I am in stitches with laughter. I was seriously very worried with such an anti-incumbent environment that Larry Agran's political career was doomed. I figured Irvine voters would finally wise up to the corruption with the Great Pork and vote in some new blood. But that did not happen. The city council will retain the same Agran slate 3-2 majority and the same infighting will continue, much to our amusement! It appears our endorsements are indeed influential and carried some weight.
As long as Agran remains in power, the Great Pork will continue to be over budget and have problem after problem. Also, with the passage of Measure R, The Irvine general fund can and will be raided to attempt to pay for this $1.6 billion dollar boondoggle.
I cannot think of any other instance where some city spent this kind of money on a park, especially during an economic recession. The exception for financing multi billion dollar playing fields would be for professional sports stadiums, which typically bring in revenue and tourism dollars.
Just give it some time and Irvine will be declaring bankruptcy. We can hardly wait! Then L.A. or some private airport investors can buy the El Toro property for next to nothing and re-open El Toro International Airport.
Last but not least, Proposition 10 was soundly defeated and there will not be $25 million coming into Irvine from the state. Without that anticipated revenue stream, funding the Great Pork has become all the more difficult.
Congratulations, Vernon, on your reporting of the great Irvine victory for Larry Agran. When Irvine declares bankruptcy we can buy the whole city for a song and open El Toro International Airport. Keep up the good work, Vernon.
Vern, good to see you back and as vitriolic as ever. Figured you were drowning your Republican sorrows in some fine Scotch for a few days before moving your money to Switzerland.
Laugh if you will, but here's how I see the new landscape. With Obama running the show, you'll see a liberal love fest beyond your wildest imagination. Agran, Boxer and Feinstein will all welcome Obama and Pelosi down the The Great Park to see the People's Republic of Irvine spreading the joy. And after they've all joined hands Larry will tell them he needs some money, and needs ome help to get it. Then he'll remind tell them that NIMBY Beach is just down the road, full of crusty old Republicans, and if the Feds could just redistribute a little of their inherited or embezzled wealth then all of OC could enjoy the wonders of the Great Park. Of course the Feds will find this a grand idea, and begin to find oh so many ways to make you pay and pay. If there's anything Liberals love it's making the self-proclaimed elite into the proletariat.
So better hide that money well Vern, because the Left is going to make you pay, pay and pay. Agran is going to get anything he wants from his fellow travelers, and he's going to enjoy squashing NIMBY Beach to get it.
Speaking of squashing NB, how's you buddy Mike Stevens? He'll probably be your next door neighbor in a few years when the redistribution gets started. Enjoy the ride, and it won't be on a jet.
100, what a weird analysis of the election. The last time there was a redistributionist in the white house, he built a magnificent yacht harbor for us, and we've been enjoying it ever since. That's why we're elite and you have hum drum jobs steeped in misery, bigotry, and class warfare. Larry knows the value of El Toro International Airport, and I believe he will help open it to make some money. Bankruptcy is not a pretty thing.
Run while you can Donald. The re-distributors are coming after you, and they are serious . There's probably one hiding under your bed right now. Nothing a Democrat loves more that over-taxing Republicans, especially the self-proclaimed "elite" ones.
Well, there's a hum drum worker practicing his vitriol against the elite who know how to prosper from redistributionists. Thank you FDR, and BO in advance. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport must open on schedule. BO can do it.
1004, leave it to a socialist to expect somebody else to do their work. Classic ramblings from the NIMBY left.
Thank you in advance, BO, for redistributing the wealth to Newport Beach. We need more parking spaces, more open space, and less runoff from Irvine. That plume is heading right toward our elite city. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need El Toro International Airport.
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