These left winged protesters are soiling my fine city with their incessant carping for some imaginary slight. The gays already have civil unions. So that is plenty of rights.
Gayness belongs in places like Irvine and Laguna which embrace that lifestyle thanks to Larry Agran pushing the gay rights agenda. Go have a gay pride parade in those deviant cities for all I care. But please keep your protests out of my fine conservative city where we have traditional values. When the gay activists throw their lifestyle in people's faces like this protest for example, that only causes resentment and that is why Prop 8 passed.
I would have loved to have seen turncoat Libby Cowan's face after it passed! Payback is sweet!
If one looks at the map, they will see that the exception of Costa Mesa, the cities in Orange County that opposed proposition 8 are home to some of the most rabid NIMBYs of South County. This is the result of unmitigated Larry Agran led brainwashing over the past 20 years. It will only spread to the rest of South County in a matter of time.
So let me get this straight; the South County denizens think an airport which would provide low fares and plentiful jobs is somehow very bad. Yet, having a park where they can put their alternative lifestyle on display is a fine idea. Not only is our country headed in the wrong direction, so is our once fine county.
Chances are the California Supreme Court judges will overturn proposition 8 on grounds of it being "unconstitutional." Fine, just keep the gay agenda out of my conservative city and in Irvine and Laguna where it belongs.
While the judges are at it, they should overturn Measure W, which is truly misleading and deceptive. The gullible voters were promised a large tax free park at El Toro. Instead all we have after 6 1/2 years is a mere 27 acres with a price tag of 1.6 billion dollars, some of which is expected to come from the public trough. The park has failed miserably and should be scrapped.
1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»Yeah, traditional values are alive and well in Orange County as well as with the new Acorn Obama voters in Los Angeles. The only opposition to Proposition 8 in Orange County comes from the anti-El Toro International Airport cities of Laguna Beach, Aliso Viejo, and Irvine. Costa Mesa still suffers from the ravages of Libby Cowan who led the city council away from the much needed airport. Payback is sweet. Judges should overturn Measure W, not Proposition 8. Voters can not vote away airport rights that belong to all the citizens of the United States. Airport rights are human rights that were decided long ago in the public interest. Show your open-mindedness, Irvine, and open the airport your Measure W attacked
El Toro is the perfect place for an airport as flights land over the industrial town of Aliso Viejo. The only people who live there are a few gay warehouse workers. They are not inside the noise zone. Turn on the lights Vernon and Donald.
Once again, boys, those nasty old FACTS get in the way of your airport fantasies. Measure W was a COUNTY measure. It became history once Irvine annexed the base. So go ahead and put your crack legal team on overturning a law that is already completely obsolete. And seeing what a great job your legal team did in the past, don't waste your money on those ambulance chasers.
And as for the No on 8 crowd, they are visiting NIMBY Beach as they know there are plenty of fellow travelers living there just waiting to jump out of the closet. Gaydar never fails. Better turn on the lights and look under your bed, Vern, might be a queer under there.
That fruitcake might be 917!
Better wear a chastity belt Vernon!
Hey, everybody knows that Vernon's been a butt pirate for years.
An Anti-El Toro International Airport poster, 917, reveals that Measure W is obsolete and that the voters of Orange County, particularly south county, no longer can vote the airport up or down. The airport is under control of the city of Irvine. Many anti-airport NIMBYs still think Measure W applies. This opens new directions for a crack legal team to open El Toro International Airport. Annexation is not a one way street. When the annexation is overturned, then Measure W returns, and it can be repealed by a vote of all the citizens. I think a better way is to let Irvine open the airport by itself. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
1043, it is obvious to us all that, in fact, you don't think. Irvine will never open El Toro as an airport and the fact that you fail to grasp that simple item shows your total lack of understanding of the airport issue. El Toro is closed and will stay that way. It's only an airport in your delusional fantasy. Keep dreaming, NIMBY!
If El Toro was really dead, the NIMBYs would not be on here hurling insults. El Toro is needed to fight fires and lead the economic recovery of Orange County.
1017 takes one to know one!
917 our great legal team invalidated Measure F in three straight courts!
Yes, Measure F was defeated in the courts at all three levels. So much for the invincible south county and its crack legal team. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I'm looking into fraud in that annexation. El Toro International Airport is needed now more than ever. We must use all the weapons at our disposal.
If your arsenal includes brains than all is lost.
Turn out the lights Vern, Donald wants to dream about his fantasy airport again. He makes the most sense when he's asleep.
Yes, we must use all the weapons at our disposal to open El Toro International Airport. Things are exciting at this world famous website.
Weapons? I see no weapons. El Toro is closed, the Duke is operating way under it's max and they are expanding it. An airport at El Toro? Not now, not ever, and certainly not in your lifetime.
The poor little NIMBY's can't get their fantasy airport built. Boo-hoo!
If El Toro was really a lost cause then why are the NIMBYs on here speading hate? That is not how the supposedly "victorious" act. If they had actually won, they would be happy and spreading joy.
OK, I'll spread some joy. I'm joyous that So County will remain the bucolic place that it has always been, with no 747's flying overhead every three minutes. I'm joyous that NIMBY Beach had its collective inflated, self-aggrandizing head handed back on a plate with the passage of Measures F, W, the election of Norby and the annexation of the base. I'm joyous that King George pissed away $3M of his ill-gotten money on his airport folly. And I'm beyond ecstatic at the thought that NIMBY Beach is now that much closer to 2015 and JWA 24/7.
Share the love, boys.
Wait a minute. Measure F was declared unconstitutional. Do you call that a victory? And Measure W is obsolete. Do you call that a victory? It looks like our elite city is doing quite well in the battle for 747s, A380s and DC10s at El Toro International Airport. 747s, A380s and DC10s need El Toro's long runways. There are so many weapons in our pro-El Toro International Airport arsenal that even fanclub Frank couldn't count them. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
415, BACK ON YOUR DRUGS, NOW! And if you can't start thinking straight, then it's out of the gene pool for you.
512 pops up whenever a well written positive story for opening El Toro International Airport is posted. South county's Measure F and Measure W are toast, yet the NIMBYs think they are great victories. We have a huge arsenal of weapons to use to open El Toro International Airport, and Vernon can use whatever is needed. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The airport is there and is waiting for the airplanes.
Measure W is toast? Really? So that means the Newport NIMBY's can open their airport. Tell me, 619, exactly when will the first plane land? The rest of OC wants to know.
I just love your delusions, they make me laugh my ass off.
Poor old NIMBY's.
Yes, Measure W is toast. One of your gang, 917, with his nasty old facts, said so too. What more does it take to understand that Measure W is history? The first commercial plane will land as soon as the airport is opened and those nasty Xs are brushed off the runways. Turn on the lights, Vernon. 740 wants to know.
Like I said before Donald, as long as you don't try to include brains in your "arsenal", then NIMBY Beach is loaded for bear. But funny, the only planes I see are departing from The Duke. And as I write the clock ticks off a few more seconds until 2015. JWA 24/7 forever!
1040 must not have opposed El Toro because of their quality of life concerns. They just wanted to see John Wayne grow to 24/7 because they really hate Newport Beach. Now that is a severe case of class envy.
I don't really care if it goes 24/7. I get a buyout and South County gets stuck with all that traffic. Just wait until the toll road is completed is all those NEW homes will be added. Oh it must suck to live in South County anymore. Bucolic it ain't!
Donald, why do you care if protesters picket in front of a church? You don't attend anyway so it doesn't effect you.
Has nothing to do with class envy, especially since you and ilk have no class. I just hate Newport Beach.
JWA 24/7 and listen to the NIMBY's cry. Music to my ears.
Anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs seem obsessed with a desire to harm Newport Beach, and this can be traced to brainwashing sponsored by the old guard of Irvine. Fortunately, no one is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport and new blood in Irvine will assure that El Toro is opened. Even the old guard knows which side of their bread the butter is on, so Vernon can turn on the lights at El Toro International Airport. Music to my ears.
Foolish 519, do you forget that the "old guard" led the fight against El Toro? And now you think they will suddenly change their mind and open it? Cmon, pull your head out and smell the fresh air, El Toro is closed and there are NO plans to open it except in yours and Donald's drug induced fantasy.
611, politicians are opportunists. When they see which side of the bread the butter is on they will join with promoters to open El Toro International Airport. The money is there to be made and everybody needs more money. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The "old guard" is ready to switch.
Vern has been awfully quiet lately. Maybe he switched to the No on 8 side.
Turn on the lights Vern, and come out of the closet.
Why Does 914 want Vernon to come out of the closet? Does he have the hots for Vernon now?
347 ADMITS they hate Newport Beach!
Maybe Newport Beach does not have "class" in their eyes. But Newport Beach has lots of $$$$$$$ and 947 is bitter and jealous!
Yes, the dollars are where the elite are. Or is it the reverse? Clearly, the anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs are bitter and jealous of Newport Beach. That's why they bring their pottymouths to this nice positive website. They're afraid Irvine will open the airport, which it will do as soon as the details are worked out. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Traditional values are alive and well in the United States.
No, 347 admits HE hates NIMBY Beach. That doesn't mean everyone does.
There's too much hate going around. The elite love everybody. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Show them what love can do. They too can become elite.
Vern has already turned on the lights at the elite SNA that lets all of OC be elite. Way to go, Vern!
Soon to be replaced by the all the more elite OCX at ten times the acreage!
Unfortunately "soon" means "never" in this discussion. In the meantime, Donald and Vern are going to share their love with the No On 8 crusaders visiting their miserable little city. Open the closet and show us some real love, boys.
El Toro International Airport is big enough to handle Orange County's airport demand. Dinky John Wayne Airport is bursting at the seams, so it can send passengers over to El Toro International Airport which needs passengers. Turn on the lights, Vernon, the NIMBYs over there need some real love.
El Toro doesn't need passengers, it's closed! Don't you read the paper? John Wayne is not bursting at the seams, it isn't even operating at capacity. Do some home work!
Donald never lets facts stand in the way of his delusions.
Salem News has some very good stories about El Toro International Airport and the pollution that prevents houses and park to be built but reveals that the airport already is built and all we have to do is turn on the lights. El Toro needs passengers because John Wayne Airport is bursting at the seams and only El Toro can pick up the slack. This is part of regionalization of air travel in the Los Angeles area. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Turn on the Radar and turn off the Gaydar at the park.
In case you haven't noticed, 108, this is the Orange County area, not the Los Angeles area. If you want to live in the Los Angeles area then move to L.A. What a dope!
802, no county is an island. We live in one world, whether you like it or not. Los Angeles has too many passengers, so it is going to regionalize air travel. El Toro International Airport is part of that plan. Maybe you didn't know that we belonged to Los Angeles County and are in its sphere of influence. Keep the lid on LAX. Turn on the lights at El Toro International Airport, Vernon. Turn off the Gaydar and turn on the Radar. We've got an airport to open.
Regionalization begins with JWA 24/7. LAWA knows this, and is just counting the minutes until 2015. Keep cheering for LA Donald, they'll be more than happy to put that 3 AM flight to Sydney right over NIMBY Beach.
We must all join hands to open El Toro International Airport. Then we can be counted among the community. Dinky John Wayne Airport is the problem, never a solution. We've got an airport to open. Los Angeles may have to re-annex Orange County. That would be just desserts. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
John Wayne has 1/10th the land mass of El Toro. LAWA has no interest in it. They want El Toro. You only want JWA 24/7 because you are a bitter Newport hating class warfare NIMBY!
You tell them, Vernon. The NIMBYs get so wrapped up in their own attempts at emulation of our arguments that they sound ridiculous. It's nice to know Libby Cowan finally got her comeuppance with the passage of Proposition 8. Only Vernon could come up with that connection to El Toro. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Yes Vern, I do hate Newport Beach and all the phony pretentious jackasses who live there. And JWA 24/7 isn't going to bother me one bit. If you're stupid enough to live next to an airport don't cry about it. Shut up or move.
South County NIMBYs continue to hate while their Measures F and W are toast, and Libby Cowan got her comeuppance. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Watch that hate turn into love when El Toro International Airport opens. I've got a redeye to catch.
The only redeye you'll ever catch is form your constant crying over losing the El Tor battle. Get a Kleenex and suck it up Donald. No El Toro and JWA 24/7. Shut up, move, or learn to love the sound of those jets flying where they need to go. See you at the bucolic Great Park where there is no noise zone to be found anywhere.
We might just as well open El Toro International Airport. Private pilots use the Great Park for training. Airlines to John Wayne Airport cut the corner, and the ambient noise in Northwood is higher than El Toro International Airport airplanes. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Oh, 452, where do you come up with this crap? I certainly hope you aren't trying to convince anyone that private pilot students are landing at El Toro, because we all know that isn't true. Perhaps there's a ground school there or they fly over it, but take off and land, sorry but that just doesn't, well, fly, now does it?
723, go over to El Toro and look at the private pilots practicing power off and power on stalls, lazy eights, shandells, and whatever else they do. The last one that landed there was in a recent February, but we don't know how many more have landed that were not reported. Turn on the lights, Vernon. That will put a stop to cutting the corner by John Wayne and Long Beach commercial transport planes. But remember, the ambient noise level in Northwood is higher than the commercial transport planes from El Toro.
Student pilots practice maneuvers anywhere it is safe. At this time the airspace over the Great Park is a safe place to practice. Once the park is completed they will practice someplace else.
Now please come up with some other silly rant, we need the laugh.
Laugh all you want at the private pilots buzzing around over the Great Park. Laugh at the commercial transport planes cutting the corner, and take heed of the ambient noise in Irvine that is greater than the jumbo jets taking off from El Toro International Airport. Might as well open the airport, NIMBYs.
Thanks 1044, I needed my morning chuckle. Commercial planes cutting the corner, that's a good one.
You know what El Toro is? Closed forever! Might as well get used to SNA 24/7, NIMBY!
813 we get the last laugh by your ignorance. The corner in question is called the aptly named JOGIT intersection which is the terminal point of the KAYOH FOUR STAR arrival for SNA and all of the other OC airfields and Long Beach.
To cut the corner; a flight would receive a clearance as he enters Socal Approach airspace passing the Homeland VOR on either the Palm Springs or Hector transition to "Proceed direct LEMON expect the XXXXX Approach rwy 19R;" or "direct the KRAUZ expect the XXXXX Approach RWY 1L." If they're landing the other way. You just Highlite the relevant waypoint on your FMS and enter Direct.
SNA 24/7? Not at that tiny, akward airport. The airlines really couldn't be bothered.
Irvine, OC and Arnie's Kalifornia are going broke. Irvine CO will not build any houses. People will want jobs. El Toro, not the postage stamp (SNA), will provide them.
And the voters get the last laugh with measure W, which mean El Toro is closed and will stay that way.
Thanks for the lesson.
The voters have nothing to say about the opening of El Toro International Airport anymore. Measure W is toast. The protestors protest in other people's cities. The NIMBYs fly in other people's airports. That's why El Toro International Airport will open. We all want to be self reliant. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
The voters have nothing to say about El Toro? Are you really that delusional? If the "money men" of Irvine even had a thought about opening El Toro for a second, the anti El Toro voters would file so many lawsuits Irvine wouldn't know what hit them.
And as far as self reliance goes, when is Newport Beach going to open their own airport?
1008, when the money men of Irvine open El Toro International Airport, there will be no opposition. Irvine, our largest city, wants its very own airport. The anti-airport voters would not file lawsuits. They have no money. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got to open Irvine's very own airport.
The lies just keep coming from the lunatic airport fringe. Never has it been written or stated that Irvine wants it's own airport. Keep up the wishful thinking, 327, your delusions are very entertaining.
843 worships other peoples' writings and if he can't find a statement with which he agrees, he claims a statement is a lie. Yes, Irvine wants its very own airport, which already it has, and all it has to do is turn on the lights. We will all benefit from Irvine's forward thinking to open El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. That housing developer is toast.
358, I really feel sorry for your and your delusions.
I'll bet you and Donald have a real blast drinking your Folie à Deux and discussing your shared delusions.
Cheers to the anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs which used to get its talking points from the L.A. Times, which now has filed for bankruptcy. Nice ending to bad propaganda. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Irvine wants its very own airport for jumbo jets.
939, your delusions are scaring the kids, please stop. We all know you're a liar about Irvine wanting their own airport, they already have one, it's called John Wayne.
807, citizens of Irvine want their very own airport. They are responsible people, not NIMBYs as you are and you think they are. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Everyone will benefit from the opened El Toro International Airport. Irvine will benefit the most. Turn on the lights, Vernon. If that is scaring the kids, so be it.
Again, more lies from 10.01. Too bad he can't come up with a quote from just one Irvine resident that actually wants an airport. I think you're like OJ, you actually believe your lies to be true.
Who cares about Irvine! Federal taxpayers in America paid for El Toro. They want it opened!
The federal taxpayers want it opened? Now that's another steaming pile of crap from the lunatic fringe. I think the people of Irvine might care about Irvine. After all, El Toro is now in their city and they don't want an airport. The taxpayers may have paid for it at one time, but it got SOLD! El Toro is bought and paid for and the new owners don't want an airport there.
You are one sore loser, or are you just a loser?
352, I can come up with one Irvine resident who wants El Toro International Airport opened. Indeed there even was a council candidate who ran on a pro-airport platform. Too bad you don't know anything about Irvine. Yes, the federal taxpayers want El Toro opened. They spent a lot of money there building a world class airport with jumbo jet cross runways. Just because some investors bought it doesn't mean it can't be opened. The federal taxpayers of America and the city of Irvine may have something to say about that. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Good for you, 414, you found ONE person. That one vote will go a long way to get your precious airport opened.
And I highly doubt that the federal taxpayers give a hoot about El Toro opening. Most people are just happy to have jobs right now, but you keep your lies coming, we just love the laughs.
You only asked for one person in Irvine who is for El Toro International Airport, so one was given to you. If you want more, state the number and we will come up with them. It's the anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs that are a small group of losers because they don't have any facts. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Well, 641, your lies just keep coming. If the anti El Toro people are such a small number how come the pro El Toro nuts lost Measure W?
Is it possible for the pro airport nut cases to say just one thing that isn't a lie?
The anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs are a small group of losers because they don't have any facts. Name one anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBY besides you, airplane nut, and random filth generator. Turn on the lights, Vernon. There aren't enough NIMBYs to worry about.
The NIMBYs were created by politicians in South County who were bribed off by developers who wanted El Toro and the buffer zone loaded with homes. How's that working out? Last I heard the housing market took a major shit!
Oh yes, 636, it's just the housing market that's down, every other market is doing just fine. What a dope!
Did you know that airline travel is down, too?
Well, 800, if our anti El Toro group is small then the pro El Toro group must be even smaller, after all, Measure W crushed the pro airport losers, now didn't it.
Oooo, did that hurt? I am so sorry.
New home building permits have fallen through the floor, but airline business is doing quite well. That's why we need to open El Toro International Airport to make use of those long jumbo jet cross runways. Irvine can do it for us. Fortunately the rest of south county has nothing to say about opening that airport. The first anti-airport flyer I received gave credit to a housing developer, William Lyon. But then the developers clammed up. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Even if there were a booming housing market they could not build in the buffer zone and on the airport because it is polluted with TCE which will take 500 years to absorb. We need the airport now.
612, I guess you haven't been paying attention, the airlines are hurting, badly. Only a very few are actually adding flights, most of the rest are canceling them.
Palmdale's a disaster. Ontario has shut down one of it's nice, new terminals. SNA is operating way below capacity, and the list goes on. One of the few airports doing well is San Diego.
The housing market will come back, it always does. But the airline market is always a big question mark as airlines continue to struggle.
El Toro's toast, get over it.
803, I love the airlines particularly the ones that have jumbo jets that require the long runways of El Toro International Airport for economy of scale. The housing market is toast. Get over it. We had our experiment with trying to create home ownership out of thin air. Only the elite city of Newport Beach will buck the trends. Palmdale has always been a disaster. They have no money to fly. Yet you guys were pushing Palmdale. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport is needed now. The customers are here.
816, if Newport is so elite then where do you live? We all know you are far from elite as you have no class.
El Toro is toast, get over it.
If it was really toast you would not be on here trying so hard to convince people otherwise. Guess that great park ain't working out so well, is it?
So sorry!
1024, the park seems to be working one hell of a lot better that El Toro International Airport is right about now. Perhaps we could meet there next summer for a concert, I'll save you a seat!
You'll get TCE poisoning in that park, particularly in the summer, when the vapors bubble up out of the plume. El Toro International Airport is the only use for that park. Isn't that a happy couple disrupting worship in Newport Beach? Guess non-traditional marriage isn't doing too well, is it? El Toro International Airport rights are human rights that can not be voted away by the majority. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
El Toro International airport was already voted away by the majority. Weren't you paying attention?
535, El Toro International Airport is there and is ready to open. The majority no longer has any say about it, because it belongs to Irvine. Haven't you been paying attention? Turn on the lights, Vernon. There are still NIMBYs that think majority rule appies.
And Irvine doesn't want an airport there. Haven't you been paying attention? There are still Newport NIMBY's that think the rest of OC should bow down to them because they preach class warfare and have delusions of being elite. Poor NIMBY's.
Irvine is just one tiny city. America's taxpayers paid for El Toro and want it re-opened!
You are such a liar! The base was SOLD, Got it? America's taxpayers no longer have any say in it and the vast majority couldn't care less, anyway. Keep dreaming, NIMBY.
The Newport elite wants El Toro International Airport opened. It is inland away from the coast where it should be. It has fuel-saving cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Nobody is in the noise zone. It's close to a National Forest. It is close to houses where passengers live. Irvine is large enough to have an international airport in one part of its vast area that does not affect the majority, but the majority will reap great benefits. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Irvine and America's taxpayers want that airport open.
915, your lies just keep getting better and better. You, and the rest of the airport idiots, have made lying an art form.
510, there you are polluting this website long after the gays switched over to supporting El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs have developed an art form out of reactionary rhetoric.
See, 713, more of your creative lies. Just like all your other lies.
Liar, liar, pants on fire. You never run out of insults against El Toro International Airport. Gays switched over to supporting El Toro, because they have to fly too. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro is ready to use.
Turn on the gaydar and turn on the radar!
Turn on the light, Vernon.
Vernon's light burned out a long time ago. Come out of that dark closet, Vernon, and see the gay light at John Wayne.
There you are, back again, with lies about burned out lights. Turn on the lights, Vernon. They're getting desperate for class warfare and hate.
1218, you're the desperate one on this site. The airport lost and you're grasping at straws, still trying and hoping against hope that someday something other than birds will fly out of El Toro.
Does your class warfare and hate for others keep you warm at night?
There you are, pants on fire, hoping against hope that El Toro International Airport remains closed. There's desperation in your posts as you know El Toro International Airport need only be opened by Irvine. It is green, clean, safe, wanted, and needed. And it's a real cash cow. Turn on the lights Vernon. Even the gays want El Toro International Airport opened.
526, my pants aren't on fire, your's are. The desperation is in your posts, not mine. As you know El Toro was defeated by a landslide and is now in the control of the City of Irvine where opposition was off the chart. About the only person in Irvine that wanted an airport there wss Bill Turner.
Once again, there is no such thing as a green airport, unless you paint it green. It's not needed. No airport is clean. We all know it isn't wanted (except by a few fanatics). It may be safe, but we'll never know, since it's closed forever.
If it's such a cash cow, how come Ontario is losing it's ass right now? Lets not even mention Palmdale! And for the record, there is no proof that any majority of gays supported it. Now if you want to talk about Donald's beloved Laguna Beach, they voted overwhelmingly against it.
Ok, that about covers it. We'll wait for more of your lies, which you are very good at.
You're not very convincing, and you sound defensive, rebutting a post point by point. I say open the airport before you forget your lines. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY needs re-education. Irvine can open it because it is green, clean, wanted, needed and safe. And it's a real cash cow.
Palmdale and Ontario are out in Bumfuct Egypt. The 909ers and the Antelopers have no $$$ to fly. But some parts of OC are elite and can afford to fly. JWA will not suffice as a 21st century airport.
Yes, 1051, I too, love OCX (aka: John Wayne or SNA). It's convenient, clean, green, quiet and not very crowded. It's the perfect airport for Orange County. The Duke will be a wonderful airport well into the 21st century.
1214, we're well into the 21st century and now we need El Toro International Airport. Stop thinking that smaller is better. El Toro is big, it's built, and it's ready to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY hates us.
149, a century is 100 years. We haven't even completed the first 10 years of the 21st so there is no way we're "well into the 21st century". And just who says we need El Toro? You certainly are no expert. Besides, the voters voted no way to an airport at El Toro. Didn't your mom teach you that no means no?
303, analysts work with 8 years to see the need for 50 years. Indeed, the need for El Toro International Airport was established 30 years ago, (with an FAA grant,) and El Toro still is not open. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY says we don't need El Toro International Airport, but we know we do, and he will too after re-education.
Yes, 815, El Toro is still not open and never will be. That is called the will of the people. Now I know you'll rant on with some socialistic B.S., but we all know that that is exactly what it is, ranting.
No airport 30 years ago, no airport now, no airport ever. There is, however, some nice expansion going on at the Duke. I can't wait!
1142, Yes El Toro International Airport is the will of the people, not some brainwashed NIMBY from Dana Point who claims to live in Corona del Mar. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The will of the people is what we say it is. NIMBYs are lke BANANAs, all losers.
1203, yes, John Wayne airport is the will of the people that voted no on an airport at El Toro, not some brainwashed NIMBY wannabe elite that is really trailer trash from Santa Ana that claims to live in NIMBY Beach. Turn on the lights at the Duke, Vernon. The will of the people is what we say it is. Newport NIMBY's are losers, but re-education will teach them that no really wants El Toro opened when we have the Duke.
1237, now he's back with the gays protesting El Toro International Airport. Brainwashed NIMBYs from Dana Point who claim to live in Corona del Mar. El Toro International Airport will be opened by Irvine, and that has the NIMBYs from Dana Point in a tizzy. This all started with the bipartison victory of Measure 8 on last November's ballot. I dare any judge to go against the will of the people. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The will of the people is what we say it is.
How right you are, Santa Ana, the will of the people said no to El Toro and that is why it will stay closed.
1122, still hanging out with the gays. Santa Ana voted for El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This one goes way back into November last year.
So, you live in Santa Ana and now we know you're gay. Just as we all suspected.
The city of Santa Ana voted for El Toro International Airport. Dana Point voted for the park which is toast. Turn on the lights, Vernon. What we suspected about 740 is true.
How about we send jets over Santa Ana and Dana Point. That would actually IMPROVE those places!
Nothing could improve Santa Ana!
Nothing could improve Dana Point. It's full of anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs.
241, you poor, bitter, sad soul. I feel your pain. It's sad to see someone that is so filled with hate and class warfare rage. I hope you feel better soon. Why don't you take a nice airplane ride out of the Duke, it's OC's only way to fly!
Leftist protestors return over and over to accuse the elite of not wanting to sacrifice. Sacrifice is something you NIMBYs never will have to endure. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Venon, before the NIMBYs find it out for themselves.
750, you know nothing of being elite or of sacrifice. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of John Wayne International Airport. Keep the lights, Venon, before the NIMBYs find it out for themselves.
906, liar liar pants on fire. The great copycat tries out an echo that's a lie. Feeble is that Feeble does. El Toro International Airport is where the action is. You know nothing about sacrifice because nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Noise zone and sacrifice in the same sentence? Now that was a nice stretch. The only action going on at El Toro is it being torn apart, although I hear you can do a little new car shopping there these days.
1207, no one at El Toro International Airport need sacrifice since nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of that fine airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon
And no one at John Wayne need sacrifice since nobody, absolutely nobody, is in the noise zone of that fine and expanding airport. Good job with the lights, Vern, soon they'll be on all night!
951, anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs should learn to stick to the subject. This is a pro-El Toro International Airport website. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is off his rocker.
I know, 951, I'm just keeping your lies in check. We all know how you NIMBY's lie.
1024, you can't handle the truth so you always try to change the subject. This is a pro-El Toro International Airport website. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
809, I can handle the truth. I'm just here to make sure you tell it and so far you haven't been doing a very good job of it. Poor NIMBY's can't tell the truth to save their lives.
1104, you're always trying to change the subject. This fine website is all about El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This poster can't handle the truth about El Toro International Airport.
And 1250 can't handle the simple truth that there is no El Toro International airport. Never has been one, never will be one. It only ever existed in the fantasy of a few NIMBY's that hate JWA and all the rest of Orange County, that's why they tell such lies.
453, protestors always invade Newport Beach to try to raise their status among the elite. But they always lose and have to return to their hum drum existence while the elite plan to open El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro is clean, green, wanted, needed, safe, FAA approved and ready to turn on the lights.
Plan all you want, NIMBY. El Toro will never be opened up as an airport. Everyone else knows that, why don't you?
More fantasy lies from NIMBY land.
1119, everyone else wants to see El Toro International Airport open. But only this NIMBY opposes it, and posts and posts on to futility. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We've got an airport to open and a NIMBY to defeat.
653, the truth will set you free, so stop telling lies. Nobody wants El Toro, that's why the majority voted it down, down, down. It's deader than a door nail. You, Vern and Donald are the only NIMBY's that still have the fantasy of it ever opening. You post and post to futility on how it will open when we all know it never will.
Long live the Duke, Vern.
521, everybody wants El Toro International Airport. Did you factor in the majority in North County that wants El Toro international Airport and voted against your silly park? How about the minority in South County that wants the airport? No rights for the minority and the majority, eh? Fortunately, Irvine owns the airport now, and it can open it with or without your support. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The only door nails around are the anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBYs.
604, there you go with your lies again. I factored in that the vast majority of Orange County residents AS A WHOLE slammed El Toro down and flushed it. The El Toro airport dream by a few NIMBY's was beaten, dead and buried. Who cares if they voted against a park? The voted against an airport!
The only thing you got right is that Irvine and some private investors now own the land and Irvine will NEVER open an airport there. NEVER! But in NIMBY land that will never be accepted.
Keep the lights on at SNA, Vern. The NIMBY's haven't figured out that El Toro's coffin was nailed shut years ago.
506, only one lone NIMBY opposes El Toro International Airport and he always tries to change the subject. This is a pro-El Toro International Airport, and you better not show your face where everybody favors El Toro. Turn on the lights, Vernon. One lone NIMBY pretends to speak for all the people. Irvine will open the airport.
If I am one lone person against El Toro then you are one lone person in favor of it. What a lie from you. What a crock! If everybody wanted El Toro so much why did Measure W win by a landslide? It's very easy, because the vast majority of informed voters said no way to the NIMBY's that want to close the Duke.
Long live the Duke!
650, they thought they were voting for the airport. It was an airport initiative and they voted yes. But that doesn't matter any more. Now, just one city, Irvine, can open El Toro International Airport when we take over. It is clean, green, wanted, needed, FAA aproved, safe, already built, and has fuel-saving jumbo jet cross runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
842, there you go again with your blatant lies. Irvine knew what they were voting for. I suppose the voters in Newport were confused, too. Yeah, right. The pro airport NIMBY's couldn't tell the truth if their lives depended on it.
One more question, NIMBY. Just how are you planning on taking over?
What a crock of crap from the NIMBY left socialists.
303: Of course Irvine thought it was voting for the airport, and of course Newport Beach thought it was voting against its airport. How to take over Irvine? What do you think this website is for? You seem so threatened by it, by posting so much on it. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This poster has an unnatural relationship with opposition to El Toro International Airport.
605, you need some serious help. Please get it soon before your family had you committed. Nice play on words, it's all lies but nice try. I don't feel threatened at all, El Toro is dead. We all know that. And why do you seem to have such an unnatural relationship with the pro airport crowd? Seems kind of gay to me.
I just post here to keep the liar NIMBY's honest. Someone has to speak the truth and you obviously can't!
813, nothing but the truth on this pro-El Toro International Airport website. The anti-El Toro International Airport NIMBY, and he's only one, just posts here to spread lies. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Nothing but the truth from me, not you though.
Nice lights at SNA, Vern, keep them on!
938, Only lies from you, and you can't even stick to the subject. This is a pro-El Toro International Airport website. What part of that don't you understand in your unnatural association? Turn on the lights, Vernon.
And the drivel continues from 1053. I know this is a pro airport site, full of lies and propaganda. I'm just here to set the record straight and get some honesty going.
The truth will set you free, Vern, and the truth is El Toro is dead.
723, the invasion of elite Newport Beach continues from Dana Point pointee heads. But the record will show that the real action is the opening of El Toro International Airport by a city desperate for a bailout. The city almost is dead. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Aaaahhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha! Irvine is almost dead? Ha ha ha ha! My God, 808, where do you come up with this crap? I've said before and I'll say again, please, get help with those delusions, you're scaring the children.
I can't speak for Dana Point but I had a beautiful walk on Little Corona beach last evening. It's easy, I just walk down the street and use my key for the private entrance in Shore Cliffs. That way I don't have to deal with the poser riff raff like yourself.
The Duke forever, 808, read it and weep.
732, you have to snake your way through Laguna Beach to drive from Dana Point to your fantasy home in Newport Beach. I must speak to the Shorecliffs residents about your mental encroachments. You're totally outnumbered. Everyone here wants to open El Toro International Airport, except you, the poser.
1157, lets be honest, you don't even know where Shore Cliffs is. Besides, I doubt you'd make the drive from Santa Ana to get here, anyway.
I'm totally outnumbered? Huh? The only people here are you and your fantasy friend, Vern. Not much of a majority.
Go back to posing, 1157, that's the best you seem to be able to do.
846, there you are continuing your unnatural relationship with this website. The people of shore cliffs want El Toro International Airport opened. That's why you're outnumbered in your fantasy opinions. Go back to Dana Point where the champions of hate, class warfare and jealousy live. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
225, and there you are continuing your unnatural relationship with an airport that doesn't exist, never did and never will.
Do us all a favor, go back to Santa Ana where we know you live and see a shrink for your unnatural relationships, it's unhealthy and is scaring the children.
125, the people of shore cliffs have spoken and they don't want anything to do with an opponent of El Toro International Airport. Beware your unnatural relationship with this website. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This Dana Point Pointee head claims to have a key to Shore Cliffs, a tract in Newport Beach.
153, your left out Elite Shore Cliffs in Elite Newport Beach, where you can only dream of living.
When I point out the facts of SNA vs. the forever closed El Toro my smarter than you neighbors have all switched over to my side. Keep crying, NIMBY, no El Toro..........EVER!
Chances are Elite Shore Cliffs went 85% AGAINST Measure W like the rest of Newport Beach.
The only Newport "neighbors" that have switched to your side are the voices in your head.
Chances are they did, but that was then, this is now. My good neighbors know El Toro is toast! Smart people, my neighbors.
Do your "neighbors" support expansion of the Duke?
My neighbors LOVE the expansion at the Duke. Who doesn't? It's fabulous, isn't it? No crowds, easy parking, it's a perfect regional airport.
Then you could not be from CDM as you purport. You must be from South County.
Sorry to burst your bubble, 937. Once a Sea King, always a Sea King.
How's Santa Ana these days?
A sea queen? You belong in Lagayna Bitch!
No, gay boy, that's Sea King to you. Now go back to playing with yourself under the covers.
130, How can 1239 possibly play with himself under the covers until you remove your mouth his junk.
That's Vern's mouth on his junk. I'm busy playing with his daughter!
You mean "she" is bending you over and plugging you.
No, I mean Vern is bending you over and plugging you! Does (s)he give you a reach around, too?
1030, this conversation has turned unnatural, but then that's what you expect from someone who pretends to live in Newport Beach but really is a Dana Point Conehead. It's nice to know traditional values are alive and well in Orange County and that El Toro International Airport soon will be open. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Well what do you expect, 600, you and Donald in a closet together is pretty unnatural.
Well, I'll say this about that. You NIMBYs should get back to your primary mission of fighting El Toro International Airport instead of beating around the bush on Proposition 8 which was passed by the citizens of California and is the law of the land. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Everybody will use El Toro International Airport.
I voted for the passage of Prop 8, you idiot, now come out of that closet with your hands up. And I think you mean everybody will use the Great Park, El Toro is closed forever.
820, posting on this unnatural essay is enough, 820. The great park is toast. El Toro International Airport is only a light switch flip away. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
Dream on, 1003. It's quite obvious that your dreams are all you have. Pretty pathetic!
834, The Great Park is Toast. El Toro International Airport is ready to go. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
What airport? All I see is some concrete being broken up? Time to put the bottle down, 145, you're cut off.
846, what airport? The airport at El Toro dummy. It's El Toro International Airport. Broken concrete? That was a photo opportunity for NIMBYs several years ago. See the latest pictures of the jumbo jet runways on this website and other websites. Turn on the lights, Vernon. I'm ready for my redeye.
Oh 259, there you go with your lies again. I drove out to El Toro last week. Took lots of nice pictures myself. Lots of destruction going on out there. Buildings being torn down. Old tarmac being torn up. The runways are cracked with weeds growing up. Totally unusable as an airport now. Hey, did you know they're growing a new orange grove there? It's going to be really nice in the park. The way Orange County was when I was a kid before the developers raped the land.
The bottom line, 259, we all know you're full of crap. You can preach about your fantasy airport all you want but the only planes I saw flying at El Toro were radio controlled ones.
Bottoms up, NIMBY!
Oh, and about that red eye you keep harping about. It's LAX for you, red eye boy!
422, the runways are in perfect shape for jumbo jets. I want to take a redeye. Yes the new orange grove will be great because the carbon dioxide manufactured by the jets will be food for the citrus trees. We need lots of carbon dioxide in order to keep the planet green. I'm glad you're checking out the airport regularly. The more people who do, the sooner we'll have the flights. Turn on the lights, Vernon. It's a redeye for me from El Toro International Airport.
Keep it up, 1036, and the men in the white suits will be coming for you real soon.
Beware the high court judges in the black robes, 811. They abolished your silly Measure F and have not yet rulled on W. But that's all right. It's toast. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Citrus trees will be fed by CO2 manufactured by the redeye jets at El Toro International Airport.
1234, go back to your martini and leave the serious posting to professionals that can tell their asses from a hole in the ground.
The citrus grove at El Toro will have plenty of CO2 from the hot air that you continually spew. Hell, you spew enough to keep all of OC green.
Shine the light on 1234, Vern, he doesn't know an F from a W. What a poor, pathetic fool.
yes, the citrus trees will be fed by the airplane emissions taking off and landing at El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY wants more CO2 for his orchard.
I think we'll just keep all the CO2 at the Duke. It will help keep you green with envy. Envy that El Toro will never open. Stay green, 312, the Duke is the only way to fly.
203, there you are with your hate speech and a corny pun. Good news, only a few NIMBYs still oppose El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY's message is spoiled and green.
Where are your facts, 634? Don't have any? Then that just makes you a liar, now doesn't it? Stay green, NIMBY envyer?
739, trying to sneak in here with your lies and hate, eh? Your message is all brainwashed conviction. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY always trys to get in the last word. Envyer is not a good word, NIMBY.
It sure fits you, you're green with envy because your precious airport will never open.
147, who told you to say El Toro International Airport will never open? It's close to opening now that you're not on a roll. What a sneak. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport today, tomorrow, and forever.
Really? El Toro today? Oh, that's a good one, 645. How about you drive me over there today to catch a flight? No? Too busy? That's what I thought.
What a fool, everybody knows it's the Duke today, tomorrow and forever.
There you are wishing Prop. 8 would go away, hoping El Toro International Airport doesn't open, and wanting to change W to control Irvine. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY is for hope, wish and change.
1014, if you were any dumber you'd be dumb and dumber. I voted for prop 8, you idiot. El Toro International WILL NEVER open and I love W just the way it is. No El Toro now, no El Toro ever, just the way it should be.
Hit the light switch, Vernon, 1014 can't tell his ass from a hole in the ground.
1109, you voted for proposition 8 eh? Well, NIMBYs always lie so I'll take that that you were against it. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Only a NIMBY could lie about proposition 8 and oppose El Toro International Airport too.
Turn on the flashlight, Vern, 958's a bigger liar idiot that we could ever imagine and he can't find his way out of a dark room.
825, you can always tell a NIMBY from what he says. Nothing. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This Know Nothing is fading like the Whigs.
Much like 441 shows right here.
If you don't want an airport in your backyard, then you ARE a NIMBY!
Exactly, 1145. So every one that posts here that is pro El Toro and lives in Newport is a NIMBY!
740, everyone that posts here that is anti-El Toro International Airport is a NIMBY. Turn on the lights, Vernon. NIMBYs are a disappearing group. We only have the lone NIMBY posting here.
Just imagine, a post by Vernon about gayness and El Toro now has 200 comments!
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