It is mid-November and we have fires in Orange County that are out of control. I dread to imagine what summer will be like. In the center of Orange County sits the idle El Toro International Airport or that incredibly sorry excuse for an attempt at a park by Larry Agran.
El Toro International Airport is a 10 billion dollar asset that OUR tax dollars paid for! El Toro has TWO 10,000 foot runways and TWO 8,000 foot runways that easily handle the largest firefighting aircraft around. Sorry Newport Haters but this cannot be said about John Wayne Airport with its mere 5700 foot runway.
In addition, El Toro provides close proximity to the ocean where aerial tankers would have an infinite supply of water. Instead, the NIMBY brain trust of South County would likely recommend we use March Air Force Base and suck Lake Elsinore and Lake Matthews dry. Oh yeah, like dried up lakes would not add to the drought and create a future fire hazard. Please!
In the meantime, to allow El Toro sit idle during an emergency like wildfires is absolutely unacceptable. Most NIMBYs in South County could probably care less that their neighbors in North County like Yorba Linda and Anaheim Hills are getting the brunt of the wildfire damage and the dirty air. However, I got news for them. The fire is now in their backyard! It is just east of San Juan Capistrano in Ortega Highway. Let's see if their NIMBYism trumps their sense of self preservation on this one.
There are no good excuses not to use El Toro to fight fires. Someday the home you save from a fire may be your own!
That's clever of you, Vernon. Orange County's emergency number for fires, is El Toro International Airport which has plenty of space for fire-fighting equipment right now. Nimbys let Anaheim and Yorba Linda burn. But will they stand by and let bucolic south county burn too?
Now that the Ortega Fire has been contained, my bet is on the NIMBYs for allowing North County to keep burning.
Ah yes, an El Toro airport is the answer to all the world's woes. It will cure cancer, stop fires, bigotry, class ware, acne, teen pregnancy and bring all races and religions together holding hands and singing Kum By Ah at the center of the useless crossed runways.
This site is known worldwide as the notepad for the senile and delusional, and gives the entire planet a good daily laugh.
Turn out the lights Vern the Ortega fire is out, bucolic South County will remain that way, and the only hot air to be found is coming from you.
Bucolic is not what South County shall remain. The Irvine Co. and Mission Viejo Co. will pave all of it! Suck on traffic!
The fuel-saving cross runways are not useless. They allow airplanes to take off from that calm airport in the direction they want to go. El Toro International Airport is the answer to all of our problems, and 925 already has mentioned them. Turn on the lights, Vernon, our airplanes need the cross runways.
You're right, those runways will make great gravel. 1110, I'll make sure you get a big chunk for a paper weight.
they will make great gravel for airplanes to take off and land from.
El Toro is Orange County's 911. That means the runways will be used by DC10s to put out the fires. Putting out fires is important. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Firefighting is more useful than paper weights.
Glad to see you're trying to spread your vitriolic nonsense to the OC Register blogs. Just a wider audience to laugh at your nonsense.
Just a wider audience to laugh at the failure of the Great Park and to laugh at the sore winner NIMBYs.
Yes, the failure of the Great Park assures us that El Toro International Airport soon will be open. Those sore winners posting on this website can not stop Irvine from opening the airport. Since no one is in the noise zone, it's just as well that they remain scared until the truth is revealed to them. Firefighting DC10s will help put out the fires in their buccolic settings. Glad to hear the OCregister blogs are alive and well. Could someone be lifting our stuff? Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro is Orange County's 911.
If El Toro was so vital to putting out fires why is it that it was NEVER used when it was a Marine Air Station for fire fighting? Kind of missed that little detail, didn't you. If it was that necessary to have a base close to the fire then why didn't they just use Los Alamitos? Don't have a logical answer for that one, do you, NIMBY? And don't even try to say the runway is too short, Los Al has visits from USAF C-5 transports on a regular basis.
Care to try again?
620, there you are hovering around this website with opposition to using El Toro International Airport even for fighting fires. Los Al and past failures do not excuse us from moving forward with Orange County's 911. Why just last year, the fires jumped the toll road and burned right onto the airport. What's wrong with you NIMBYs? Don't you want to put out the fires, or do you want somebody else to do it? That sounds just like a NIMBY.
South County NIMBYs are so full of hate that they just want North County to burn!
One more reason El Toro can never be an airport Donald, it's in the fire zone. Difficult for those planes to land into the flames.
Turn out the lights Vern, they might start a fire.
El Toro is in the flamer zone. Irvine is a pro gay marriage city!
Yes. Yes. No. No. Yes. Yes.
Orange County's 911 (and the rest of Southern California) is in Hemet, where the fire bombers are based. Chew on that, NIMBY's
El Toro is closer to the fire's fuel. Hemet is too far away. And so is Ramona. Irvine can buy its own fire dousing airplanes and keep them at El Toro where protection is needed. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Just think. Irvine's very own DC10s for fighting fires. You can share the airport with the state. But make sure the state knows you're the boss.
That's right, Irvine, let the state know you're the boss (and the rest of OC, too) and keep that base closed. The sooner you remove those runways the better.
Irvine and Lennar CANNOT afford to remove the runways and clean up the base to park standards. An airport is only worthwhile use of the property!
El Toro is in the fire zone and therefore unsuitable to house firefighting aircraft. No one is in the fire zone at JWA. Turn out the lights Vern, 24/7 fire protection and flights to wherever we need to go coming to the Duke in 2015.
El Toro International Airport has jumbo jet runways pointing directly at the fires. That's clearly the way they want to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Bring in the big DC10s for fighting fires. But leave some room for A380s and 747s. I want to fly to Sidney directly from El Toro.
And people in hell want ice water Donald. No flights to Sidney and no water for you. BTW I check the map, no runway at El Toro point to Sidney. But they all point to Loony Land, your hometown.
How about we open El Toro and send all the flights over Newport Beach.
That is a perfect compromise. The county gets more jobs and cheaper fares and South County gets to see more jets over NewPorsche Beeyotch!
What's not to like?
Turn on the lights Vernie and Donnie!
Flying troublemaker is onto something with his proposal to open El Toro and fly the planes out over elite Newport Beach 15 miles away. That might work, but the planes would have to make a turn to do that. Are you sure you would want them to turn just to perpetuate the old class warfare? And why would the planes want to go out in the wrong direction when most of them want to go east? There's nothing south of Newport Beach except Easter Island. Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon. It's the best compromise for us, and the NIMBYs can't do a thing about it.
Donnie or Vernie if it is 15 miles away, then what are you worried about? You would not be in the "noise zone" right?
There are lots of destinations that would require a western departure such as Hawaii, Australia, China, Viet Nam, India, Guam, New Zealand etc.
Also, planes going from the Duke take out towards the southwest, so really what's the big deal.
Or you only want El Toro opened if it is done YOUR WAY?
Not worried, Flying troublemaker. If they took off to the west they might have to tear up Woodbridge. It's polluted with TCE anyway so that might be the best thing for that village. But nobody has ever asked for western takeoffs at El Toro International Airport. Irvine might object to western takeoffs, and we need Irvine's support.
Nobody asked for western takeoffs from El Toro? Really? More bullshit from NIMBY Beach. The prevailing winds blow from the west and since planes always take off into the wind, guess which direction they would take off from ? Here's a hint, it's not east! Even the Marines knew that and that is why they ALWAYS flew their heavy transports to the west. More facts left in the shadows by the non elite NIMBY's.
But then it's really a moot point as the airport will never be built and there's nothing the Newport NIMBY's can do about it.
Oh, and one more little detail, nobody has ever discussed tearing up Woodbridge. Haven't you heard, the pollution at the base is being cleaned up, or do you still believe the fairy tale being told by that fake news outlet the Salem News?
Well, you heard about tearing up Woodbridge here. The more they try to clean up the airport, the more the TCE migrates to Woodbridge. That's spreading the pollution around, not cleaning it up. Salem News has some very good stories about this pollution. Also see website eltoronow (Chris Cox) which has reports and stories about the failed cleanup and pollution of Irvine's water wells by the 55 freeway. Nobody wants to tear up Woodbridge because El Toro International Airport does not require takeoffs into the wind. They take off to the north and to the east. Turn on the lights Vernon. Some NIMBYs want the planes to turn and fly over Newport Beach just for punishment and class warfare.
You dumb ass, all planes take off and land into the wind. Don't you know anything? Oppps, foolish question, we already know you don't. Keep preaching your class warfare crap, the rest of us are laughing at you.
219, there you are lurking around this fine positive website with messages about taking off and landing into the wind. Don't you know anything? How do they do that at John Wayne Airport, where there are no cross runways? Turn on the lights, Vernon. These NIMBYs know nothing about wind and airplanes with high takeoff speeds.
how is taking off west over Newport Beach from El Toro punishment and class warfare? I though El Toro was 15 miles away. So really what's the big deal?
If El Toro did open, you should be happy no matter what. Remember, beggars can't be choosers!
There are no good reasons for not using El Toro to fight the fires. Some day the house they save may be your own, even Flying Troublemaker's. By the way, flying troublemaker, taking off west from El Toro to fly over Newport Beach doesn't make sense. They would have to make a sharp left turn when they get to John Wayne Airport in order to fly over Newport Beach, and that's punishment and class warfare, as well as total sacrifice of Woodbridge. But then that's what we expect from opponents of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. No trouble from flying troublemaker.
How is flying over Newport Beach from El Toro which is 15 miles away punishment and class warfare? I thought nobody was in the "noise zone"!
Or are you just lying again?
It's punishment and class warfare to go out of your way to fly over elite Newport Beach. Why would you want to do that? Turn on the lights, Vernon. We'll land over Aliso Viejo and take off over Cota de Caza 15 miles away. What's wrong with that? El Toro is waiting for its opening, and we won't fly over Newport Beach.
Let's see, you live in a house next to an airport, and then whine and cry because airplanes fly over. What part of "you got what you asked for" and I missing? Hardly "elite" thinking, is it Donald? Maybe in your next life you'll inherit a house in elite Barstow. You'll have no class there either.
How is it punishment to fly over Newport Beach 15 miles away from El Toro. But it is not punishment to fly over Coto 15 miles away. Do I sense a double standard here, Mr. Nyre?
Newport Beach is elite. Cota de Caza is not. Cota de Caza is on the way. Newport Beach is not. You NIMBYs are all alike. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Cota de Caza is a good place to fly over. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. If you're going to practice class warfare, Larry, it's better to do it against the snobs of Cota de Caza. They're getting what they asked for.
This debate over which way to fly is a waste of time and a distraction put up by airport opponents to delay the much needed El Toro International Airport.
I really don't give a damn which way the planes land or take off. Just put the airport to use! Enough foreplay already!What are we going to argue about next? What color to make the baggage check in area?
If jets were bound towards Newport Beach I would hardly notice as they would be very high by the time they got out here.
I am only moderately impacted by the John Wayne noise. It is not that big of a deal. I believe it should stay open for private aviation.
What I really have issue with is the South County NIMBY class warfare brain trust that thinks Newport Beach and Costa Mesa should be condemned to make way to John Wayne growth.
First, those cites were around LONG before El Toro even existed!
Second, for John Wayne to achieve anywhere the same potential capacity as El Toro would require condemnation in excess of 4000 very pricery acres, plus billions in NEW airport infrastructure.
El Toro already has the land and infrastructure in place paid for with our taxes! Only a brainwashed class warfare socialist economically illiterate South County NIMBY would think John Wayne is cheaper and easier to expand than simply re-opening El Toro International Airport!
Congratulations, Vernon, on a clever rejoiner to the silly arguments about flight directions and color of baggage handling rooms. I see Todd Spitzer wants to run for District Attorney, but he may have underestimated the disdain for his opposition to the planned El Toro International Airport when he was a noisy minority staller on the Board of Supervisors siding with the NIMBYs. Personally I prefer red for the baggage handling area, although I guess there is a case for blue to satisfy the true blue republicans in south county. Your post was excellent and long and I was going to suggest you start your own web site until I noticed it was you. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The NIMBYs are on their last legs, and the money-men of El Toro now realize they made a mistake.
Exactly what infrastructure have you imagined is at El Toro? All you have is four useless runways (actually two, as they are too close for simultaneous operation) pointed at some very large mountains, or positioned to interfere with the JWA/LB/LAX flight paths to the extent the entire Southern California air traffic system would be paralyzed. I still don't see any terminals, hangers, baggage handling, parking lots, fuel pipeline, or even a Hari Krishna to welcome me to your fantasy "airport". And don't even try to make excuses for the runways. The EIR was quite clear that they would have to be removed, reoriented and rebuilt to make El Toro even a vaguely viable airport. based on the cost of Denver's white elephant, expect the price tag of a "real" El Toro airport to be something around $5 billion, as all that infrastructure you imagined actually needs to be built. Why spend $5 billion when we can double our airport capcity by simply letting those silly old caps expire at the Duke for free?
Turn out the lights Vern, NIMBY Beach pulled out all their dirtiest tricks and still lost the El Toro battle by a landslide. Go back to gay bashing and self-aggrandizing, two things for which you are much better suited.
Hate-filled NIMBYs sound as ridiculous today with those same tired anti-El Toro International Airport arguments as they did 15 years ago when our press published your baloney. El Toro International Airport is a beautiful turnkey airport located in a calm valley with fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Landings are over the industrial town of Aliso Viejo with takeoffs over Irvine Lake and Coto de Caza. It was approved by the FAA for 4 million annual passengers, and all we have to do is turn on the lights. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got airplanes to control and NIMBYs to silence.
Hate-filled Newport NIMBYs sound as ridiculous today with those same tired pro-El Toro International Airport arguments as they did 15 years ago when our press published your baloney. El Toro International Airport is a complete fantasy airport located in a heavily populated valley with cross runways that do not save any fuel, pointing to where airplanes need to go. Landings are over the populated town of Aliso Viejo with takeoffs over Irvine and Coto de Caza. It was approved by the FAA for 4 million annual passengers, but was voted down by the majority of Orange county when they realized the pro airport lies and deception. Keep the lights on at SNA, Vernon. We've got airplanes to control and Newport NIMBYs to silence.
729, no lies and deception here. Emulation will get you nowhere. I suppose you live in that cheap row housing built in Aliso Viejo to be compatible with the industrial buildings and Marine Corps Air Station El Toro. The beauty of El Toro International Airport is that nobody is in the noise zone. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got fires to put out.
No, 1034, actually I live in a beautiful old house in Corona del Mar, complete with an ocean view.
Since you, Vern and the Donald keep having wet dreams over an airport at El Toro and you seem to think that an airport there will make those cities elite, too, why don't you set an example and move there! That would show those south county NIMBY's a thing or two, now wouldn't it?
You won't, of course, because you are the biggest NIMBY's of them all and you don't want an airport in your back yard any more than they do.
And in case you haven't noticed, all the fires are out, except the smoke screen coming from your blow hole.
316, a beautiful old house with an ocean view in Corona del Mar eh. You shouldn't be flaunting it in front of the Aliso Viejo row house occupants and diehard Irvine residents and Coto de Caza horse people. It's true we have had some rain, but now the emergency is to stop the erosion. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got to plan for both fires and mudslides. I want to share El Toro with the state of California. Maybe bring in the feds from Boise, Idaho. Central planning is the hallmark of our new society. No more local control from houses in Corona del Mar, NIMBYs in Irvine, and residents of Aliso Viejo and Coto de Caza.
And yet more silly, socialistic rantings from the lunatic airport fringe. 344, you give the rest of us something to laugh at and God knows we can all use the big belly laugh.
Be forwarned about the future, NIMBYs. No more local control from old houses in Corona del Mar, and reactionaries in Irvine, Aliso Viejo and Coto de Caza. Turn on the lights, Vernon. A Public Works Project will open El Toro International Airport, just as it built Newport Harbor. Orange County must open up to airport passengers, not try to drive them away.
And there it is, the socialistic rantings from the fringe wackos. Well, maybe you're right, 1031, your boy Obama is just socialistic enough to force El Toro open, but I doubt it as he'd piss off too many of his voters and he's wants to be re-elcted.
You can always dream, though.
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