Oh boy is this GREAT!!!!!
Here is the opinion page of Saturday's edition of the Irvine World News.
Sukhee Kang on Tuesday was elected the city’s first Korean-American mayor. Kang’s mayoral win reflects the growing political power of the city’s Asian-American population, four years after he and Steven Choi became the first Korean-Americans elected to the council. Choi, the third-place finisher, will serve the two years left on Kang’s council seat.
Readers said:
TAXPAYER1 WROTE: Is his race really that important? Shouldn’t this story focus on his policies and plans for the future of all citizens of Irvine? This is why race remains such a divisive issue, because people won’t stop obsessing over it. In today’s world, a person’s race should not be any more important than their height, their weight, their hair color or their eye color. Can you imaging how stupid the headline would sound if it read “first tall mayor” or “first obese mayor” or “first brownhaired mayor.” Think about it.
BEACHLOVER WROTE: Choi said, “Luckily the citizens were not fooled.” Ha! The citizens were either fooled or are fools. Why would anyone with half a brain elect the Agran gang? Stupid is as stupid does. Irvine gets what they deserve. With the Agran gang in charge, Irvine may have to open up El Toro as an airport to keep from going bankrupt.
BTINIRVINE WROTE: I grew up back east in a neighborhood where people came to America from Italy, Germany, China, Poland, Africa, Armenia and Russia. We were all Americans, not “hyphenated Americans”. I guess this is what diversity and political correctness gets us. Sure wish we’d cling more to common sense and unity, but I guess those days are gone.
Voters on Tuesday backed park leaders’ decisions to keep the Great Park directly under the city’s control, despite criticism from some current and former park leaders that the board has spent too much money on temporary facilities, glossy mailers and no bid-contracts and not enough on key infrastructure. Instead, the voters backed the park vision set forth by Great Park Chairman Larry Agran and the majority of the current park board, who contend that the project is on time and on budget.
The measure’s approval also dealt a setback to council and Great Park board members Christina Shea and Steven Choi, who are pushing for an independent Great Park Corporation that they claim would create a firewall between park and city finances.
Readers said:
BEACHLOVER WROTE: The pro El Toro airport crowd is cheering the voters of Irvine, apathetic and ignorant, all. Larry and his gang will bankrupt the city and Irvine will be forced to open the airport to pay it’s bills. Irvine is a ship of fools.
STEPHANIES WROTE: Measure R = blank check from the general fund and Irvine residents’ taxes to Larry Agran. Measure S = the way to hide the money taken by Larry Agran. Irvine residents who clearly do not care about their city = any election in the past 10 years. I am sure the Newport Beach residents are loving this!
(Editors note: We are indeed loving this! Keep it up Irvine Voters!)
IRVINETAXPAYER WROTE: Hey thanks to the Agran crew, after four years, we got a “beautiful” balloon to be proud of. So, do we call it a “Great” Balloon too? As for the park’s progress, I like how the conceptual drawings are purely conceptual. How many millions have been spent so far? Way to go fellow Irvine residents. Maybe next year, they’ll add “Great” pony rides.
That's an interesting set of comments about a story about Irvine's new mayor Sukhee Kang. No doubt he is a Larry Agran puppet who will bankrupt Irvine. I liked "First tall mayor," and first "obese mayor." I liked "with the Agran gang in charge, Irvine may have to open up El Toro as an airport to keep from going bankrupt." And then I liked, "Irvine is a ship of fools, and Irvine will be forced to open the airport to pay its bills." And then there's "Great balloon," and "Great Pony Rides." Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is coming.
Hey Don, you used my quotes without my permission. I want some money for that. It's the American way, you know?
The elite don't pay for quotes. Enjoy the Great Balloon and Great Pony Rides. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is coming.
I know the elite don't pay for quotes, that's why I want Don to pay me for them. He's not elite and neither are you.
Of course the "elite" don't pay for quotes. All their money was either inherited or stolen. Donald is living proof.
Irvine World News readers are horrified. Elite Newport Beach residents can post all over this website and NIMBYs can't do a thing about it.
The "elite" post here because Donald and Vern are the only two fools on planet earth who still believe there will ever be an airport at El Toro. Hell, the AWG doesn't even bother to post on their own board any more (and haven't for years).
Keep it up boys, this blog gives me more laughs than anything on TV.
The voters of Irvine have spoken and want the Keep Irvine Great team to stay in power and keep building the Great Park. In the meantime, the pro-airport blogs, The Register, The Irvine Tattlers are a loud minority who will only continue to badmouth the Great Park.
Sick of this revisionist history pro-airport blog. Come over to
We are celbrating the future, while they are stuck lamenting about the past.
Well, there's lonely Frank pushing his lonely website. The voters of Irvine have only responded to cartoons, flyers, and advertising. The airport can bring a similar response from the voters of Irvine. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Irvines needs El Toro International Airport.
Yes, and then there's lonely Don, pushing his pathetic, lonely website. Sad, sad.
Now that this popular pro-El Toro International Airport website has caught on worldwide with business and tourists, we can expect the airport soon to open and the NIMBY posters will return to their hum drum existences until their neighborhoods become elite. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Worldwide?!? It took me 20 minutes to stop laughing long enough to write back on that one. Ohhhh, that's a good one. Worldwide! What a joke.
Hey Donald! We're all waiting for you to tell us how if El Toro were open none of the fires would have happened. What gives? We're all waiting for our laugh.
Where's Frank? We need his perspective. Chino Hills International Airport would have prevented the triangle fire. When El Toro International Airport opens, there won't be anything to burn in Sukhee Kang's Irvine. We have flyingmythbuster who supports El Toro International Airport This website is famous worldwide. That is in tune with the demise of local control. We live in one world. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Our international tourists need a place to land locally when they come to Newport Beach, Disneyand, and the Ritz Carlton in Dana Point.
More senseless rants from the loon, 1043. I think his meds wore off.
Our international tourists do need a place to land locally when they come to visit Newport Beach, the Ritz Carlton, and Disneyland. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We'll be ready for their landings.
Famous worldwide? If it weren't for those of us who stop by only to laugh at you loons the entire reach of this website is three people, Vitriolic Vernon, Flatulentmythbuster and Village Idiot Donald. And don't worry about all those foreigners, LAX easily translates in any language.
Turn out the lights Vern, this sad little site is good only for laughs, not opening airports.
There you are, hovering around this world famous website trying to sway public opinion with your weak logic, false facts, class warfare, and hate speech. By the way, you insulted flyingmythbuster. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The NIMBYs are stuck in a rut, and they can't get out.
Help!!! Someone, please help 517, he's fallen and lost his mind and can't get up!
You know how it is when you get old. You start losing your mind, you can't remember things, like there is no airport at El Toro, you think some silly B.S. site is "world famous", you can't control your bodily functions. It's sad but oh so true.
Shine your light over there, Vern, 517 needs to find his way back to reality after he gets up.
Now that Ortega Highway is on fire so South County needs El Toro more than ever to put out the fires.
I knew some idiot would chime in with that stupid comment!
Yes, we need El Toro International Airport more than ever to put out the fires. It's not a stupid comment to want to put out fires. El Toro has perfect runways for fire-fighting airplanes and choppers. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got fires to put out.
647 thanks for the suggestion. Fighting fires with El Toro is a great idea. Only a North County hater who wants to see Yorba Linda and Anaheim Hills burn would think its a bad idea.
If it were so important they would just use Los Alamtos, but you already know that, don't you? Using Los Al really shows our love of North County!
Los Alamitos is a military base. Can't use that. El Toro is sitting empty. Can use that. The fire was on Ortega Highway. Also on the platinum triangle, where I drove today. Total devastation. You must hate everybody. You NIMBYs should be ashamed of yourselves. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Maybe Sukhee Kang will see the light.
The only ones I hate are NIMBY's that only want to open El Toro to move the jets from NIMBY Beach to South County. It's the Newport NIMBY's that shower the rest of Orange County with hate.
And for the record, military bases often get used for fire fighting if there are no other bases close by.
El Toro is closer than any other base. It is sitting idle ready for tankers to put out the fires and the flamers.
El Toro is closed and by the time it was readied for part time fire fighting use the fires would be out. Los Al is the way to fight a local fire.
Can't use John Wayne Airport. Too small. Can't use LAX. Too busy. Can't use Los Alamitos. Military. Can't use March. Military too. Turn on the lights at El Toro and park the planes there for the next fire. Sukhee Kang has the sense.
Just why can't military bases be used. Makes no sense, but then again, not much does from Newport NIMBY's. Time for your pill.
807, ask Frank. He still believes in a park when fires are burning all around us. Frank will tell us that Miramar was not allowed to fight the fires due to communications from Sacramento. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got to be ready for the fires.
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