to that.
I guess if I lived in Aliso Viejo, I wouldn't want to admit it either. So far all the anti-El Toro International Airport posters claim to live in Corona del Mar. Soon we'll have more anti people there than voters, and we know that can't be true. Just look at how Newport Beach voted on El Toro International Airport. I guess if I were a potty mouth liar I would claim to live in Newport Beach where the elite live. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's time to put these liars out of their misery.
1109, we all know you live in Santa Ana and only wish you lived in Newport. Keep up the posing, maybe one day you'll get it right.
Well, the great panhandler is back with a story about where the pro-El Toro International Airport people live. Turn on the lights, Vernon. No one is in the noise zone at El Toro, but Santa Ana gets it from John Wayne Airport.
Once again Donald
No Airport
No noise zone
Live wherever you like, its all nice and quiet at The Great Park.
457, the Great Park gets noise from all those private airplanes practicing at El Toro. The commercial jets cut the corner while landing at John Wayne Airport. The ambient noise in Irvine is higher than that of the jumbo jets taking off from El Toro International Airport. Might as well open the airport. Might as well move out of central Irvine. It's polluted with TCE from an extension of a superfund site. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
We're still waiting to find out what crowding you're talking about. SNA is down 10.2% so far this year and I haven't seen much of a crowd there in a long time.
All those private planes practicing? What two a day? Please! The ambient noise in Irvine is more than a 747 taking off? Man, your lies just keep getting better and better. What drugs are you taking to hallucinate like that? Something you kept from the 60's?
255, just look at that large crowd waiting to fly. El Toro International Airport will eliminate the crowds. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs don't believe that the ambient noise in Irvine is greater than commercial jumbo jets taking off from El Toro. Guess we'll have to run some more tests.
the NIMBYs will LIE about those tests as well. In 1999, they were calling into complain about "noise" BEFORE the jets even got off the ground!
They are full of more crap than a Christmas Goose!
But not nearly as much crap as you, 613!
315, that picture isn't John Wayne! Nice try! More lies from the NIMBY commie airport lunatic fringe.
We must prove that the ambient noise in Irvine is higher than that of the jets taking off from El Toro International Airport. 25 tests are run every day until 4 million annual passengers is achieved. Then the airport will be open. NIMBYs will be calling in to complain even when there aren't any flights, but the people will not complain. They will be on the airplanes or in their homes. We know the NIMBYs, small in number, are full of more crap than a Christmas goose. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's time to run the tests, and show the NIMBYs that they are an insignificant anti-El Toro International Airport lunatic fringe.
The ambient noise of JWA is far less than the noise form your idiotic posts on this web site Just wat until the The Duke hits 24/7. Then you'll get soke noise.
Turn out the lights Vern, they distract thi pilots flying over NIMBY Beach at 3:00 AM.
937, ah yes, after we prove that the ambient noise in Irvine is greater than the noise from jets departing El Toro International Airport, everyone will welcome the opening of the airport. A few NIMBYs will continue to make noise, but they will move away, as many already have. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Start the tests to prove ambient noise is greater than airplane noise.
Ambient noise is greater than a 747 taking off! Ah ha ha ha ha! Now that's a real belly buster.
428, you're as delusional as the rest of the airport lunatic fringe wackos. Keep those jokes coming, we love them.
548, 747s are surprisingly quiet you know. They have big fans. El Toro International Airport is the only airport in Orange County where they can take off. They need the long runways. We need El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs don't know a thing about ambient noise in Irvine.
And yet another lie from the lunnies. Los Alamitos can easily handle 747's and last time I checked it was still in Orange County.
714, Los Alamitos is a military airport, and it's in the way of Long Beach. Can't use Los Alamitos. El Toro International Airport is the only airport in Orange County that can handle 747s. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need those long runways for commercial flights.
Look now the South County NIMBYs are going after Los Alamitos. They know Orange County needs a bigger airport than JWA, they just don't want it convenient and close to home with El Toro. I do not understand as there is a large buffer zone and Los Alamitos has none.
More truth bending from the lunatic airport fringe. They lie that the Marine's wanted to share El Toro with commercial airlines but all of a sudden Los Al is a military base and we can't use it. Also, Los Al does not interfere with Long Beach, nice try!
Funny how the Newport NIMBY's are all for pawning their airport noise off on South County at El Toro but if someone suggests Los Alamitos suddenly it's the South County NIMBY's.
You guys (and women) are really something.
Funny how the anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs want to use an unavailable noise-impacted military base when El Toro International Airport is ready to go right now. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The NIMBYs only think they would not like it.
Much like Donald, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
No Airport = No Noise Zone to live in.
Yes Donald, I can stand anywhere I like at the closed-forever El Toro Marine base and never be in the noise zone. That is, inless you and your babbling, nonsense spewing mouth happen to be there as well.
Turn out the lights Vern, its nice and quiet in the nonexistent noise zone, and Donald needs some sleep.
102, El Toro International Airport will relieve crowding at other airports, so NIMBYs can be part of the solution. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs sound like a broken record.
I haven't been to an over crowded airport in years. Just what are you talking about? There's plenty of room at John Wayne and there will be even more when they are done expanding it. Ontario is so un-crowded they had to close one of their nice new terminals. San Diego is far from crowded. Long Beach has plenty of room. So just what the hell are you talking about, NIMBY?
827, If you hate crowds you'll like El Toro International Airport when it opens. Those jumbo jet long runways allow the latest jumbo jets to depart for economy of scale. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The economy needs the economy.
1008, I hate crowds and that's why I love John Wayne. Flew out of there the 22nd. The place was so empty you could have shot a canon in there and nobody would have noticed. Same thing when I flew back. Hardly a person in sight.
Long live the Duke.
You said the same thing about Ontario at Thanksgiving. You better stop your threats about shooting off canons at crowded airports. I think it is a federal crime. Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon. We really need that jumbo jet airport, and its owners need it too.
Time to buy a clue, 755, that wasn't me. Why would I fly out of Ontario when I have the Duke just minutes from home with airplanes flying in the direction I need to go?
Long live the Duke!
919, what a liar you are. You better stop talking about shooting off canons at crowded airports. It's a federal crime. El Toro International Airport will solve this overcrowding problem, and the airport is ready to use. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro is the only way to fly.
1206, I didn't lie about anything, unlike you, who spews untruths.
What overcrowding are you talking about, I haven't seen any at the Duke since the Bradley terminal was built.
Does it hurt to be so dumb?
Of course the NIMBYs lie. That's the only way they can post. When the Antonio Villaraigosa Terminal opens at El Toro International Airport crowds will be a thing of the past. Then there will be the Larry Agran Terminal followed by the NIMBY Terminal. No crowds at El Toro International Airport. No lies. No pollution. Only green. Turn on the lights Vernon. The NIMBYs want a terminal named after then.
752, it figures that a leftist like you would be a Villaraigosa lover. How L.A. of you.
Yes, I love L.A. It's time NIMBYs like you stopped using their airport. They've put up with us for a long long time. Now it's El Toro's turn to provide safe, green, local air travel with its super jumbo jet long runways. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got an airport to open, and a NIMBY to defeat.
540, you have a lot more than just one anti airport person to defeat. You have a whole county full of them.
Since you love L.A. so much why don't you move there. You'd probably fit right in in Inglewood.
L.A. put up with us? Right! How about they courted us for decades.
More El Toro lunatic, socialistic rhetoric.
Yes, I love L.A. We've used their airport too much. Now it's time to use El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY thinks he speaks for everybody in Orange County, (which, by the way, once was part of Los Angeles County.)
Glad to hear you love L.A. Move there!
Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY wants to evict a pro-El Toro International Airport citizen.
Keep the lights on at the Duke, Vern. 1049 wants to move to Inglewood and live in the greeness of LAX.
The deal with Los Angeles is that it will clean up the pollution at El Toro and Irvine, while the re-opened El Toro International Airport brings in tons of money and provides 90,000 jobs.
Now why is it that LAWA will clean up Irvine, but the current clean up by the government is no good?
How can you re-open an airport that was never opened up in the first place?
258, you have to read the articles or you'll continue to flunk out of re-education camp. The reason the government cleanup is no good is because it is pushing the plume all over central Irvine, neighboring cities and Newport Bay. The big contamination at the dumps is being left in place and covered over where riparian corridors will flush out the poisons making Love Canal and Hinkley seem like chicken feed. The TCE must be sucked back onto the base and disposed of. The nuclear weapons grade uranium, radium, oil, and battery acid must be dug up and hauled away by air freighters to dumps in Bakersfield and Nevada. This avoids using the freeways. LAWA can do all of this because it has the money, the experience, the will, and the way. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY just flunked re-education.
Gee Whiz. It's been two days since the purveyors of propaganda, impropriety, falsehoods, and filth have disgraced this fine website with anti-El Toro International Airport rhetoric. Perhaps they actually are reading and studying the articles instead of jumping onto comments with antique slogans of a bygone era. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The pointee heads of Dana Point are falling behind, and they will never pass re-education at that rate.
I see the pointy heads of NIMBY Beach are still spewing their class warfare, hate and lies on this joke of a site.
Don't worry, 1121, the mass anti El Toro voters are still here, we just have better things to do than to baby sit this site and clean up the lies and dis-information.
I'd offer to re-educate you but I think you're too far gone. I suspect you've been too much bay water.
533, there you are back again for re-education. When El Toro International Airport opens there will be tourists from all over the world overwhelming the private beaches of Dana Point. You may have to tear down the fences. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY thinks blocking off the beach makes him elite. But we know the elite live in Newport Beach, where tourists are welcome
351, I know nothing about Dana Point. Ask me about Corona del Mar and I can give you all the facts you could ever want.
El Toro is history, time to get over it and move on.
You are right on one single point, however, Irvine has SOME control over El Toro and the one thing they will never do is open an airport there.
You are most assuredly stuck on stupid.
You should read the story upon which these comments are based. El Toro International Airport will be opened by Irvine. You don't know who runs Irvine. There isn't a city in this country that won't live up to its responsibility when the facts are clearly spelled out to them. The airport will open. Turn on lights, Vernon. This great pretender needs more re-education. His points are dark and dull, certainly not elite.
142 is the great pretender. The Irvine Company runs the city of Irvine and they don't want an airport there. I have read the articles. I don't, however, read my own stories between the lines like you seem to do.
If every city, as you say, will live up to its responsibility, and Irvine refuses, then I suggest NIMBY Beach set an example and built their own airport in Newport Beach and show the rest of Orange County a thing or two.
Still stuck on stupid.
757 is the great pretender. He claims to know who runs Irvine, who lives up to its responsibility, and claims to have read eltoroairport.blogspot.com articles while refusing to comment on them, only on the comments. Now that he has smeared Newport Beach he will claim to live in Corona del Mar. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is ready for flights, and 757 knows there isn't a city in this nation that won't live up to its responsibility when it is carefully spelled out to them.
Keep dreaming your silly little dream, 1035, keep dreaming.
Oh, and 1035, I comment plenty of time on the silly rantings on eltoroblogspot from Donald. And they are just that, silly ranting from a confused old man.
There's the posters from Dana Point who will say they live in Corona del Mar. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It takes more than a fence at the beach to claim to be elite. They're not in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. There isn't a city in this nation that won't live up to its responsibility when it is carefully spelled out to them.
And there's the poser poster 1150, who claims to live in NIMBY Beach but really lives in a shack in Santa Ana. You're not in the noise zone of the Duke, 1150, so go back to sleep.
1232, there's that anti-El Toro International Airport poster prowling around this fine website posting nonsense when we really need communication and compromise from the NIMBYs. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Your articles are hitting home.
Here's a compromise for you, you want a bigger airport, expand the Duke! Compromise done! Lets all hold hands and sing Koom By Ya!
Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY won't compromise, so he must be re-educated.
Lets expand JWA 24/7 and send some jets over Corona Del Mar!
1112, I'm with you, expand JWA. Oh, wait a minute, they already are! Yippeee!
You guys are talking about the wrong airport. It's El Toro International Airport that's underutilized. Turn on the lights, Vernon. These NIMBYs are caught up in hate and class warfare. Probably racism too.
Black is beautiful, 253, so is brown and yellow.
There is no El Toro International Airport to be underutilized so what you post makes no sense.
El Toro International Airport is totally underutilized because it is closed. We, the people, can change that by using Vernon to turn on the lights. It makes no sense to deny there is an airport there. It has jumbo jet cross ruways pointing to where airplanes need to go. El Toro International Airport is safe, wanted, needed, FAA approved and green.
907 finally get it! He finally gets that El Toro is closed and will forever stay that way. It's not wanted and the only reason it's green is because there are no planes there spewing nasty exhaust fumes. Oh, and the FAA approval expired. Nice try.
The Duke forever!
1256, El Toro International Airport can be opened again and provide a useful service. NIMBYs no longer control the airport. Irvine can do it. Irvine needs the funds from the airport to clean up central Irvine from contamination left by the Marines and their dirty jets. Commercial civilian passenger jets are clean and manufacture carbon dioxide which is needed for the plants to grow. It's going to be green around El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is confused and needs more re-education.
Again, more lies from the NIMBY airport dreamers. They would have us believe that military jets are dirty yet commercial jets are clean, yet both are made by the same company. Poor NIMBY's are so confused. They say that the NIMBY's no longer control El Toro and that it is now under the control of Irvine. How quickly they forget that Irvine is the very NIMBY's they hate and preach their class warfare against.
Poor NIMBY's also claim that commercial jets are clean burning when nothing could be further from the truth. Airliners spew tons of carbon monoxide into the atmosphere as well as nitrogen oxide. They also spew water vapour, unburnt hydrocarbons, soot and sulfate particles.
It's re-education for you, NIMBY. We'll teach you that El Toro will never be opened and you can thank us later.
903, well that's pretty lengthy and testy. No one can deny that El Toro International Airport has long runways. We need to eliminate crowds by opening El Toro. El Toro is safe, wanted, needed, FAA approved, clean, green and popular with Orange County passengers. You'll never be elite until you support opening El Toro International Airport again. You left out carbon dioxide which we need to make the planet green.
Carbon dioxide released into the higher atmosphere causes the green house effect that will kill us all.
El Toro is not wanted by the masses, just a few NIMBY's in Newport.
What crowds? I've flown out of John Wayne several times in the last couple of months. It was so quiet and empty there you could have shot a canon in the terminal and nobody would have noticed.
How can you say El Toro is clean? Haven't you heard, it's polluted and will take several decades for the federal government to clean up?
You wouldn't know what elite is so you are certainly not one to judge.
Don't worry, NIMBY, with your boy, Obama in office maybe you'll get re-educated. You seem to be real big on that socialistic concept. I'll bet you were a big fan of Pol Pot, he loved re-education, too.
You mentioned nitrogen and sulfate. Those are fertilizers that make the plants grow. You mentioned Carbon dioxide as if it were bad. Actually it is an essential ingredient of photo-synthesis which keeps the planet greet. You mentioned water vapor which is not a pollutant but is the most abundant greenhouse gas on the planet. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is ready to go and the more flights there the greener it will be.
501, your stupidity is astounding and without comparison. With your last post you have shown your absolute lack of any knoweldge.
949, Talk about being brainwashed, this NIMBY not only opposes El Toro International Airport, he knows nothing about green, clean and the facts of reality. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need El Toro International Airport to make the planet green. The more flights at El Toro International Airport, the greener it will be. Thank you, Vernon, for your fine website to post on. Turn on the lights.
230, talk about telling lies. He claims airliners are pollution free. What a joke! Any third grader could do the basic research to find that airliners are gross polluters. But the NIMBY's that drink from the chalice of LAWA money and the expired FAA approval just don't get it.
Keep up the lies and deceit, Vernon, the honest anti airport truth tellers will set you straight.
834, I like the chalice of LAWA money. But don't drink the water at El Toro. It's polluted with TCE and the Navy's bad cleanup has to stop because it is spreading the pollution all over central Irvine. LAWA will clean up that pollution and open El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The FAA has approved El Toro International Airport, and we know we can squeeze in more and more.
824, since you like and pray at LAWA's alter I suggest you move to Inglewood so you can be closer to it.
If the Navy cleanup at El Toro is so flawed just what makes you think LAWA can do such a better job? More NIMBY lies. The NIMBY's are so good at telling lies they've turned it into an art form.
Oh, and that beloved FAA approval of El Toro, it expired a long time ago and will never be approved again without a proper EIR, something the NIMBY's skipped.
1103, LAWA knows how to clean up pollution. They will haul it away by air freight to dumps in Nevada and Bakersfield. The Navy is making things worse. People are getting sick in Irvine. The Marines must be notified of their exposure to TCE. The airport is ready to go and all we have to do is turn on the lights. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Air freight! OMG, you want to haul away thousands of tons of dirt by air freight. You have really lost it, 102. You need to stop drinking that bay water, it's more polluted than the forever closed El Toro.
451, yes air freight. That will get that polluted stuff out of El Toro in a hurry. Each 747 weighs 960,000 pounds. That's a lot of tons right there. Turn on the lights, Vernon. No more crowds elsewhere when there is El Toro International Airport.
That's right, 700 no more crowds,that's why they're expanding SNA as you're writing your lies. I flew to the east coast Saturday night, not a crowd in sight, it was wonderful, and nobody lives in the noise zone!
1117, there you are back for more and unable to stick to the subject. Don't you know? This website is all about El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs can't stick to the subject.
Poor NIMBY 1123. He still hasn't figured out that there is no El Toro International airport. It was all a bad dream. We anti airport posters have to post here to set your lies straight. NIMBY airport dreamers couldn't tell the truth if their lives depended on it.
629, lives in a dream world of lies and anti-El Toro International Airport propaganda. There is an El Toro International Airport, and all we have to do is set the anti-side straight. Nothing but the truth on this website. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Nothing but lies on this site. There is no El Toro International airport, it was all a dream by a few NIMBY's. The Duke is being expanded and now Virgin is starting business there because nobody, absolutely nobody lives in the noise zone.
518, there you are again posting yours lies about El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This liar posts and posts, and some feel sorry for him.
It's true, Virgin is starting service at the Duke. It is also true that the Duke is being expanded. It's also true that El Toro is deader than dead. Irvine will never open an airport, so you tell me, just what am I lying about?
648, there you are, posting your lies. El Toro International Airport is not dead. Irvine can open the airport, and your description of Irvine is another lie. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBYs pants is on fire.
Yes 1029, your pants are on fire. It's from all that hot air you blow out your a$$. Nothing but lies from the NIMBY's on this fine site.
259, there he is, the big liar from Dana Point. Now we know he'll say he lives in Corona del Mar. That's all right. We know where he gets his marching orders from. This NIMBY's pants are on fire. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is ready for its dedication. 259 can give the obligatory opposition speech.
Why thank you, 625, for letting me give the speech. I would be honored to represent the vast majority of OC voters that are against an airport and voted to make sure it NEVER happens.
How's life in fantasy land? Are you happy there? Remember, drugs are our friends!
Oh, and I was living in Newport Beach LONG before you became a transplant here.
808, you must be a sour old man, putting so much effort into negative posting on this pro-El Toro International Airport website. Turn on the lights, Vernon, This NIMBY must write his speech.
No, 208, a very nice young man. All I'm doing is setting your lies straight.
Sorry Vern, the lights at El Toro went out and will stay that way.
936, no nice person could say what you do. Sorry NIMBY, the lights at El Toro International Airport will come on as soon as we open it. The crowds are getting bigger. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Crowds, what crowds? I've flown out of SNA several times in the last few months, including Thanksgiving and Christmas. Not a crowd anywhere to be seen.
Long live the Duke!
721, but have you checked out El Toro International Airport? The whole idea is to get crowding away from airports, and open El Toro International Airport. It has fuel-saving jumbo jet cross runways pointing to airplane destinations. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
And there it is, 823's beloved line about fuel saving crossed runways. That's his biggest lie and he sticks to it.
Yes, 823, I've checked out El Toro, there were no flights there on their fuel saving crossed runways going to where I need to go. So I had to fly out of the Duke. Have you seen the expansion going on there? It's fabulous!
El Toro's dead, 823, the Duke is the future. Better embrace it.
727, of course you're in denial about the great El Toro International Airport. The only thing you haven't explained is what's in it for you when you lose. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY sticks to his lies. The whole idea is to get passengers away from airports and move then to the clean, green, safe, already built, wanted, needed, Irvine controlled, El Toro International Airport.
1214, I'm not the one that's in denial. You are as there is no El Toro International Airport. There never was and there never will be. Don't believe me? Go there right now and try to catch a flight. I'll tell you what, if you can actually book a flight out of El Toro right now, I'll pay for it.
Lose? Hey, I was against the airport and I won, you're the loser here, and a sore loser, too. And not only are you a loser but a liar, too. You stick to the lie that El Toro is clean, green, safe, already built, wanted and needed. Lets take these one at a time, shall we? No airport is clean. Airplanes are dirty and polluting. What do you expect, they burn fossil fuel. No airport is green, that's a huge lie! Safe? Maybe, probably as safe as any other airport considering flying is dangerous to begin with. Already built? HA! Everybody knows that to open El Toro the runways would have to be removed and rebuilt. There is no terminal, no parking lots, no fuel storage, no airport infrastructure. In other words, it's a dream. Needed? That's debatable. So far SNA can handle all of OC's air passenger traffic well into the future. Wanted? Surly you jest! Measure W passed by a landslide, forever killing any prospect of an airport. Irvine controlled? Perhaps, but if Irvine even thought of opening an airport the south county cities would drag them through the courts for decades. But the fact remains that the last thing the residents of Irvine want is an airport.
Keep dreaming and ranting, NIMBY, but the fact remains, El Toro is dead, dead, dead!
843, that's pretty long winded and has the mark of a loser. Do you burn fossil fuels in your car? Would you tear down your garage and rebuild it before you parked your car? No terminal? Where did those refugees from Vietnam stand when they got off the planes. In the rain? Go up to Westminster and ask them. I talk to them all the time. And yes, they voted for El Toro International Airport. Irvine tied up by lawsuits. Not likely. Irvine never loses. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is alive, alive, alive.
Alive, alive, alive............only in your poor little delusional mind.
El Toro is dead, dead, dead.
216, Irvine never loses. El Toro International Airport is alive, alive, alive. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 216 is locked in a death wish.
You're right, Irvine never loses. That's why they will never open El Toro. Irvine hates the mere thought of an airport. Pull your head out and smell the reality.
730, Irvine is a large city. They want to open the airport over on the east side of town. This is the same as Los Angeles with its airport on the west side of town and Long Beach with its airport on the north side of town. Irvine smells the coffee and it's spelled E L T o r o--- I n t e r n a t i o n a l --- A i r p o r t . Turn on the lights, Vernon.
More NIMBY lies. Everybody with half a brain knows that Irvine is on the record as being against an airport at El Toro. Maybe if you'd read a paper once in a while you'd know that. I know it's not the NIMBY way, but try it anyway.
921, anyone knows that big cities open big airports. Irvine is a big city, so it will open El Toro International Airport over on the east side. Irvine was never against the airport. They just wanted control. Irvine never loses.
Yes, Irvine never loses and the airport battle is one they won and the poor NIMBY poser lost.
Cry on NIMBY.
818, yes, Irvine never loses. They aced you NIMBYs out in the cold, and now they can open El Toro International Airport and make tons of money. That was always their motive. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY thinks Irvine won't open El Toro International Airport.
More lies from to poor loser NIMBY's. We all know that Irvine doesn't want an airport. Just another of your fantasy lies that we can see right through.
123, this is now and that was then. In fact then was never then. Irvine has always planned to get as much money as possible out of El Toro, and the anti-airport ruse was just right to get you NIMBYs into a lather. Now it has complete control, and it can open that jumbo jet airport over on the east side of town whenever we say so. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is waiting in the wings.
"Whenever WE say so"? Ahhhhahahahahahaha! Oh my God, you think you have a say so in Irvine in regards to El Toro?!? Hahahahah! That is one classic delusion, 211.
The anti airport majority has never been in a lather, we just point out the NIMBY's lies and deceit to the rest of the public and that's why there never was or will be an El Toro International airport. Well, except in your fantasy land. Tell me, do you charge admission to fantasy land?
If the NIMBYs are on here being vigilant, they suffer from PARANOIA. They KNOW the great pork has failed and there will no money for it in years, if not decades.
Get over your paranoia. Larry Agran and Irvine lied to you so they could steal El Toro and ......fail to make any progress with it.
Poor 454, his paranoia is really getting bad. His paranoia is such that he's finally beginning to realize that his fantasy airport will never be built.
It hurts to be a loser to Larry Agran, doesn't it, NIMBY?
806, I love Larry Agran. He knows exactly how to string you NIMBYs along to keep your hopes up. At the right moment he will join with other progressives to open El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Larry Agran thinks globabally and acts locally.
849, just what is it you're smoking and what third world country did you smuggle it in from? Larry Agran progressive, that's a real good one. You keep that lie up long enough and you might begin to believe it your self. Kind of like OJ.
Think globally and act locally, that's why SNA is being expanded.
219, there you are, desperately trying to change the subject when you know this website is all about El Toro International Airport. You didn't know OCX already has been expanded did you? Turn on the lights, Vernon. Airport crowding is not nice.
513, there you are with your desperate lies again. Haven't you heard, there never was or will be an OCX. Oh, wait, you must be talking about the expansion at SNA. Yeah, know about that. It's nice, isn't it? Not a crowd in sight, either.
Did you hear they're getting ready to tear up your beloved crossed runways at El Toro? Bummer for you.
615, El Toro will relieve over-crowding. El Toro is a perfect airport with fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. El Toro International Airport is uncrowded, clean, green, FAA approved, wanted, needed, safe and ready for turning on the lights. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Ah yes, the beloved fuel saving, jumbo jet crossed runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. You are correct that El Toro is uncrowded. I was there last week and there wasn't a person in sight. There were no airplanes either, but that's beside the point.
And why, 1121, must you continue with your incessant lies? We all know that airports are not clean, they are not green, El Toro is no longer FAA approved, it is not needed and it certainly is not ready. In fact it is estimated that IF it were to be turned into an airport it would take at least six years before the first plane could fly out. So much for turnkey.
But you continue your lies and delusions, 1121, Los Angeles is laughing at you and so are the rest of the readers of this site, both of us.
822, of course El Toro International Airport is clean and green. We all know that. Why do you, a dedicated opponent of the airport, keep visiting it? If you look up in the skies you'll see lots of airplanes flying around, paracticing turns and cutting the corner on landings to dinky John Wayne Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is obsessed with El Toro and we need to cure him of his paranoia.
942, why do you keep up your lies and deceit on this site? Kind of unnatural, don't you think?
Shine the light on 942, Vern, he's obsessed with El Toro, an airport that exists in his fantasy land only and he's afraid of the dark.
El Toro Airport has existed since 1943!
Once again you are incorrect, 1238. Marine Corps Air Station El Toro has existed since 1943. There has never been an operating El Toro International Airport, except on paper and in Vern's fantasy land and delusions.
El Toro International Airport has had passengers for nearly a 70 year time span. Did you overlook all those refugees from Viet Nam? They were civilian passengers. Therefore, El Toro has indeed been an International Airport. It is simply a matter of re-opening it! Give it time, Lennar will be broke soon enough.
The Marine's didn't consider them passengers, they considered them cargo. Another nice attempt at spinning from the spin doctor, 1226.
Have another delusion, NIMBY.
El Toro will start off with cargo flights anyways. Nice attempt at semantics BTW.
Cargo flights! Ha! Oh, wait, you think they're going to fly all the contaminated dirt out, don't you? Ahhhhhahahaha! What an idiot.
How's this for a semantic, no airport now, no airport ever! Poor pathetic, liar NIMBY.
1028, as a skeptic, you're obsessed with El Toro International Airport. You're obsessed with this website. You're against hauling contaminated soil away from El Toro by air. You call passengers from Vietnam cargo. Was the president of the United States cargo too? You seem to think an international air station is not an airport. Tell that to the civilian pilots that landed there. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is on his last propaganda legs.
Speaking of propaganda legs, just when is your fantasy airport going to open? We need a date so we can book a red eye on a jumbo jet using those beloved fuel saving crossed runways pointing to where airplanes need to go at airport where no one, absolutely no one is in the noise zone. Remember, it's clean, green, wanted, needed, approved, etc., etc., bullshit, bullshit.
When's the date, liar 133? And I don't mean your date with Rosey.
725, date certains for booking redeyes out of El Toro International Airport are still being worked out. When did you want to go? Where do you want to go? You did pretty good with the description of El Toro International Airport until you ended up with etc. Turn on the lights Vernon, this NIMBY wants to book a redeye.
That's what I thought. "The dates are still being worked out", translates to "there never will be any flights out of El Toro because the airport is toast.
Just another lie from NIMBY 616.
712, the dates are still being worked out. When do you want to go? Where do you want to go? No doubt the first redeyes out of El Toro International Airport will be long range flights to the orient and middle east. We can accommodate. The crowds will disappear when El Toro International Airport opens. Great Park is toast.
That's what I thought, 746, just more of your fantasy and lies. And exactly what crowds are you talking about, I've been to the Duke several times in the last year and never saw a crowd anywhere.
Flights to the Orient, that's a good one!
753, just as I thought. You can't say where or when you want to take a redeye to some faraway place from El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. When El Toro International Airport opens, this NIMBY will get another chance.
I can't tell you when I want to take a red eye because you refuse to tell me when El Toro is going to open. It seems to be some deep dark secret in your pea sized fantasy land brain. How's this, I want to take a red eye anywhere one year from today. How's that? Can you now give me an opening date?
I didn't think so. The airport NIMBY's can't tell the truth to save their asses.
818, no airport will offer a flight until there is demand, and they won't offer flights everywhere, just to where you want to go. Give us the date and destination for your redeye trip and we will try to accommodate your request.
951, you're so full of crap your eyes are brown. You know as well as I do that you can't schedule a flight from an airport that doesn't exist. More fantasy and lies from the loser NIMBY's.
833, why don't you call and ask for a flight. You know as well as I do that the surest way to get a flight is to ask for it. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
I already did call, 135. The nice lady laughed at me and said no one, absolutely no one, flies into or out of El Toro, AND she said they never will.
What is it today, 135, gin or vodka? Judging by the time of your post I'm guessing the bouncer kicked you out before last call.
844, you're up pretty early for a NIMBY out of work. Don't call for a flight unless you know who to call. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport will eliminate crowds.
Well then, tell me where to call, oh great liar that you are. What a crock.
809, tell me where you called and I will tell you if that was the right number. If you ever expect to get a job, support the opening of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs are out of work because they fight against El Toro International Airport.
No, you idiot, where I called is meaningless. Tell me where I should call. You won't because there is no place to call, but humor me and give me a number, otherwise you're just another NIMBY liar like Vern.
By the way, is that you I see everyday when I'm on my way to work with a sign that says, "homeless, hungry, broke and ready for re-education"? Sorry, my company doesn't hire slackers, try the soup kitchen!
202, ok call American Airlines, The Great Park, or Irvine City Hall. They want to hear from you that you are a NIMBY but you want to book a flight out of El Toro International Airport. That will expedite Irvine's opening of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Too bad he's on the layoff list because he is a NIMBY against El Toro International Airport.
Yeah, that's what I thought, you don't have a phone number to call for a flight out of El Toro because there isn't one.
Keep up the drinking, 757, the bars need your money.
234, just as I thought, you won't call anybody to ask for a flight out of El Toro. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The NIMBYs will use the airport when it is re-opened.
I can't call, 1131, you won't give me the number. Give me the number and I'll call right now.
Turn on the light, Vern, 1131 can't find the number to give it to me.
146, use the internet, the white pages, or the yellow pages to get the numbers to book a flight at El Toro. I told you who to call. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is becoming impatient.
No you didn't tell me. I thought you were going to give me a number but it was just another of your many lies. That's what you NIMBY's do, lie your asses off because the truth hurts too much.
No flights at El Toro so I guess I'll just keep flying the Duke!
Pro-El Toro International Airport activists always tell the truth. Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs always lie. Now that we have that cleared up, try using your head to get the numbers to book a flight at El Toro International Airport. Who you going to call? Why even a wooden head would know it's the Great Park, Irvine City Hall and American Airlines. They'll take care of you.
More lies from the wannabe elite, 947. Go back to your Thunderbird, 947, it's the only way you can fly.
823, the lone NIMBY follows posters around and refuses to call Great Park, city hall and American Airlines to ask for a flight at El Toro International Airport. He's too dumb to look up the number and too dumb to dial it. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is a wannabe elite.
823, the lone NIMBY follows posters around and refuses to call Great Park, city hall and American Airlines to ask for a flight at El Toro International Airport. He's too dumb to look up the number and too dumb to dial it. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is a wannabe elite.
You D.S. I already told you I called the Great Park, City Hall and American Airlines. They all laughed at me and said you were one stupid, idiotic NIMBY to think an airplane would ever fly into or out of El Toro. I feel sorry for you, 410, it must be rough to be drunk and delusional, not to mention stupid.
507, you must plan 20 years into the future when El Toro International Airport will be operating at 30 million annual passengers. On second thought don't call city hall and great park. There are low level NIMBYs working there. Call the airlines and LAWA instead. Turn on the lights Vernon. This NIMBY refuses to plan long term.
What I'm planning on long term, 1119, is you in a padded cell where you belong. Your delusions are pretty scary.
912, a padded cell? I'll consider that to be a threat. Long term planning is for El Toro International Airport, dummy. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Long term planning said goodbye to an airport at El Toro long ago, dummy. Time to pull your head out of your ass and smell the roses.
Keep the lights on at the Duke, Vern. 1114 is afraid of the dark.
130, Yes El Toro International Airport will eliminate crowds. Only the lone NIMBY can walk into a crowded airport and say, see there isn't a crowd here. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport will eliminate crowds. We need it for 30 million annual passengers. More if LAX, Ontario, JWA and Long Beach close because they aren't green, but El Toro is.
1050, those voices in your head must keep you up at night. Better see a doctor.
The only reason El Toro is green is because there are lost of weeds growing there. Oh, and lets not forget the orange trees!
LAX might close, now that's a good one! Where do you come up with that crap, 1050? Oh, wait, I know, from the 30 million voices in your head.
What a nut job.
The 30 million annual passengers are for El Toro International Airport without closing LAX, dummy. I might have known you would waddle all the way back here to November to claim that El Toro will not reduce crowding elsewhere. If he talks like a duck and walks like a duck he must be a NIMBY duck. Quack. Quack.
Speaking of waddle I see you waddled your fat ass back here, yourself. If he talks like a NIMBY and waddles like a NIMBY he must certainly be a NIMBY.
The Duke forever, quacker.
913, apparently waddle touched a sensitive nerve in the lone NIMBY. You should be ashamed of yourself for saying duke forever. Don't you know John Wayne airplanes fly all over South County but El Toro when operating will not? Think of yourself as a crowd pleaser so you can switch to supporting El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
The more airplanes that fly from both places, the better. More choices, lower fares.
No, I just want to fly our of the Duke (forever) so I can spit out the window on Donald's house.
Why do you need to fly out an airplane to do that? Why don't you just go exchange some spit in person?
He's not my type.
543, he is not your type because he does not put out fast enough.
If you had one ounce of common decency you would feel sorry for those you want to spit on. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY wants to spit.
I only need to spit because the pro El Toro NIMBY's make my taste buds go bitter.
I believe spitting in public is against the law. You must be bitter about the prospect of openng El Toro International Airport.
807 your taste buds are bitter from all those salty fluids you been sucking in Lagayna Bitch.
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