Please Re-elect Darth Agran's slate and Vote Yes on Measure R.
Now my Conservative Republican friends will think I must have been poisoned from drinking TCE water in Irvine for this rather uncharacteristic endorsement on my part. Remember folks, I am endorsing Agran for IRVINE, no where else.
On the other hand, I would NEVER think of supporting a socialist deviant like Larry Agran as my representative in a million years. Were he to take office in Newport Beach, he would surely kill the business community with over taxation and over regulation!
Besides inflicting his economically challenged thinking upon us, he would probably try to ram though a gay boat parade in Newport Harbor. After all he has promoted the gay agenda in Irvine. He was defeated in the 1990s for this when Irvine was actually a respectable conservative community.
Since Agran's political comeback from the dead, Irvine has devolved into a bunch of nihilistic NIMBY class warfare socialists. Agran's left winged agenda has successfully been spread throughout South County as some kids were recently demonstrating in the streets of Mission Viejo for gay marriage!
The upside of having Larry Agran in power is the Great Pork has been an utter failure! The runways are 99% intact. The Great Park has blown through millions of dollars and all they have are lots of pretty brochures, and an impotent balloon that cannot rise half the time due to safety issues. There is not even any running water or electricity. Even shanties in third world countries have higher standards than the Great Pork.
Thanks to the Agran's slate mismanagement of the Great Pork, this has given us airport backers great optimism that El Toro International Airport will be revived. The more Agran's Great Pork fails, the more the airport looks good to the public, and gives them buyers remorse about the park. Were there to be another vote on El Toro, an airport would easily win.
By Keeping Agran and his slate in power, it keeps The Great Pork in a negative spotlight with its perpetual failures and missteps. I laugh every time I hear about some gullible park supporter laments how they feel they have been betrayed and ripped off by Larry Agran. The Irvine Tattler is a perfect example of this mindset.
The voters screwed up. They TRUSTED him.
And they will continue to do so much to my amusement.
On the other hand, were Christina Shea's slate to get a majority on the council, they would likely ditch the boondoggle Great Pork and go with the more economically viable Millennium Plan. But of course the airport is the best overall economic catalyst for El Toro. In addition, Shea is my kind of woman, pretty and right wing!
However, I have no interest in endorsing someone like Shea who might actually right the wayward ship in Irvine. I am endorsing Agran who will continuously captain that mighty ship of fools called the Great Pork Board. His continuous gross mismanagement of the Great Pork is the best thing to happen to us airport backers.
Also Irvine voters would you please pass Measure R. This will make sure that the Irvine general fund can be raided for the Great Pork. Once Irvine bankrupts themselves by attempting to finance the $1.6 billion Great Pork, they will be ripe for a takeover.
America defeated the Evil Empire communists by forcing them to spend themselves into economic ruin. And The People's Republic of Irvine will suffer the same fate as previously defeated communist empires.
Right on, Vernon. Agran is our best support for a municipal El Toro International airport in Irvine. The base is polluted and they can't build houses there or let children play in a park there. My only fear to date is the number of balloon visitors exposed to TCE, radiation, and other poisons when they came to music concerts and sat on the ground soaking up the contaminants. That will not happen with the airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Larry Agran will open the airport. Everything he has done to date points in that direction. The runways are carefully preserved. The cost of the park has been pumped way up. The government wants El Toro opened to commercial traffic. The NIMBYs weren't careful with whom they teamed.
The government wants El Toro opened? Show me where that is printed! More lies from the Newport NIMBY's.
214, yes the government wants El Toro International Airport opened. Try Business Week for printed material for starters. I see the Christian Science Monitor, which published an anti-airport article, is going out of business. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
The Christian Science Monitor in NOT going out of business, although they are dropping their printed newspaper on favor of an online version. Just another fine example of NIMBY Beach not letting TRUTH AND FACTS get in the way of the airport fantasy spin doctoring.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald continues his role of village idiot and the Casey Anthony of NIMBY Beach.
The Christian Science Monitor is going out of business. They published an anti-El Toro International Airport story and then refused to publish a pro-El Toro International Airport story or even a letter to the editor. So much for the Christian Science Monitor. The print edition is the first to go. The Register already has the date when they will stop their printed edition. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Christianity and science need to open El Toro International Airport. Opposition is based only on faith.
Vern, from the lies you spew on this site it is obvious you know virtually nothing about Christianity. That goes for you, too, 402.
I know a lot about Christianity. You dragged a bunch of ministers in full costume to the Board of Supervisors meeting to oppose El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon, now that the ministers are muted.
You have just shown what a total ass you are.
Ministers never should have opposed El Toro International Airport. They decided to oppose it before it was revealed that no one is in the noise zone and that quality of life will be enhanced. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The ministers are gone now.
Your sarcastic snotty "endorsement" will only inspire Irvine voters to re-elect The Great Park team.
They schooled you in the El Toro fight. They were the most important influential group that grounded the county's plans for an airport at El Toro.
They will continue to win and make you look airport extremists look like fools.
For the truth about The Great Park
As I see it, Frank, this website's snooty endorsement of the great park team will help them get elected and re-elected until El Toro International Airport is opened. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Frank doesn't understand.
In case your somewhat confused on who to vote for. This came in my email from a friend. honest.
Cut and Paste no attribution:
Political Science for Dummies
You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. You feel guilty for being successful.
You push for higher taxes so the government can provide cows for everyone.
You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. So?
You have two cows. The government takes one and gives it to your neighbor. You form a cooperative to tell him how to manage his cow.
You have two cows. The government seizes both and provides you with milk. You wait in line for hours to get it. It is expensive and sour.
You have two cows. You sell one, buy a bull, and build a herd of cows.
You have two cows. Under the new farm program the government pays you to shoot one, milk the other, and then pours the milk down the drain.
You have two cows. You sell one, lease it back to yourself and do an IPO on the 2nd one. You force the two cows to produce the milk of four cows. You are surprised when one cow drops dead. You spin an announcement to the analysts stating you have downsized and are reducing expenses. Your stock goes up.
You have two cows. You go on strike because you want three cows. You go to lunch and drink wine. Life is good.
You have two cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. They learn to travel. Most are at the top of their class at cow school.
You have two cows. You engineer them so they are all blond, drink lots of beer, give excellent quality milk, and run a hundred miles an hour. Unfortunately they also demand 13 weeks of vacation per year.
You have two cows but you don't know where they are. You break for lunch. Life is good.
You have two cows. You have some vodka. You count them and learn you have five cows. You have some more vodka. You count them again and learn you have 42 cows. The Mafia shows up and takes over however many cows you really have.
You have all the cows in Afghanistan, which are two. You don't milk them because you cannot touch any creature's private parts. You get a $40 million grant from the US government to find alternatives to milk production but use the money to buy weapons.
You have two cows. They go into hiding. They send radio tapes of their mooing.
You have two bulls. Employees are regularly maimed and killed attempting to milk them.
You have one cow. The cow is schizophrenic. Sometimes the cow thinks he's French, other times he's Flemish. The Flemish cow won't share with the French cow. The French cow wants control of the Flemish cow's milk. The cow asks permission to be cut in half. The cow dies happy.
You have a black cow and a brown cow. Everyone votes for the best looking one. Some of the people who actually like the brown one best accidentally vote for the black one. Some people vote for both. Some people vote for neither. Some people can't figure out how to vote at all. Finally, a bunch of guys from out-of-state tell you which one you think is the best-looking cow.
You have millions of cows. They make real California cheese. Only five speak English. Most are illegal. Arnold likes the ones with the big udders.
Remember vote early and often; it's the Chicago in me.
Pretty good cow story, flyingmythbuster. "So?" is the best.
Good Job For The Donald.
Just think Donald, you can fly over the park all day long and admire the airport that doesn't exist. Good career move for you.
Irvine's tranquil Great Park Balloon is home to bitter political divide, and every balloon passenger sees El Toro International Airport, currently closed. Passenger sees a pristine airport with jumbo jet cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Passenger sees rail tracks passing right through the airport, freeways on three sides, and is told by the balloon pilot there are two fuel lines under the park. Pride and Prejudice will open the airport when city fathers realize there is money to be made. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Again, the perfect career for you Donald. You can spew your nonsense to a captive audience 7 days a week. What could be better? Besides, I'm sure you'd look great in a balloon captain's uniform. Probably drive the women wild.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald is going to add his his hot air to the Great Park Balloon ride. The elite will literally rise above the rest of us.
As Donald is telling about the two fuel lines under the closed air base, he might also add that they are plugged/capped and filled with nitrogen and the Navy has steadfastly said that IF and commercial airport were to open at El Toro, the fuel lines are off limits. Just a little tid bit the Newport NIMBY's fail to mention. Of course, the pro airport crowd has never been real keen on facts.
402, The Christian Science Monitor IS NOT going out of business. They, like many other print newspapers, are discontinuing their print versions in favor of electronic versions.
How do I know this? Easy, I asked them. I suggest you do a little more homework next time you spew your crap and ask them, too. Also, nowhere in the Monitor or Business Week is it printed that The Government wants to use El Toro as an airport. What the article said is that local areas may want to consider using closed military bases, such as El Toro, to lighten the load at major airports.
More fact bending from the Newport NIMBY's. Nothing unusual, however.
1049, 834, & 802: Liars, liars, pants on fire. Goons are back from voting and shock. Christian Science Monitor is going out of business. Fuel lines at El Toro International Airport feed fuel to Lindbergh Field in San Diego. So much for capping, nitrogen, research, job opportunities, and electronic newspapers. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I've got a plane to catch at El Toro. They ought to subscribe to Business Week. On second thought don't do it. It's a high priced magazine for elite.
Subscribing to a magazine is easy Donald, reading and understanding the content is where you seem to have some problems. Maybe your maid could read it to you while you wait for the airplane that will never come.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald is dreaming again
Der 1226 (aka:Shit for brains) I wrote to the Christian Science Monitor and asked them about going out of business. Here is their reply:
Dear Friend,
Thank you for being in touch regarding the upcoming changes to The Christian Science Monitor. Beginning April 2009, the daily print edition will be discontinued as the Monitor shifts to be fully daily and hourly online to everyone worldwide via the Internet. The print subscription product will be the weekly, and the e-news subscription product (as well as the website) will be the daily.
The new weekly edition of The Christian Science Monitor will ensure the continuation of the Monitor's unbiased, in-depth coverage in a print format. It costs $89 per year for subscribers and $3.50 per copy.
If you currently have a print subscription you will be notified prior to April and provided with an option for either a refund or to have the balance of your daily subscription applied to the weekly publication and/or the e-news publication.
At this time we don't have any additional details to share regarding the cost of the e-news subscription. The weekly print edition and the daily e-news product will be offered individually and at a combination rate. The website can be accessed without a subscription.
You can start subscribing in February 2009. You'll be hearing from us before then. If you haven't heard from us by February, please contact us again.
We hope this information is helpful and appreciate your continued support.
Mark Estes
The Christian Science Monitor
Customer Service Team
P.S. For more information about these changes, please go to the following link:
We also wanted to alert you that a replay of the October 30th live audio chat about the Monitor is now available on this webpage.
So much for your bullshit about them going out of business. You really should get your information from the source, not some second hand crap.
As for the fuel lines, one goes to Lindbergh, can't use that one. The other goes to El Toro, which the Navy has said no way to for use at an airport.
Now you better get back to work now, Donald. Over throwing Irvine won't be easy, you know.
Have a nice flight to nowhere on that flight out of El Toro, I have a feeling it's going to be late.
Oh, and one more thin. I already read Business Week, nothing elite about it, not that you would even know what elite is...........
Business Week is expensive and for ultra-elite. Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs wouldn't enjoy it. When a democrat, liberal, or progressive shows up on the cover I use it for a foot rest. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Pride and Prejudice will open the airport. There are two fuel pipelines at El Toro, one is government, the other is private. When my flight arrives from Sidney, Irvine will make sure it can be refuelled from those pipes.
The only pipe you need to worry about is your crack pipe Donald.
Yes, Donald loves crack, but it's not the kind you're thinking of........
If the pipes had a brain they would be shocked at the kind of talk that comes from the anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The NIMBYs are running out of filth, hate, and class warfare. We elite have much to be thankful.
Even though the socialist wealth re-distributers won the election, the class warfare NIMBYs are still bitter. They will NEVER be happy until they can make everyone equally miserable.
Donald, the only person in Orange County preaching class warfare is YOU! You are the one that wants to make everyone equally miserable as you are. You are pathetic and I feel sorry for you.
Don't worry Vern, once Obama, Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein and the rest of the tax and spenders are done re-distributing your wealth your "elite" status will be just a fond memory. Maybe you, Donald and the rest of NIMBY (soon to be very not elite) Beach should run up to LAX and catch a plane to a more Fascist regime more to your style. You won't be missed.
Bon Voyage
Misery loves company, the old line goes. But the elite always end up on top. I want to fly out of El Toro, not LAX. There are people in the noise zone up there, but nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. Bon Voyage, anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs.
And people in hell (mostly from NIMBY Beach) want ice water. Keep enjoying your fantasy airport Donald.
That airport is not a fantasy. El Toro International Airport is there. All we have to do is turn on the lights.
The people of Irvine did re-elect the Keep Irvine Great and not because we want an unwanted, unneeded, unsafe airport either. We want them to keep up their progress building the Great Park.
For a blog that speaks the truth unlike this one, go to
My goodness, there's Frank, touting his lonely website. Enjoy your fantasy, Frank, but don't drink the water. It's tainted with TCE. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's the only way to fly.
My goodness, there's Don, touting his lonely website. Enjoy your fantasy, Donald, but don't drink the water, fish fornicate in it. Turn on the lights at SNA, Vernon. It's the only way to fly.
Vernon is for El Toro International Airport, dummy. Check the title of this website.
Vernon loves SNA. I hear he can't wait for the caps to be lifted so he can keep the lights on all night.
Sorry dummy, El Toro is toast, better buy some ear plugs if you don't like the sound of jets. With the market the way it is now is the time for me to buy stocks in the airlines that will be flying 24/7 out of the Duke.
Suck it up, Dummy!
Vernon is delighted to know that El Toro International Airport only needs the lights turned on, and that the only opposition is from effete intellectuals like you on this pro-El Toro International Airport website.
Vern knows in his heart that the airport is nothing more than a dream. He just does this site because he's bored and has little else to cling to. When the caps come off at SNA I hear they're going to let him switch the lights on permanently. Vern will just love that!
933: The more you post on this website the more El Toro International Airport looks good to the public. The park is toast. Houses are white elephants. The base is polluted and can not be used for either. But the airport is there and is ready for Vernon to turn on the lights. Keep on posting, 933, you're piloting a ship of fools.
1252, wipe that drool off your chin, it's really annoying. You're a white elephant and Vern is the captain of the ship of fools still clinging to their hope of an airport at El Toro. The airport is toast, your brain is too polluted to deal with reality. You're too dumb to even be first mate on Vern's ship.
Keep clinging to your apathy and airport dreams, NIMBY, the rest of us that can still think have a plane to catch out of SNA. It has a nice runway pointing to where planes need to go.
The runways are still intact....it is only a matter of time! =)
It's only a matter of time until the caps at The Duke disappear into history just like the running board, Betamax and the vinyl LP. Then all OC will come together at The Great Park and share to joy of JWA 24/7, with airplanes flying freely where and when they need to go.
Turn out the lights Vern, or in this case blow out the lantern. Time has left El Toro Airport, and The Donald, in the dust.
313 is posting here because they are worried about El Toro. If it was really dead they would not be on here frantically trying to sway public opinion.
432, lets be honest, there is no public opinion to sway. The vote is in and over, no airport. The truth is that there only a very few people that read this pathetic site and we just read it for the good laugh we get, reading what you poor fools are clinging to. Since you probably don't have guns and we all know you don't have religion you cling to the airport. Let it go, man, let it go. If not, well, we can all use the laugh.
Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs are worried sick about the impact of this website which supports El Toro International Airport. Too bad you NIMBYs don't have an anti-airport website to post on anymore. You're here because you're afraid of Irvine. For those following Irvine and Lennar, Larry has suffered a loss for 2nd place after some provisional and absentee ballots were counted. Lennar closed down 13% today, November 12, while the Dow lost only 4%. Is this a death watch or not? Thank you Irvine and Lennar. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
I'm here because I like watching the senile drool on themselves. And since you're trying to injct facts into your fantasy, traffic at the Duke is still down over 9% this year. Why build more when what we have is badly underutilized?
If you build it they aren't coming. Turn out the lights Vern, the El Toro party is over.
There's the evil empire again. Every time you post you make El Toro International Airport look better and better. Turn on the lights Vernon. El Toro International Airport already is built.
Yes, there's the evil empire of airport dreamers, still clinging to a false dream that will never come true. Airport haters have nothing to fear, we already won. Is your memory so bad that you can't remember that one?
Larry's insignificant and the cracked runways that haven't been maintained in almost 10 years are white elephants.
Now the Duke has very well maintained runways pointing to where airplanes need to go.
Suck it up, NIMBY!
JWA 24/7 Donald. That's all you need to know.
If El Toro was truly dead, the NIMBYs would not be here. Those runways are still hanging around and they are having Freddy Kruger nightmares about them. Fear not, the airport will bring jobs and boost the economy. Don't believe all the Larry Lies!
Like I keep saying, we have no fear that the airport is dead, we know it is. We come here to laugh at you old farts that are clinging to your silly dream of an international airport that will never be.
Poor Newport NIMBY's have nothing to fear but fear itself. Fear not, NIMBY's, the Duke is here and will stay the only major airport of the OC fo decades to come. It's time to put away your hate and class warfare and feel the love of SNA.
1246: I laugh and laugh and laugh at the anti-El Toro International Airport posters who come to this pro-El Toro International Airport website to post their hate and class warfare. John Wayne Airport is on borrowed time and never should have opened for commercial jets in the first place. But never fear. El Toro International Airport will provide safe low cost flights with many destinations, and unlike John Wayne Airport, nobody is in the noise zone. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We all have flights to catch.
1246, In your heart you know El Toro is dead, but in your head you know it is there and all we have to do is turn on the lights.
No, actually my head isn't lodged within a cavity in my body so I know very well in my heart and my head that El Toro is very dead.
Long live the Duke!
421, In your heart you know El Toro is dead. In your head you know El Toro International Airport is alive. Stop the hate against Newport Beach, 421. Class warfare will get you nowhere. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We all have flights to catch.
1017, once again I must re-educate you. I live in Newport so why do you claim class warfare? There is no class warfare anywhere in Orange County except that spewed by you, Vern and the Donald.
There also is no El Toro International airport, nor will there ever be.
You know in your heart and your head that El Toro international is dead. Hell, even the Donald knows it.
So please stop the hate and class warfare against everyone else and go catch your plane out of SNA. The skies are friendly there.
Now I have seen everything. Someone purporting to live in Newport Beach is screaming long live The Duke! He must want expansion so he can get a buyout. Or they are just from South County and trying to divide and conquer Newport Beach residents.
Yes, someone purporting to live in Newport Beach, where John Wayne Airport is universally hated, claims he is for a long life for John Wayne Airport. What has that got to do with El Toro International Airport, which will make John Wayne Airport as obsolete as passenger trains when it opens?
Yes gentlemen (used in jest) born and raised in CDM and still live there. Love SNA, always have and always will. No need for a buyout, I would never move from here.
You old farts obviously haven't heard, trains are making a come back. If your good old boys maybe they'll let you ride in the caboose!
Trains are making a comeback? Ha Ha Ha. I'll ride one when they allow me to take my automobile along. Taxpayers pay the fares for passengers on those antique trolleys. They don't have a caboose anymore, 402. Turn on the lights at El Toro, Vernon. That's something we all can support, because airplanes make the planet green.
Will you ride a jet when you can take your car along? Your reasoning is pathetic. I'll wave at you when I fly over your house in a little while, Donald.
It costs too much weight to haul my car in an airplane, so I never asked for that. The pope takes his car along when he travels by air. I'll take a train sometime if they allow me to take my car. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro airplanes will make the planet green.
If you are so unhappy living in NIMBY Beach under the JWA flight path then MOVE to another, quieter city. If you don't want to move then SHUT THE F_CK UP! The sun does not revolve around NIMBY Beach. The Duke was operational LONG before you inherited your pathetic little casa in a crappy neighborhood. JWA is the only airport for the OC, you are the village idiot for the OC. Learn Spanish and come down to So Co and cut my lawn, or drop dead in NIMBY Beach and end your misery. I pay well, especially for down and their luck NIMBY Beach morons. If you can push a Toro I have a life for you.
1040, I would never move to your neighborhood. There are NIMBYs there. It will take many years before your neighborhood beomes elite due to the opening of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I've got a flight to catch.
1040 is sure ANGRY and has a real pottymouth! That is a good sign that El Toro is just waiting to come to back to life and that there is nothing the NIMBYs can do about it except whine and scream. LOL!
I'm so glad you're laughing, 638, so are the rest of us. We're laughing about a few old farts that have nothing better to do than dream of an airport that will never be. You old, senile farts are a real scream, LOL, LMAO!
It's nice to know that Pottymouth NIMBYs do not rule the area. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need El Toro International Airport for our international visitors.
It's also nice to know that old farts that are losing their memories don't rule the area, also. All they can do is get on this joke of a site and blather on and on about how wonderful their pathetic lives would be if only El Toro International Airport would open. If only...............
Alas, they are destined to sit in their own soil and dream.
Poor old, class warfare loving, people hating, wannabe elite NIMBY's. All you can do is laugh and feel sorry for them.
Suck it up, NIMBY's!
621, I would never venture out of my elite neighborhood to a place where pottymouth NIMBYs hold court. El Toro International Airport is a perfect airport for Los Angeles and Southern California. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We must welcome international tourists to our elite city.
If you would never venture out of your "elite" neighborhood (not) then why would you want to venture over to Irvine? You should be happy with your own airport right in your back yard.
Our elite visitors land at El Toro International Airport and then travel by limo to our elite city. It's the wave of the future, as tomorrow's tourists come today. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
No, the elite visitors land at the Duke in private jets. Your "elite" city isn't really very elite, now is it?
Private jets will land at El Toro International Airport too. But intercontinental jets from the orient and Dubai have to land at El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We don't want our elite visitors to have to use some other airport.
Well, bummer for them that they will always have to fly into L.A. and visit your good friend, Tony.
Never say never or always when it comes to the airport of choice. El Toro International Airport has jumbo jet runways that can handle all of our international flights. Our elite visitors deserve a royal welcome to Orange County. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Poor Newport NIMBY's. You guys are a part of the lunatic fringe that just can't accept the fact that there will never be an airport at El Toro. You probably think Georgia is going to bring the Rams back to Anaheim, too.
While some of us may cling to religion or our guns, you cling to your fantasy airport. The difference is nobody will ever take my guns away but they already took your precious airport away.
Never say never and nobody will take your guns away. Only brainwashed anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs cling to religion against the airport. I believe the Saddleback Church is in the noise zone, but that type of land useage is approved. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The class warfare haters already have lost.
Yes Vernon, the class warfare haters have indeed lost. They lost when measure W passed and their beloved airport dream got flushed down the toilet with all the other shit.
Turn up the lights at SNA, Vernon, soon I'll have a red eye to catch.
You can't be nice to anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs. No matter how nice you are to them, they respond with the same hate for Newport Beach and hate for El Toro International Airport as if their lives depended on it. This is unfortunate since nobody is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport thanks to 50 years of planning for 24/7 military jets. Now that the airport is approved by the FAA for 4 million annual passengers, and we know we can squeeze 10 million annual passengers into it without turning a spade of soil, I expect those in control, (not the NIMBYs,) will see the light and turn on the lights at this great money making opportunity. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Show the NIMBYs their temper tantrums are in vain.
308, you seem to be the one throwing the tantrum. Crying all over OC to anyone that will listen about how you're right and everybody else is wrong about the airport. Poor NIMBY, can't get the airport he keeps clinging to built. Nobody's in the noise zone, fuel saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go, blather on and on with the same tired old crap.
Try to understand this, NIMBY, Irvine will NEVER open El Toro no matter how much money it may make or lose. Oh, you don't think an airport can lose money? Ask Ontario what their profits are lately, how about operating in the red for most of 2008. How about they have closed one of their nice, brand new terminals due to lack of air travel.
Irvine doesn't want your silly airport. Never did, never will. The citizens of Irvine would rather their city go bankrupt paying Larry and the Great Park goons than have to listen to jets taking off and landing 24/7. And even if Irvine did want to open the airport, they'd get their asses sued off by the rest of Orange County that voted against the airport.
The airports dead, why don't you pick another pet project to work on. I hear Hoag needs greeters at the front door, you'd probably be real good at that.
Irvine has control of El Toro International Airport and all we have to do is convice the money men it's in their best interest to open it. There always will be anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs but their temper tantrums simply help open the airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Irvine has an airport to open. I'm right and the NIMBYs are wrong.
I guess that would make you the right NIMBY, then wouldn't it? The right NIMBY is really left.
It's not the money men that will have to be convinced, it's the residents of Irvine, who will never allow the airport to open. Larry getting re-elected should have shown you that.
544, I'm glad you agree Irvine can open El Toro International Airport, but your infatuation with the residents of Irvine is as stupid as their votes for Larry Agran and his gang. It's a piece of cake to bring a city around to jobs and opportunities when it is carefully spelled out to them. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got an airport to open. Noboby, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport.
If it's so easy, what are you waiting for? Because you know it will never happen!
It's so easy to get Irvine to open El Toro International Airport that I am elated with the opportunity. Irvine is a large city and wants its very own municipal airport. Just look at all the other large cities that have their very own airport, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Denver, Phoenix and San Francisco, (after which El Toro was dsigned.) The list goes on and on. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got an airport to open. The airport is carefully preserved. To spring a double negative on 632, he knows it never will not happen.
Funny, I've never seen anything written about Irvine wanting their own airport, but if they did, I do believe SNA would be the one they would want.
When is NIMBY Beach going to open their airport? How about Huntington Beach? Garden Grove? Anaheim? The list goes on and on but you have no answers. Just more rantings from the lunatic left airport fringe.
I just love your lunatic rantings
1013, well Irvine is the biggest city in Orange County and it wants its very own airport. Remember, the voters of Irvine are stupid. They'll vote for El Toro International Airport. They voted for Larry Agran and his gang many times.
Irvine has their own airport, it's called John Wayne, you dope. I agree that the voters in Irvine aren't the brightest by voting Larry back into office, but Larry is against the airport at El Toro, or haven't you been paying attention.
Also, as stated previously, we all know that your statement of Irvine wanting their own airport is yet again a total lie on your part. But then we all know the airport loonies are liars.
847, yes Irvine wants its very own airport, El Toro International Airport. It can't go on using other people's John Wayne Airport. If Irvine ever is to become elite, it must open its very own airport, where nobody is in the noise zone, and the long runways are there for jumbo jets with economy of scale. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Don't pay any attention to 847. He frequently blows a fuze.
337, you keep spouting off about how elite Newport Beach is, yet NIMBY Beach has no airport. I keep asking you to tell us when Newport is going to open their airport since to be elite you have to have your own, as you have stated. After all, you can't keep using other peoples airport, now can you?
And again, show us all where it has been stated, reported or written that Irvine wants an airport. If they did want one then why did the citizen overwhelmingly vote against El Toro. Your delusions are getting scary, does your family know about them? Are you allowed to drive?
Well, 530 wants to know where it has been written, stated, or spoken that Irvine wants its very own airport. Well, for starters, you can read it right here. Read more. Speak less. But if I were you I wouldn't trust the L.A. Times, now that it is bankrupt. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Irvine, a very large city, wants its very own airport.
That's what I thought, 1013, just more lies from the loony left airport dreamers.
Maybe the airport won't open soon, but it is fun to watch the douchebags from South County foam at the mouth! Keep the insults flying!
It's not that the airport won't open soon, it's that the airport will never open. Don't you read?
No, Irvine, a very large city, wants its very own airport. We may put a racetrack there like Los Angeles has on the approach to LAX. Never say never. But the sooner the better. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The NIMBYs are approaching critical foam at the mouth.
You mean that race track that's been closed for years? You must stay up late at night dreaming up your B.S.
I've talked to all my friends that still live in Irvine, they all say they don't know anyone that wants an airport there, especially when they have the beautiful SNA in their back yard.
But they all told me that if you were nice they'd let you come ride their balloon.
554, yes we need more racetracks and one would fit nicely at El Toro International Airport. Maybe an Indian Gambling Casino would work too. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The balloon, victory gardens, and riparian corridors can stay as long as they do not interfere with flight operations.
I would not ride in a balloon with the loons and the goons. They might try to grope you and violate you when it gets off the ground with some manlove.
Hey, Vernon and Donald are always "up" for a reach around. Feel the love, 639, I'm sure you'd like it.
805, stay off the great balloon. You might get TCE poisoning there. Beware the loons and goons. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got to open El Toro International Airport because it is there and it is ready to go.
I'll stay off the balloon, 316, because it's full of your hot air and your air stinks. The only loons and goons are you and Donald.
831, stay off the balloon and stay out of that park. It's polluted with TCE and other contaminants. The only use for that park is El Toro International Airport.
934, haven't you heard, the base got sold. It can no longer be an airport. Bummer for you!
102, haven't you heard, the Navy still owns 800 acres, too polluted to transfer. 1000 acres owned by federal government for FAA for aviation, FBI training, and open space, enough room for 2 airports, if Irvine stalls on opening El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Bummer for you, 102, Irvine can open the airport.
Bummer for you, 956, Irvine doesn't want to open the airport.
There you are, living in the past, long after anti-airport candidates were gored at the election. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This bummer learned nothing from the election that guarantees the opening of El Toro International Airport.
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