Someday Orange County will have a similar problem that happened at Denver International Airport where a jet skidded off the runway. Ironically it was a Continental Airlines jet, where Chris Cox's wife Rebecca Cox works as an executive. What we have here is one spouse who is an airport obstructer and a failed Wall Street regulator, while the other works for the airline industry. That is about as strange of a relationship as James Carville being married to Mary Matalin.
Fortunately, there were no fatalities in Denver. While it is terrible that some people were injured during the holiday season, at least they are still alive. It helped that Denver has long runways and large amount of open space in the surrounding area.....kind of like what we have right here in Orange County with the now idle El Toro International Airport.
Instead we are only using John Wayne with its dinky 5700 foot runway on a mere 500 acres. It is only a matter of time before a jets rolls off the runway onto the Corona Del Mar Freeway and explodes into a fireball and there are few if any survivors.
While some nasty NIMBYs would find it amusing for an explosion to hit Newport Beach, will they find it so amusing if at least half the victims on that jet are their fellow South County NIMBYs? So you NIMBYs out there you really should rethink your irrational opposition to El Toro. After all, the life you save someday may be your own!
The fact is John Wayne is really just a blivet, a World War II military term which means "cramming ten pounds of manure in a five-pound bag".
What we have here folks is a tiny airport with nearly 1,000 daily operations with turboprops, jets, and small planes crammed into one setting.
Since I do live in Newport Beach, I will surely be accused of wanting "to shift the noise 7 miles down the road". Blah blah blah! I got news for you, there was already noise from much louder military jets to begin with. What did the South County denizens think they were moving near? A monastery? Also, I am near the Balboa Beach area so the jets at worst are mostly white noise in my area, so noise is hardly an issue to me and I have no need to move it.
I support El Toro because it would be a job creator and an economic catalyst for Orange County. Also, corporate jets with business executives whose time is precious should not be competing for airport space and air space with the traveling masses.
Small charter jets are suitable for John Wayne and commercial jets belong at the much larger El Toro. There are private golf courses for the select few and there are public courses for everyone else. That is how John Wayne and El Toro should work.
I also grow tired of the bitter hateful class warfare NIMBYs from South County who want John Wayne expanded, even though they supposedly grounded El Toro. If they had actually won, why do they keep fighting?
They never did care about the great pork. They just want to expand John Wayne so that can condemn Newport Beach homes and wipe us off the map. We are like Israel where we have hostile neighbors who want to push us into the sea. One can either spend their life being a jealous hater or one can spend their life pursuing success and bettering their financial status.
If these irrational NIMBYs actually made an objective cost analysis between using the existing 3700 acres and already built and paid for aviation infrastructure at El Toro versus sinking 4.5 billion (in 1998 dollars) to double the size of John Wayne, they would see El Toro is a no brainer economically and capacity wise. The great news is Los Angeles World Airports would foot the bill for El Toro conversion. Unlike John Wayne expansion this does not put O.C. taxpayers at risk. Let's show Los Angeles our support and finally move into the 21st century.