Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Leftist Protestors Invade Newport Beach!
These left winged protesters are soiling my fine city with their incessant carping for some imaginary slight. The gays already have civil unions. So that is plenty of rights.
Gayness belongs in places like Irvine and Laguna which embrace that lifestyle thanks to Larry Agran pushing the gay rights agenda. Go have a gay pride parade in those deviant cities for all I care. But please keep your protests out of my fine conservative city where we have traditional values. When the gay activists throw their lifestyle in people's faces like this protest for example, that only causes resentment and that is why Prop 8 passed.
I would have loved to have seen turncoat Libby Cowan's face after it passed! Payback is sweet!
If one looks at the map, they will see that the exception of Costa Mesa, the cities in Orange County that opposed proposition 8 are home to some of the most rabid NIMBYs of South County. This is the result of unmitigated Larry Agran led brainwashing over the past 20 years. It will only spread to the rest of South County in a matter of time.
So let me get this straight; the South County denizens think an airport which would provide low fares and plentiful jobs is somehow very bad. Yet, having a park where they can put their alternative lifestyle on display is a fine idea. Not only is our country headed in the wrong direction, so is our once fine county.
Chances are the California Supreme Court judges will overturn proposition 8 on grounds of it being "unconstitutional." Fine, just keep the gay agenda out of my conservative city and in Irvine and Laguna where it belongs.
While the judges are at it, they should overturn Measure W, which is truly misleading and deceptive. The gullible voters were promised a large tax free park at El Toro. Instead all we have after 6 1/2 years is a mere 27 acres with a price tag of 1.6 billion dollars, some of which is expected to come from the public trough. The park has failed miserably and should be scrapped.
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 237 of 2371045, here you are cracking the 200 mark. I knew you couldn't resist coming back here to post even though you voted for Proposition 8. El Toro International Airport forever. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
I voted NO on Prop 8. My lover and I go to the Great Park all the time. We like sailing in the big orange balloon together. It is so romantic!
We did fly out of John Wayne for our honeymoon. Long live the Duke! Smooch!
900, you voted no after you voted yes? That's the lone NIMBY for you. It all depends on the meaning of liar. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport knows no bounds.
I and my lover voted NO on 8 to spite bitter old bigots like you. We love the Duke.
1148, Vernon, turn on the lights. This NIMBY voted yes before he voted no and his lover voted no before he voted yes. I'll count this as two more votes for El Toro International Airport.
Hey dumbshit, I voted Yes on F and Yes on W. I do not want an airport at El Toro, but I do want MORE service from the Duke. I voted no on 8. John Wayne is great airport to fly out of for honeymoons. If you weren't so lonely, you too would fly out of John Wayne with someone special.
The lone NIMBY spins his web. He voted yes twice before he voted no. Did you vote yes on S too. That would be 3 strikes and you're out. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The lone NIMBY wants to vote on El Toro again.
I vote for El Toro to use runway 25 and send them straight to NIMBY Beach.
Did you vote yes on Measure S too? That makes it 3 strikes and you're out. Turn on the lights, Vernon. El Toro International Airport waits for no one. Nobody is in the noise zone. Not even polluted Woodbridge.
Sorry to disappoint, 1151, but there will never again be an El Toro, but the good news is that you get to keep the Duke. Now doesn't that make you feel nice and warm all over?
Oh, and one more thing, I am not 1051, we are two different posters. Now I know that's hard for your pea sized brain to comprehend, but give it a try, your gray matter needs a work out.
Turn on the lights, Vernon. The lone NIMBY is pretending to be more than one.
And 1005 is pretending to be three. Not to mention his 30 million imaginary friends.
That's 30 million annual passengers, not friends. Turn on the lights, Vernon. A NIMBY and common sense are soon parted.
Oh, excuse me, you have 30 million imaginary friends who want to be passengers.
NIMBY 1232 is crawling home from the bars again and lost his logic.
That's 30 million annual passenger that can be your friends too when you support El Toro International Airport. Turn on the lights, Vernon. This NIMBY doesn't believe the 30 million people are real, so, of course, he's mentally challenged.
Vernon, you have a really terrible website. Your blog is homophobic and wants to send jets over my lovely home.
1017 take the jets like a man!
1017, yeah take the jets like a man. Turn on the lights, Vernon.
No, 1014 and 356 (probably the same person), since you like the jets so much you can keep them over your house.
Poor loser NIMBY!
603, yeah take it like a man. Jets do not discriminate. We need El Toro International Airport for 30 million annual passengers, more if other airport close.
It appears someone can take it in the rear, but can't take the jets.
That would be Donald and Vern, they're butt buddies.
It most likely is the Lone NIMBY and the lone nimby. It fits the profile.
Donald and Vern, sitting in a tree....well, you know the rest. And now they hang out in SF and Laguna Beach.
Lone NIMBY leads a very lonely life, posting on this website without a friend in the world. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Lone NIMBY needs a cause.
I have a cause, correcting your lies.
Gay rights and jet free skies are my cause. Once prop 8 is overturned, my lover and I are getting married at the Great Park and will take a ride in the balloon.
828, stay out of the great park. It is not safe to go there with all that poison bubbling up out of the ground and into the balloon. Turn on the lights, Vernon. The balloon is unsafe for anybody.
I've been to the Great Park dozens of times and have yet to see anything bubbling up from the ground. More scare tactics from the long pro El Toro poster.
I enjoy cruising the Great Park bathrooms.
Is that where you meet Donald and his imaginary friend, Vern? Did he give you a reach around?
Stay out of the great park. That's were poisonous vapor intrusion comes up and attacks your most vulnerable parts. It's a public health menace and should be closed down. Turn on the lights, Vernon. We need El Toro International Airport for 30 million annual passengers because it is there and the great park is not.
Should be closed down according to what official health agency? You can't even name one, can you Donald. And if it is such a health menace, why would you want to put an airport there and contaminate your supposed 30 million people? Great logic, Donald, is that the logic you get in a gin bottle?
449, here's the Lone NIMBY way back here in the gay article. Too bad he doesn't know about the health hazzard at the great balloon. It should be closed down. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Airport already is built. Else is naught. 30 million annual passengers are ready to fly.
Close the balloon? No way dude! My lover and I enjoy riding it in the balloon all the time. The Great Park rules.
The only thing more exciting than the views from the Great Park balloon are the views from a jet flying out of the Duke. It is fun to luagh at all those evil homphobic right wing NIMBY Bitches down below.
Hey! Are you calling Donald a bitch? That's far too nice a term to use on him.
Yes, close the balloon. It is right over the TCE plume and fumes are bubbling up all the time. When the free market or voters go astray, the government has to step in. Turn on the lights, Vernon. Our airport will not discriminate in any way.
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